As you know, I build fairly nice weapons. I could build a few claws or blades (I've given up making blunt weapons... working with that much open cell sucks) for NPC camp. What is in higher demand, claws or swords? Also, would you want swords to be just plain, or is there any design work you'd want on them? I would be willing to do some stuff like that if you request it.
I also possess a few magic item reps that you may want to use, and I'm always going to thrift stores and whatnot to find more trinkets, so I might find some more.
I can also make a lot of packets for you. What kind of packets are in higher demand, alchemy, spell, or arrow? I would probably make spell/arrow packets, considering the place I obtain my fabric doesn't seem to supply very much orange fabric.
So just let me know what you need. I'd probably be able to get the stuff to you next time I'm at an event, which would be the May event (I'll be in New Orleans for the April one).