Double Rebirth

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Can I purchase Rebirth twice?
For example, let's say I have the High Magic to burn, and the Life Spells. I get killed Friday night right after Logistics, and Rebirth. Later, in the same logistics period, say, Saturday afternoon, I die again. Can I Rebirth a second time, with a second set of expenditures of the spells/points (assuming that I'd done so at Logistics)?
It looks like you can purchase Rebirth at Saturday Logistics if you used the one on Friday Logistics, so I don't see much of a difference, but I could be convinced otherwise.
(PS. I'd love to have this answered before our event this weekend if possible to avoid making a local ruling that just gets reversed later.)
As per the description in the rulebook, "the caster always has the option to resurrect as normal and forgo using this High Magic ability in order to save it for a later time". This indicates that if you have multiple, you should be able to save one (or more) for later if you have to make the choice. So yes, you may have multiple Rebirths simultaneously (as long as each reserves its own Life spell).

-Bryan Gregory
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