

Just a reminder to anyone out there seeking goblin points (used to gain build for your character, production items, memberships, etc.) our needed donation list has been updated (

In addition, Monster Camp is also in need of packets!
I plan to do some browsing this weekend for my own reasons. I will hit up some places to see if I can't find anything useful and when I get some fabric I'll make up some packets and Tabards. Do you need any alchemy packets because I found I have an abundance when I made some for myself. Is their any particular Tabard designs you would like?
As you know, I build fairly nice weapons. I could build a few claws or blades (I've given up making blunt weapons... working with that much open cell sucks) for NPC camp. What is in higher demand, claws or swords? Also, would you want swords to be just plain, or is there any design work you'd want on them? I would be willing to do some stuff like that if you request it.

I also possess a few magic item reps that you may want to use, and I'm always going to thrift stores and whatnot to find more trinkets, so I might find some more.

I can also make a lot of packets for you. What kind of packets are in higher demand, alchemy, spell, or arrow? I would probably make spell/arrow packets, considering the place I obtain my fabric doesn't seem to supply very much orange fabric.

So just let me know what you need. I'd probably be able to get the stuff to you next time I'm at an event, which would be the May event (I'll be in New Orleans for the April one).
3) Tabards: At least 6 feet long (7-8 preferable), and 20 inches wide, with a neck hole in the middle. All edges hemmed or surged. Bonus for a pocket sewn into the tabard.
Colors: Blue, Black, White, Green, Tan or natural colored
I've got a ton of extra fabric, time and electricity for a sewing machine. However, a few questions:
Are these 6-8 Feet long on both sides, or the entirety of it if it's laid out flat?
Large Tarps
Like, the blue tarps? I have a few of those I'm willing to part with. I was considering making a "camp" with a few, but I will still have some extra.
Rope Lights
What colors? I have red, blue and white.
orcbane said:
Are these 6-8 Feet long on both sides, or the entirety of it if it's laid out flat?
Laid out flat. Otherwise, the wearer's shoulder height would have to be roughly 6-8 feet! :lol: That's without tripping over it, of course.
7-8 feet is best on the tabards, if you can sew in a pocket on the inside that is always really really nice, the edges dont need to be anything fancy, just a simple hem.

Tarps I am not sure about, I am guessing that any kind would be appreciated, however green/brown are prolly what they are really looking for...not sure.

And I think the rope lights are in demand no matter what the color is :) They like to use them for circle at night the Earth and Celestial circle are glowing :)

I was actually thinking of donating a few of my small craft items when I get around to making a batch. I could probably throw together some packets easy enough in the meantime. I have all of the supplies on hand. Any idea on the number you'd like?
Lots. We go through tons of these in a year with how many we lose to the woods, mice, and other wear.
With packets, one thing I see a lot of is cutting the squares too small. When banded, they only work a handful of times before exploding.
I suggest 6" by 6" squares of fabric for packets. It gives them a nice tail and I've never had experience with said size of packets exploding due to use., what's in higher demand right now?
1. Swords or claws?
2. Spells or alchemy?
Swords and claws, packets are easier to back fill if we have none ^.^
I believe they may need some daggers...if I remember correctly they only had like 1 or 2 in monster camp, dont quote me on that...wait for one of them to chime in :)
Our need for daggers are very limited, we currently have four (I hide alot of them unless we know we'll need them) as they are much more difficult for new npcs to wield safely and are generally used just to flesh out a heavy caster npc. Short Sword length claws, longer and short length blunts and edge weapons are always a good bet.
I'm planning to build a few claws and a few short swords, and, as Dave knows, already donating a dagger rep (which definitely falls under the "flesh out a heavy caster NPC" role). I got a 10' piece of PVC this weekend and I'm going to start construction later in the week.

Do you just want ordinary short swords, or do you want any details or special stuff on the swords? I am willing and able to do the latter, if you so desire.

Also, what color would you like the swords' crossguards/pommels to be?
Right now we don't have any specific plot needs for weapons, so please fell free to make them as basic, or fancy as you'd like. (We may be inspired by a real fancy donation of course, you never know!)