dragon magic


i heard that only npc's can cast dragon magic
i also heard that you can cast it if you have formals in both spell types
i also heard that you can cast it if you have formals in both spell types and you have to then get a dragon to teach it to you which is it
All of those.
Basically, the rules requirements are that you have a 4 column in each school, have 10 levels of formals in each school, and that you are not a PC.
The IG requirement is all of those things, plus a dragon to teach you.
obcidian;19547 said:
All of those.
Basically, the rules requirements are that you have a 4 column in each school, have 10 levels of formals in each school, and that you are not a PC.
The IG requirement is all of those things, plus a dragon to teach you.
Actually, the last part is entirely up to the local plot committee, and can change from chapter to chapter. Since there is the whole "NPC only" thing, it rarely matters.
then what was the point of having it in the book, to try to get are hopes up
xylex;19549 said:
then what was the point of having it in the book, to try to get are hopes up
thats a question many people have asked. However dragon magic could be very very very very unbalanceing to a chapter in the hands of a PC.

The other issue is that the rules on exactly what a dragon magic effect will do are often hazyer than a normal ritual, mostly becouse rituals are written presumeing your using a circle and the like.
It's something for a character to develop towards. it is presumed that, should you ever reach it, the PC would become a plot controlled NPC or simply retire to their newly dragon magiced tower of doomy dragon magicy goodness, never to be heard from again.
It should be noted that anything started with "I call upon the power of the dragon to..." can still be spell shielded/reflect magic'd. Basically, just lets you (as an NPC) throw rituals as battle magic, with all the downsides accompanying doing so.
xylex;19549 said:
then what was the point of having it in the book, to try to get are hopes up

I think the best reason that it's talked about in the rule book is so you understand how it functions and what it means that someone can do it. If you hear someone casting dragon magic you understand that they have dual 4 columns and a combined 50 levels of formal (or some variant for a shadow mage) . Furthermore they have the favor of some dragon somewhere so it may be best to play nice with them.
I know that both Oregon and Seattle have had dragon mages in game and generally speaking it's best to give them all possible due respect lest they decide to obliterate you.