Dreaming in Calgary


Public Relations Committee
Hi Everyone,

I made some good solid connections with some Calgary players at the National Event but, all your forums tend to be in game places that my character could not reach. Is one allowed to dream openly without setting the scene for where you are in game? In other chapters one can dream openly, would that be an option or would sending private messages be the preferred method?

Thank you,
I will confer with Abbey (our HoP) and see what his thoughts are on it. :-)
Thank you.

Luckily, Abbey strolled into the store this afternoon. It's your choice to PM a player if you want. Otherwise, just post the Dream on the main IG board as there is no subforum for it. As any conversation it will be locked when an event happens and you can pick it up in another thread after the event. As with our other IG boards, a player cannot be part of 2 conversations at once. I think we have all of our IG posting "rules" stickied.

Sounds good to me. Thank you for the very prompt response.
