Downtime activity policy

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Downtime activities are a great way to round out your character. What does your character do when she's not busy saving the world, rescuing the princess, or conquering new life and new civilizations? It can be a great way to learn a little bit more about the world you are inhabiting or the NPCs that maybe you didn't get enough gametime to interact with. And, best yet, it can give us, the plot team, some insight into what sort of goals you, as the player, have for your character!

Feel free to send in plot submissions as ideas come to you, however, be aware that the plot team both reserves the right to address your downtimes in a way that keeps them consistent with our world and keeps them in line with time constraints, nor will we respond (other than to confirm we've received your submission) until one week prior to the next Event or Game Day, regardless of whether or not you plan on actually attending the Event. We need time to coordinate what everyone is doing and fit it into the larger picture of the campaign, and we want to make sure we're all on the same page to provide as consistent a game world as we can.

Downtime activities should have a certain level of openness to their timing ("when I get a chance, I talk to so-and-so" or "sometime in the next couple of weeks, I jigga-jigga with the whatsahoosit" work much better than "immediately after the event, I blah-diddy-blah-blah"), and the best ones might include a few fallback actions ("if I get this response, I'd follow up with doing such-and-such"). You can even make requests for your character that your character might never seek out for herself! ("My character would never willingly do this, but I think it would be cool if she were magically loved to Duke Ferdinand.") One thing to keep in mind is that a concise description of your actions is generally preferable to a long, drawn out narrative. Think of it this way: we're likely only going to retain about two pages of information in our brains on your submission. If you write up three pages, something will likely get missed. If you write up nine, we're likely to miss a whole heckuva lot! We like enthusiasm, but we're just mere mortals on our side of the screen (game devices aside. ;) ).

Send all emails to, that way the plot team can all read your submissions in one location as we receive them.
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