Dragon Stamps


Heard about these on the national forum. Does Seattle have them? How do I get them? What is a dragon blanket? Thanks!

Just an observation: This board is far less confrontational. There is a lot of arguing on the national board.
Dragon stamps are like goblin stamps, except that they're national instead of local. They can be used just like goblin stamps, but in any chapter in the alliance.

You get them by making contributions to the alliance, rather than the chapter. Things like writing national race packets, NPCing for the national event, etc can gain you dragon stamps.
Yeah, generally, you have to be doing something for the whole organization. The only person that I know that has Dragon Stamps is Bryan Gregory, who is on the Alliance Rules Committee (the ARC). I don't even think I have any, and I wrote part of the current rulebook. So, net, they're really hard to get.

A Dragon Blanket is exactly like a goblin blanket (AKA a monthly blanket), except that you can have both a Dragon Blanket and a Goblin Blanket on the same character (I think).
More people with which to argue on the national boards, and more different perspectives to reconcile.
obcidian said:
A Dragon Blanket is exactly like a goblin blanket (AKA a monthly blanket), except that you can have both a Dragon Blanket and a Goblin Blanket on the same character (I think).
