

Are we supposed to be submitting two downtimes/one long downtime before this event in September due to the long gap between games?
If so, when can I expect a response to my first downtime (which is already in)?

I'm mainly concerned regarding the response to the first as the response will dictate my build expenditures and I don't want to be that guy who submits last minute spends! :p
Per Downtime Policy:

  • Each character may request a downtime consisting of no more than 3 actions per event
    • Additional downtime actions may be given by express permission by Plot to exceed 3. Please do not send more than 3 unless given permission to do so.
    • Please keep your downtime requests to things that can be given story that cannot be represented at game (such as visiting other nations) and try not to include actions that can be easily accomplished at game (such as going to the cave and harvest the catalyst or talking to Mister Magnificent Pants NPC who will be at the next game anyway). Remember, this is a Live Action role-playing game. :)
    • If you have a relevant Craftsman skill pertinent to your downtime action please list it.
    • Players do not need to attend an event to write a downtime for their character.
    • Please only submit one downtime per player if you have multiple characters. You may submit downtime for multiple characters, but we will place priority on the character you will be playing at the event.
    • Interacting with other Player Characters during downtime requires both Player Characters to reference each other in their downtime submission and CC each other.
      • If one character includes another character in their downtime, the second player is CC'd, and no downtime is received from the second player, then we will assume the second character is participating per the first character's submission.
    • If your character is also played in another chapter please include a note when your character will be in that land (i.e. not in Calliphestus) for timeline's sake.
  • Downtime submissions must be sent to
  • Downtime submissions must be received no later than two weeks before the first day of the event the downtime is for.
    • e.g. If the event starts on a Friday, May 30, then downtime submissions must be received no later than Friday, May 16. A submission received on Saturday, May 17, may not (and likely won't) receive a response.
  • Downtime responses will be sent the Sunday prior to the event. Should downtime responses take longer for Plot to write Plot will notify the players by forum and Facebook of the delay.
So its been a slow couple of months for Seattle characters, and logistics will be getting my spends the Sunday/Monday prior to the event this time around? Got it.

Just wanted to be sure long gaps weren't special in some way.
I just read through your downtime again and can't figure out what part would dictate your build expenditures. It seems like your action #2 is the most likely action you are referring to? If so, it sounds like you have already made up your mind what you are going to do ... If there is something specific you are looking for feel free to send us an amendment to your downtime. :)

Mostly just deciding what skills to hone based on whatever appears to be the best method of achieving his goals. I'll be honest, I'd have to pull the email back up to remember specifically what I wanted feedback on. :p
Actually, I can't even do that. Apparently it didn't get saved as a sent email for some reason. :/