Dryads at the Opener


NEPA Staff
Hey all,
If you are planning on PCing a Dryad at the opener, please speak to a member of plot (Michelle, Ali, Todd, Tom, Amelia, Scott) before coming into game. Please pass this along to anyone who does not read these boards, and we will have a reminder at logistics as well.

All Human PCs of Baronial rank or above should report to a plot member to pull from the bag as per an Obliterate ritual. :P
Toddo said:

All Human PCs of Baronial rank or above should report to a plot member to pull from the bag as per an Obliterate ritual. :P

Ack! Never mind, Almighty Plot Gods and Goddess! No more plot for me!

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
Final Bump, Mike E and AssHOL Robb, please make up a sign saying that PC Dryads MUST speak with a plot member (see previous list) before coming into game.

PS- There will be Awesomesauce poured on them, there's no need to be scared.
Toddo said:
Final Bump, Mike E and AssHOL Robb, please make up a sign saying that PC Dryads MUST speak with a plot member (see previous list) before coming into game.

PS- There will be Awesomesauce poured on them, there's no need to be scared.

Mmmm. Dryads taste better with awesome-sauce poured on them. Maybe add a few croutons and bacon bits. Yummy!

We'll be sure any PC Dryads are aware of the mandate.