Dwarf & Staff

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Alliance Rules
Gettysburg Staff
Rulebook pg 39 Race Advantages Disadvantages Chart said:
Dwarf Disadvantages
Double Cost for Read Magic
Cannot use Two Handed Blunt
Cannot use Two Handed Sword
Cannot use Polearm

Rulebook pg 43 - [b:17hohzz9][i:17hohzz9]Emphasis Mine[/i][/b] said:
Unfortunately, they are unable to wield two-handed weapons with any marked success, and are thus banned from purchasing Polearm, Staff, Two Handed Blunt or Two Handed Sword.

So, which one of these two sources are correct?

Are Dwarf characters prevented from buying Staff?
I know this isn't a 'list' to talk about rules, but would also like to see if Bow/crossbow go on the list, as they are also two handed.
A. Dwarf characters are prevented from purchasing Staff (the racial summary
chart is incorrect, the racial description is correct). Bow/Crossbow is an
exception to the "No two handed weapon" limitation for Dwarves (Dwarves can use bows/crossbows).

-Bryan Gregory
ARC Member
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