Dragon Poker Rules

Vim Dioa

To any uppity screw-head that wants to jack around in Horns End this market day. Don’t! I have a head cold and just want to play Dragon poker. My mood is foul and my temper even fouler. I will end you if mess around with my plans.
Alabaster the Terrible
I've never played Dragon Poker before. Might be fun. I've played with dragons plenty of times... but I'm sure that's different.

I rather enjoyed our game. We should do it again. Maybe for higher stakes next time, where you put in something you actually care about. Still... it was interesting.

I must thank you for introducing me to this game Alabaster. It has turned out to be very profitable as well as informative. I am just sorry we did not get to play our second round but perhaps while we are working we'll find some time for a break.
