
Frank Wiccan

here is a question im sure has been asked before

it says in the rule book that a dwarf pays 1 less for blacksmith than any other race
wild elves pay 1 for for any crafting skill, I assume that that would mean that wild elves pay only one point for blacksmith
so I doubt that a dwarf gets blacksmith for free so what would a dwarf pay for blacksmith? :)

Mystic Wood Elves... Not Wild Elves, as there is no Wild Elf (specific) race. I'll save the rest for people who have rule books handy.
Wood Elves get Craftsman:Others for only one point (instead of the usual two) that does not include blacksmithing, potion brewing, scroll writing, or alchemy.

COs are those lovely skills like Craftsmen Other: Astronomy, skills that provide income and possible plot effects depending on your chapter/plot team.
Yea, the confusion here seems to be the presumption that Blacksmith falls under the "craftsman" skill. It doesn't.

Craftsman (other) skills are their own category
Blacksmith is its own skill which falls under the heading of "production skill" (along with Create Scroll, Create Potion and Alchemy.)

The key difference between the two is that Production skills give you pieces of paper that represent stuff in the game, the Craftsman skill only gets you a silver piece (and maybe some keen plot or clues if you've got an awsome plot team.)

Short answer:

Dwarves get a one point discount on Blacksmith and Blacksmith only (and Mystic Wood Elves pay full price foor as it isn't a 'craftsman' skill.)

Mystic Wood Elves get a 1 point discount on any Craftsman (other) skill, but not on any Production point skills.

Hope it helped.

Hoyce said:
Blacksmith is its own skill which falls under the heading of "production skill" (along with Create Scroll, Create Potion and Alchemy.)

don't forget Create Trap...
it makes sense and helped a lot thanks
actualy anwserd 2 questions with one anwser
explains the wood elf skills also :)
