"Don't You Dare Close Your Eyes"


Wisconsin Staff
Alliance LARP Wisconsin weekend event, "Don't You Dare Close Your Eyes", to be held on November 18th-20th, is open for Pre-Registration at midnight on 11/1/2022! All Pre-Reg's and payments are due by November 13th at midnight. The cost will be $80 to PC for this event, to NPC for this event the cost is $25. Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner on Saturday are included with your event fee. Pre-Regging and pre-paying for this event will knock $10-PC/$5-NPC off from the cost!

Please make all payments to alliancewisconsingm@gmail.com via Paypal or alliancewisconsingm@gmail.com via Zelle.

The event will be held at Camp Wesley Woods at 250 Stam St, Williams Bay, WI 53191 right off from Lake Geneva.

The site opens 6PM on November 18th. Logistics AND a soft lay on will begin at 7PM with PC talk in the lower level of Stone Lodge and a hard lay-on at 9PM.

Layoff meeting in the lower level of Stone Lodge will be at 9AM sharp with offsite by 11am sharp.

NPC Camp will be the Lower Level of Miller Lodge.

Pre-registration for this event should be completed on the CMA: https://db.alliancelarp.com/events/631

We are offering something new to ALW: the ability to rent your group a private room for the weekend!! Details are within the Pre-Reg. The rooms are FCFS basis.

Send any questions or concerns to alliancewisconsinlogistics@gmail.com.

We look forward to seeing you for the weekend event for Alliance LARP Wisconsin.

We are requiring a 95% vaccination rate of all attendees at the event, and part of pre-registration will include proof of vaccination. Non-vaccinated players will be capped at 5% of total attendance, and if you are unvaccinated, you may be put on a “waiting list” to attend until more vaccinated players are registered. Get your vaccines, folks! With the expansion of vaccines available to the public and the amount of time before the event, there should be ample opportunity for our players to get their vaccinations in time, with the unvaccinated 5% comprising only those that are truly unable to receive the vaccine for medical reasons (allergies, immunocompromised, etc.).

Lastly, all attendees must have a current Alliance LARP Wisconsin Yearly Membership ($20).

Menu to come later!


1. Daphne P.
2. David E.
3. Cole D.
4. Jenn P.
5. **** B.
6. Jason P.
7. Ryan S.
8. Reese L.
9. Eli L.
10. Rebecca P.
11. Anna D.
12. Ben B.
13. Tabitha S.
14. Ezra F.
15. Ian H.
16. Dani C.
17. Sam S.
18. Matt M.
19. John G.
20. Jen M.
21. Dave P.
22. John M.
23. Elizabeth H.
24. Ryan C.
25. Sid P.
26. Jared M.
27. Rynn
28. Steve B.
29. Nick D.
30. Andrea R.
31. Michael J.
32. Ana N.
33. William P.

1. Andrew N.
2. Nate B.
3. Carrie B.
4. Thomas M.
5. Sol G.
6. Josh H.
7. Ethan B.
8. Morgan M.
9. Marsha M.
10. Ib A.
11. Dani N.
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We will be utilizing Camp Wesley Woods at 250 Stam St, Williams Bay, WI 53191 right off from Lake Geneva.

For this event, we will be using Stone Lodge for PC's lodging, the tavern and as well as an industrial kitchen. Miller lodge lower level will be NPC Camp.

I have gathered more details about the site and wanted to share. Again if anyone has any questions please reach out to me at alliancewisconsingm@gmail.com.

#1 - FIRE!! - Yes! We can use the firepits/places. Firewood is provided, however, what is in the rack is all we get. There is an additional charge for more wood. That being said, if you want more wood, please let me know and we can make arrangements for payment. No wood can be brought onto site. Firepits and places must be policed and cleaned up at game off.

#2 - Smoking/Vaping - The smokers/vapers will be allowed to do their thing OUTSIDE at the Southwest corner of the building(near the steps to the basement)! Absolutely NO Smoking or Vaping will be tolerated inside or in any other location. Please police your butts.

#3 - Tenting - There is currently no tenting on this site. It is currently too cold for that anyhow, but this is something that we can revisit for next season with the camp.

#4 - Bathrooms and Sleeping - There is no need to separate any genders unless we have any underaged persons. Underaged persons will need to be separated from Gen POP for sleeping and restroom usage.

#5 - Parking - There is plenty of parking! We are able to follow the roads to each building to unload your car. Please return your car to the parking lot as soon as you finish. No cars are allowed to remain by the buildings!

#6 - Hanging things on walls - We can use ONLY use painters tape to hang anything on walls.

#7 - All persons attending the event are expected to clean up after themselves and to help clean the overall buildings and site at game off. Helping with dishes or the more overall clean up of site on Sunday will award Gobbies.

Please be mindful of these rules! Sites are not easy to come by. We have hopes to make this our site for all of 2023 season with 9 weekend events hosted here.

Thank you all for staying with us through this and get those Pre-Reg's and Pre-payments in!

Please see the map below of the site.

Hello All! ALW is pleased to announce that we will be having a Thanksgiving, pot-luck style dinner on Saturday night of the event. As such we are asking our members to contribute, if you so choose, by bringing a dish to pass for the meal. Anyone who brings a dish that feeds 30 people will be awarded 500 gobbies. We will also have a favorite dish option within the PEL that follows that event where the winner will be announced and awarded a special IG treasure item.

Details -
- you will be bringing the dish, be awarded gobbies and have a shot at the favorite dish prize while also having all of the staff's thanks for contributing to making the meal bigger and grander!!
IG - the entire meal will be coming from NPC's whom you will meet in IG when the time comes. This feature always this type of meal to stay IG with our current world building plot.

Kitchen space is limited!!! Please try to bring a dish that is already prepared or that you can prepare on site without too much fuss. Crock-pots, Insta-pots or air fryers are fine to plug in around the building(preferably in out of the way areas) however, please watch over them and clean up after yourself. Fridge space will be available to store foods if needed.

Please sign- up if you plan to bring a dish. This serves so that you get your gobbies and so that we don't end up with 17 mac-n' cheese dishes. Please email alliancewisconsingm@gmail.com to sign up and tell me what dish you are preparing.

We want to thank everyone
in advance for contributing to this and aiding us in having a great closing meal for the season!
I know Steven Bradley was also arranging a meal Friday night, so if interested in contributing to that please reach out to him.
Menu for the weekend is as follows!
Please thank you our awesome kitchen crew for the amazing efforts and tasty food they provide.
A big Thank You to everyone who participated in the Potluck as well!

Friday night Meal:
Courtesy of Steve B.
Meats! Please reach to him to see if anything else is needed if you wish.

Breakfast- served 9am to 12
Breakfast quesadillas with egg, bacon, and cheese
(GF and vegetarian options)
Fresh fruit

Lunch- served 2 pm to 4pm
Ginger Chicken Noodle Soup
(Veg option)
Rustic Bread

Dinner- served 7 pm to 9pm
Pot luck Dinner -
Kitchen will be making a roast turkey
Assorted Pies supplied by Jenn and Jason P.
Fresh Cranberry sauce supplied by Sol G.
Mac N' Cheese supplied by Steve B.
Ham, Baked Potatoes with fixings and Warm Brie Cheese with toppings/crackers supplied by Dave P., Jen M. and Becky P.
Stuffing Supplied by Carrie and Nate B.
Fresh baked Breads supplied by Daphne P.
Freshly made Butter by **** B.
Veggies supplied by Nick D.
Pies and Cookies supplied by David
Pulled Pork Provided by Ben

If you are interested in bringing a dish to pass to feed 30 people, please email alliancewisconsingm@gmail.com.
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Thank you for an amazing weekend. I dropped off three pies and a box of cookies for the feast. v/r: David
After the overwhelming love of fresh home made butter... I was talking with Anna regarding making it a regular staple in the Tavern. So while I will probably make a smaller amount as not every event will be a pot luck feast, there will continue to be both a Homemade Honey Butter as well as a home made compound butter to compliment the events menu.

I was very anxious as it was the first time making the honey butter and I am very thrilled that so many people loved it and it was nearly all gone by Sunday morning.

Hot Spiced apple cider is also likely to continue so long as it's available in store and still cold in the spring.