Dragon Stamp Information

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Dragon stamp questions, requests and expenditures follow the process below:
1. Email request to the local chapter logistics and dragonstamps@alliancelarp.com.
2. All magic item requests must include the aspect (earth or celestial), description of the physrep, and character (when appropriate).
3. Requests will be reviewed and updated at least twice monthly, so plan ahead if you would like blankets or expenditures for upcoming events.

Dragon Stamps Awards
Dragon Stamps are the official compensation offered by the Alliance. Dragon stamps are awarded for performing tasks or successfully submitting intellectual property for use within the Alliance.

Making a Purchase with Dragon Stamps
Email dragonstamps@alliancelarp.com following the process outlined above. They will approve or deny the request based upon having enough Stamps to cover the cost and you providing all required information. Then they will update the individual’s total within the database upon approval.

Dragon Stamps may compensate players in any of the following formats:

Dragon Blanket: 6
Dragon Stamp to Goblin Stamp Conversion: 1 Dragon Stamp = 5 Goblin Stamps
Campaign Event Reimbursement: 12 per event blanket
Restricted Alliance Magic Item: See chart

Dragon Blanket:
A contributor may purchase one Dragon Blanket per month. A dragon blanket is tracked within the contributor’s home database, and this is in addition to any goblin blanket a contributor earns within their home campaign. A contributor may never possess more then 12 blankets per year from the Alliance. This may also be purchased and placed upon another character within a contributor’s home campaign, thus awarded as a reward to players. Local campaign owners may request awarding Dragon Blankets to a player who contributed something import to the Alliance, or as a special reward for service within their game for the betterment of their games.

Dragon Stamp to Goblin Stamp Conversion:
A player may convert Dragon Stamps to Goblin Stamps redeemable in a campaign of choice. Once a Dragon Stamp is converted to Goblin Stamps, the transfer is as if the contributor earned it in that campaign. No additional limits are imposed once a player performs the conversion; it’s a full value goblin stamp within the campaign.

Campaign Event Reimbursement:
A player may convert Dragon Stamps to obtain credit for an event as if they attended. This may only be used for one event per weekend per player. Event Blankets may not be purchased for other players. Campaign Event Blankets must follow all local chapter policies, including membership status as required.

Restricted Alliance Magic Items:
A contributor may utilize their Dragon Stamps to purchase magical items via a formula.

Alliance items are Restricted thus usable within any campaign in the Alliance.
• The duration of an Alliance magic item is either 20 Logistics Periods, or 100 Logistics Periods if Preserve duration is purchased.
• There is no longer a maximum limit to the number of items that can be purchased in the year.

Additional Restrictions:
• Rituals which require a catalyst may not be purchased
• Rituals which target locations may not be purchased.
Example: Merchant Insight is castable on an Item and a Location, but will only be purchasable via DS on an Item.
• The contributor must provide the physical representation to their local campaign so that it may be engraved, placed within their database, and its description noted. The local campaign will be responsible for providing a tag for the item.
• A single item may not go over the 20 ritual limit.

Arcane armor up to 5 : 15 Dragon Stamps
Arcane Armor up to 10 : 22 Dragon Stamps
Arcane Armor up to 15 : 28 Dragon Stamps
Arcane Armor up to 20 : 42 Dragon Stamps
Arcane Armor up to 25 : 82 Dragon Stamps
Arcane Armor up to 30 : 112 Dragon Stamps

Armored Shell : 27 Dragon Stamps

Assassin's Edge 1 charge per logistics : 15 Dragon Stamps
Assassin's Edge 2 charge per logistics : 23 Dragon Stamps
Assassin's Edge 3 charge per logistics : 32 Dragon Stamps

Battlemage's Strike up to 3rd level spell : 15 Dragon Stamps
Battlemage's Strike up to 6th level spell : 23 Dragon Stamps
Battlemage's Strike up to 9th level spell : 32 Dragon Stamps

Channel Armor 1 charge per logistics : 15 Dragon Stamps
Channel Armor 2 charge per logistics : 23 Dragon Stamps
Channel Armor 3 charge per logistics : 32 Dragon Stamps

Channel Health 1 charge per logistics : 15 Dragon Stamps
Channel Health 2 charge per logistics : 23 Dragon Stamps
Channel Health 3 charge per logistics : 32 Dragon Stamps

Cloak of Darkness : 23 Dragon Stamps

Counterspell 1 charge per logistics : 15 Dragon Stamps
Counterspell 2 charge per logistics : 23 Dragon Stamps
Counterspell 3 charge per logistics : 32 Dragon Stamps

Elemental Imbuement 1 per logistics : 7 Dragon Stamps
Elemental Imbuement 2 per logistics : 13 Dragon Stamps
Elemental Imbuement 3 per logistics : 20 Dragon Stamps

Elemental Manipulation 1 charge ever : 15 Dragon Stamps
Elemental Manipulation 2 charges ever : 30 Dragon Stamps
Elemental Manipulation 3 charges ever : 45 Dragon Stamps

Empower Warrior : 57 Dragon Stamps

Enchant 1 charge spell level 1-3 : 5 Dragon Stamps
Enchant 2 charge spell level 1-3 : 10 Dragon Stamps
Enchant 3 charge spell level 1-3 : 15 Dragon Stamps
Enchant 1 charge spell level 4-6 : 10 Dragon Stamps
Enchant 2 charge spell level 4-6 : 15 Dragon Stamps
Enchant 3 charge spell level 4-6 : 20 Dragon Stamps
Enchant 1 charge spell level 7-9 : 15 Dragon Stamps
Enchant 2 charge spell level 7-9 : 20 Dragon Stamps
Enchant 3 charge spell level 7-9 : 25 Dragon Stamps

Enhanced Source 1 type of elemental damage : 15 Dragon Stamps
Enhanced Source 2 types of elemental damage : 25 Dragon Stamps
Enhanced Source 3 types of elemental damage : 38 Dragon Stamps
Enhanced Source 4 types of elemental damage : 47 Dragon Stamps

Eternal Resolution:
1 charge per Logistics of 5 Elemental Healing. : 15 Dragon Stamps
1 charge per Logistics of 10 Elemental Healing : 23 Dragon Stamps
1 charge per Logistics of 15 Elemental Healing : 32 Dragon Stamps
1 charge per Logistics of 20 Elemental Healing : 40 Dragon Stamps
1 charge per Logistics of 25 Elemental Healing : 48 Dragon Stamps

Explosive Demise : 23 Dragon Stamps

Focused Resistance 1 charge per logistics : 12 Dragon Stamps
Focused Resistance 2 charge per logistics : 20 Dragon Stamps
Focused Resistance 3 charge per logistics : 28 Dragon Stamps

Fortify Armor : 18 Dragon Stamps

Greater Source 1 charge per logistics : 10 Dragon Stamps
Greater Source 2 charges per logistics : 15 Dragon Stamps
Greater Source 3 charges per logistics : 22 Dragon Stamps

Healing/Chaos Imbuement:
1 charge per logistics : 12 Dragon Stamps
2 charges per logistics : 20 Dragon Stamps
3 charges per logistics : 28 Dragon Stamps

Heroic Interception : 18 Dragon Stamps

Instant Trap up to 3 traps : 15 Dragon Stamps
Instant Trap up to 6 traps : 23 Dragon Stamps
Instant Trap up to 9 traps : 32 Dragon Stamps

Item Recall : 30 Dragon Stamps

Jack of all trades : 27 Dragon Stamps

Life Leech, 1 charge per logistics : 20 Dragon Stamps
Life Leech, 2 charge per logistics : 40 Dragon Stamps
Life Leech, 3 charge per logistics : 60 Dragon Stamps

Magic Evocation : 42 Dragon Stamps

Magic Imbuement 1 charge per logistics : 12 Dragon Stamps
Magic Imbuement 2 charges per logistics : 20 Dragon Stamps
Magic Imbuement 3 charges per logistics : 28 Dragon Stamps

Magical Claws : 37 Dragon Stamps

Memory Strike up to 3rd level spell : 15 Dragon Stamps
Memory Strike up to 6th level spell : 23 Dragon Stamps
Memory Strike up to 9th level spell : 32 Dragon Stamps

Merchant Insight (Item only) : 33 Dragon Stamps

Monster Slayer : 22 Dragon Stamps

Mystic Smith : 17 Dragon Stamps

Perfect Riposte : 23 Dragon Stamps

Poison Cache : 22 Dragon Stamps

Poison Trigger : 23 Dragon Stamps

Potency 1 element : 17 Dragon Stamps
Potency 2 elements : 30 Dragon Stamps
Potency 3 elements : 43 Dragon Stamps
Potency 4 elements : 57 Dragon Stamps

Potion Coating : 22 Dragon Stamps

Preserve Duration 1-4 Rituals Extended : 22 Dragon Stamps
Preserve Duration 5-8 Rituals Extended : 28 Dragon Stamps
Preserve Duration 9-12 Rituals Extended : 35 Dragon Stamps
Preserve Duration 13-16 Rituals Extended : 42 Dragon Stamps
Preserve Duration 17-19 Rituals Extended : 52 Dragon Stamps

Quicken Aid 1 charge per logistics : 5 Dragon Stamps
Quicken Aid 2 charges per logistics : 12 Dragon Stamps
Quicken Aid 3 charges per logistics : 18 Dragon Stamps

Quicken Meditation 1 charge per logistics : 13 Dragon Stamps
Quicken Meditation 2 charges per logistics : 20 Dragon Stamps
Quicken Meditation 3 charges per logistics : 27 Dragon Stamps

Race Reaver : 22 Dragon Stamps

Raging Strike 1 charge per logistics : 15 Dragon Stamps
Raging Strike 2 charges per logistics : 23 Dragon Stamps
Raging Strike 3 charges per logistics : 32 Dragon Stamps

Recharge Prowess : 33 Dragon Stamps

Reinforce Armor 1 charge per logistics : 15 Dragon Stamps
Reinforce Armor 2 charges per logistics : 22 Dragon Stamps
Reinforce Armor 3 charges per logistics : 28 Dragon Stamps

Resist Destroy Magic: 37 Dragon Stamps

Resist Shatter : 28 Dragon Stamps

Retribution : 32 Dragon Stamps

Sacrifice : 27 Dragon Stamps

Sorcerous Triage 1 charge (Target must be body) : 15 Dragon Stamps
Sorcerous Triage 2 charges (Target must be body) : 23 Dragon Stamps
Sorcerous Triage 2 charges (Target may be body or item) : 32 Dragon Stamps
Sorcerous Triage 3 charges (Target may be body or item) : 50 Dragon Stamps
Sorcerous Triage 3 charges (Target may be body,Item, or Spirit) : 70 Dragon Stamps

Spell Parry : 28 Dragon Stamps

Spell Store 1 : 5 Dragon Stamps
Spell Store 2 : 13 Dragon Stamps
Spell Store 3 : 15 Dragon Stamps
Spell Store 4 : 17 Dragon Stamps
Spell Store 5 : 23 Dragon Stamps
Spell Store 6 : 30 Dragon Stamps
Spell Store 7 : 32 Dragon Stamps
Spell Store 8 : 33 Dragon Stamps
Spell Store 9 : 38 Dragon Stamps

Spell Swap 1 charge per logistics : 7 Dragon Stamps
Spell Swap 2 charges per logistics : 13 Dragon Stamps
Spell Swap 3 charges per logistics : 20 Dragon Stamps

Spirit Link : 23 Dragon Stamps

Spirit Lock: 27 Dragon Stamps

Stalwart Shield : 22 Dragon Stamps

Store Ability : 12 Dragon Stamps

Strengthened Blow 1 charge per logistics : 15 Dragon Stamps
Strengthened Blow 2 charges per logistics : 22 Dragon Stamps
Strengthened Blow 3 charges per logistics : 28 Dragon Stamps

Sturdy Armor : 20 Dragon Stamps

Vengeance Caster rank 20 (200 Vengeance) : 23 Dragon Stamps
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Volunteers to the national organization are really important and there's a ton to do that we need help with.

Dragon stamp questions, requests and expenditures follow the process below:
3. Requests will be reviewed and updated at least twice monthly, so plan ahead if you would like blankets or expenditures for upcoming events.

As we move towards more automation Dragon Stamps will become more and more automated. And while that future isn't super far, I believe it's important to provide our hard workers with a better response times. As such, I've updated the responsibilities of the Dragon Stamps Manager to include a 4 business day response time.
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