Duties and Responsibilities to Help the Town


Chicago Staff
Good morrow to my fellow adventurers!

With the next gathering still a few weeks away, I would urge any individuals that are free and unburdened with responsibility to please let me know by tomorrow afternoon at 12 pm what duties I can have assigned to you. A response to this posting is fine. If you would prefer to let the Foreman know himself, please message him at alliancewisconsinplot@gmail.com.

1) Aid in the defense in the town
2) Aid in the cultivation and farming of food for the town
3) Aid in searching for supplies/food for the town
If you can fill any of these actions, please let me know as soon as possible. We all have some spare time between markets. Let us use them for the betterment of ourselves and the people.

~Glenn Stormwolf
Guardian of the First Tree
Glenn, I have been working hard training the martial defenders of the town, I have been going on patrols with the trainees as well. I will report back when I have more information, but I am doing all I can to rapidly increase the defendabliltiy and martial standing of the town. I plan on doing this pretty frequently to improve the town guards and defense in general. You can count on me to get this done.
