Dreams lost in the scape


I wondered last night if the denizens of Haldamere were again seeping into my thoughts, worried and wondering if they were not my nightmares but mine eyes. I saw dreaming, no cold fortelling of doom and silent danger that asked my spirit to strike at itself. Strike not, I would stay this dagger to my heart a thousand times if I could again feel without this loss.

I asked it what, not if, I had done something to lose myself and it's eyes were red in anger. I saw it's teeth and it's maw dripped red with blood which appeared to be my own. Somehow again my dreams lost, I've found this worried trail to be alone and without pause. Traveling light and forever, no home but the one in my heart trying to find family no answer.

Dreaming so solemn are these horrors. No breathing of a steady heart, just the sad touch of peaceful longing and a peaceful knowledge that past lives are those gone before me and can never be forgotten. How do these dreams lucidly fall apart by chance or by fashion? Do mine own eyes strike at those within passion of my spirit or am I merely seeing action of peace within a cold and somewhat sober loss?

Nigh. My arms are far weaker than my heart. This peace of fruitfull and illicit foregiveness are like enemies waiting to strike down that which I can no longer love.

I wish Yuri or Stephan could hear these reasons within my troubled vision, I wish they could see the way the leaves have faultered from a tree so strong. No dream- just the cold steel of Stephan's sword or the wisdom of soothing wine coming forth from Yuri's voice. Delibra, constant reminders that loss is not worth feeling. Delibra, forgotten paths of untold walks in life that should be left untold.

No path. Do not ask this of me. These dreams cannot be the past tomorrow. These dreams cannot be the untold stories of such cold comforts.

Etain, I wish that my heart had left these tasks you asked of me so undone. I wish for once that I could hear simple words around the campfire and rejoice in finding lost words with those who have faded from memory. You never know how long words or reason can haunt one brother, forgive my passing memories of the haunting fire we once shared as family.

Brethren of blood cannot speak this. I cannot do this thing to have been asked by me. You words, my oath, you have made me chisel my heart from my own blood and it yet weeps tears for this pain I have given to myself. I cannot continue to bleed like this wandering lady of black. These thoughts are simply more than one man, loving or not, to carry on his shoulders for so many years.

I cannot give back mine oath once given friend. Can I hear your words? Can I hear that this is the choice that was given to me by you or will I continue to walk alone in the night simply waiting for my fire to grow cold and my heart to fade as well?

Good heed to you I know these words. I know you chose me for this task and I know that even without the flame of hope once shared by so many, that I will carry this oath until my breath has last lost itself to the wind.

