Earth Circle Etiquette


Asher, Icey, Jamina and Gorka are invested in Earth Circle. They all invested because they rank of Healer in Gaden Earth Guild.

Gorka tired of interruptions and stress for in and out of circle. Gorka will require a Please and Thank you from now on if you want in or out. And Gorka would like it if you use Healer title in this instance. so "Please Healer Gorka may I enter." and "Thank you Healer Gorka." Gorka ask you do same for Healer Asher, Healer Icey, and Healer Jamina, Thank you.

Now some of you need to understand that a Resurrection is the Hardest thing to do. It not like a life spell that always works once you learn how to do it. Its like casting a formal ritual scroll where bad things can happen like a back lash of magic, only the back lash here is you don't ever get to see your friend again.

The healer is trying to convince the spirit to form solid flesh and it get harder and harder every time this happen. If the spirit feels the Circle is hostile it may refuse to be resurrected at that time. It takes a lot out of the Circle and the Healer and the Spirit to Resurrect someone. Resurrections don't always work.

Distractions in and around the Earth Circle can lead to a permanently dead friend.

Things you can do to help:
-Before the resurrection starts if you know the spirit tell the Healer things the Spirit liked and cared for in life, like a favorite food or battle song.
-Stay silent, if you must talk please do it a Shun's distance away from circle
-Refrain from going in or out of the Circle while resurrections are going on. If you must, ask a Healer not currently preforming a resurrection.
-Have the spirit's Cloths ready for when the body reforms
-Bring water for the healer and your friend once the resurrection is successful.

The idea is to make a friendly calm environment for the spirit to want to come back to.

Any questions? Healer Asher, Healer Jemina, Healer Icey you have more?

- Healer Gorka
This sound reasonable. Gorka and healers do much for town. You deserve to be treated with the honor you have earned.
Gorka say the word and I will remove the offensive person in question.


I often find myself in agreement with you, here I am not.

I address my response to all healers of ShadeMarch Keep and not simply to you so please take no offense at what I say and don't think I'm calling you out, just listen to the words, see if you can find points of agreement and respond.


In my study of law I have found that it is often foolish to attempt to enfore laws that will render the majority criminals. The same applies for rules of ettiqute concerning a circle. While I agree that you, the healers, should be treated with some matter of decorum and not simply as rocks on the path, it will be difficult to enforce such rules of ettiquette as you propose and doubly so to do while still retaining the respect of those who would frequent this circle. This is in part due to the fact that often times a visit to the earth circle is traumatic for all involved. Would you stop a childs wailing or a lovers sobs? What of bristling soldiers returning from a hard fought battle with venom and fire still running through their veins? At what point do you begin to hinder the resurection rather than aid it by removing, as Kendra offers, forcibly anyone who should disrupt or disrespect?

If a person is going to be a disruption they will be so despite any rules anyone attempt to enforce. I would challenge you instead to rise above and calm the lovers sobs, soothe the childs fear and still the anger in the hearts of those unable to contain. Yes, I place a difficult task atop a difficult task, and I would imagine the wisest healers of your order would agree with me. Resurection and maintaining the circle are duties you have undertaken willingly and they are not meant to be easy.


Not all situations involve resurection but often in battle or as an emergency a circle might be used defensively. Should we be require ourselves to stop running and kindly ask if we can enter or exit the circle? This may seem off topic to you but it goes to show that many times requests cannot be made and time is not available? Would you Gorka,hold your brothers and I to this rule? or simply those whom have upset you? Will all the other healers act with this level of formality at all times?

I counsel you all to search your minds for that answer for any rule applied whimsically loses its effectiness and authority and ultimately will serve to sour your orders relations with the town.


The respect a healer earns for his or her position in the circle is for their patience in the face of the frayed nerves of family and friends while balancing a the difficult task of aiding a spirit resurect. Thus you earn respect for your patience when someone shouts at you, you earn the respect for choosing to have no pride and demanding no honor be given you during peoples most vulnerable time. That's not for eveyone, certainly not me, but if it is for you, then I respect you for that even if in the moment of weakness someone shows you no respect. They ought to remember your quality as an individual for years to come.


The priveledge of investiture was not given by your order with which to do with as you please and certainly not given as a means to establish more rules in a land already new to them. Investiture is a priviledge and a burden, one most cannot bear. If you still think you need outward codified rules of behavior in a circle, you need to consider if this duty is still for you. If you cannot control agree that medicine often treats the whole family, healing may not truly be your calling. If you are not reconcilled easily to this thankless task take up the blade.

Lastly, I think your suggestions for aiding in a resurect should include letting the healer in question know if you beleive you can handle the resurection or have an especially meaningful story and need the healers help starting the resurection. I myself could theoretically resurect someone were I invested and would ask the special priviledge of only a very few people with the healers skilled hands to guide mine. That said, its up to the healer but a familiar or pleasent voice often trumps the most skilled touch.

No disrespect intended,

Fern i don't believe Gorka was talking about the circles in battle or people that are hurt and need healing but when people come to visit or learn from her. also the people disrupting the resurrections need to stow their emotions so healers like Gorka have the best chance to guide their loved ones back. Fern with all do respect you are no healer and therefor have no say about what is or is not acceptable in this matter.
I think what Gorka intent really was Fern is to get people to respect the sanctity of the earth circle, especially when people are being resurrected. Last market day I saw many people staying near the earth circle that did not need to be there, distracting our healers.
And is it so bad to show a little respect to those that help make the earth circle a place of safety and homelyness. I doubt Gorka's message truly suggest the extremes you are suggesting and taking it to that level honestly does her and others a dis service.
I do agree perhaps saying "require" was to strong when asking for please and thank you, but really you know what she meant.

I agree with gorka's fundamental message, which is one of respect and honor to the fallen and those that care for the circle that helps resurrect our fallen.

I understand you didn't mean to attack Gorka and other healers, but as how you speak often does, it did come off as quite the attack by missing the point and goal of the message.

-Squire Thorador Boulderfist
Gorka tired of interruptions when trying to resurrect or speak with Lady Captain Baroness Shademarch Grey.

Gorka draw attention that 3 others invested.

Resurrections hard Gorka not need to do them if Gorka feel cant do it successfully with loud crowd.


With all due respect, I am indeed tained as a healer and I have resurected someone before. Also, it seems that sentence is usually uttered before saying something disrespectful sounding like the above.

I do know just how hard it is to coax a spirit back, I also know how hard it is to come back but above all that I know how hard emotions are. Expecting most people to shut emotions off is, in this opinion, unrealistic and possibly dangerous.

Emotions make people who they are and they give people the reason to do what they do. For better or worse, its often impossible to contain emotions, even Stone Elves crack occasionally. If any situation will cause such to happen its the risk of losing that which you love.

Please, don't take this to mean I think healers should be treated ill. I've found that a healer kindly asking for silence or cooperation will usually take care of most problems. A healer, or anyone, shouting for such, doesnt.

Squire Thorador,

I agree with the message Gorka is going for, just not the way she is going about it. If I misunderstood Gorka's point she knows full well she can talk to me, either in public or in private. I also think that what gorka really wants is the respect due her, if she wants that I want her to get it, I cousel her that its not in this manner she is most likely to succeed. I speak here from past experience.

As for clearing a circle if your not needed in it, this seems common sense, I don't disagree. I sat over 100 feet speaking with the dragon as I watched the events unfold and usually stay clear of circles unless I have business there, especially when people are dead inside. Of course, if someone feels they have business there, its difficult to make them think otherwise, and I am of the opinion that a great healer can channel that into a positive experience for all. I think Gorka has the capacity for greatness.

As for seeming to attack Gorka, I apologize, often times even the most neutral tones and warnings such as these don't suffice:

I address my response to all healers of ShadeMarch Keep and not simply to you so please take no offense at what I say and don't think I'm calling you out, just listen to the words, see if you can find points of agreement and respond.


You know your opinion is one I value highly and I often stop myself from openly disagreeing with you rather than discussing such things in private. Perhaps I eered here in speaking my mind openly, you often know my meaning better than most here and I respect you enough to tell you when I can't agree with you 100%.

If I've offended you with my words than I am dissapointed for it was not my intention.

Well said Fern,
The dream realms often offer a poor way of communicating all the emotions that we have when communicating in person.
I am sure Gorka will appreciate your advice, as I do understand your reservations, and you have responded with calmness and reason-ability to perhaps overly hasty remarks, even from me.
Though I did feel this discussion needed my attention before it got out of hands.

-Squire Thorador Boulderfist
Thank you Fern, Gorka not looking for respect Gorka looking for help not to lose patience and temper.

Gorka think this help.

-Fern I was ignorant to the fact that you are a healer, you have my apology for that, however I believe you misunderstood what I meant by people stowing their emotions. I understand that not everyone will deal with the given situation well, but people crying around the circle will do no good. If they want to show support let them do so in silence. If they can or will not they should step away or wait with others in the tavern.
It ok to be sad, it just that Gorka easy to distract so if talk about stuff that need fixing close near Gorka Gorka not as good a job resurrecting.

- Gorka

In this regard I do agree with the sentiments that Fern has shared. Let it be known and written that on this day and time I do agree with what Fern has said.

It is important to respect your healers, especially those who are actively seeking to coax spirits back into the physical form. Also let it be known that I do not fault Gorka here.

The healer’s guild works with those whom are at their most vulnerable state, either physically or mentally. However, for the healer’s guild to post a list of rules or requirements that you must follow in order to receive services or be denied assistance is disgraceful. Individuals of lesser discipline may not always be able to control the way they react nor their emotions surrounding a situation, and should the healer’s guild adopt the practice of discrimination against those who cannot follow their rules of decorum exactly, we are in for a troubling time indeed. Respect is earned, not imposed on others. One can more easily accomplish a deed with a few plain spoken words than a set of codified laws and strictures.

Generally speaking though, if an individual does not have anything to do with a situation and is not there to help, it is courteous to not mill about or cause a distraction in the area. This applies to ritual casting, item identification, and resurrections. It is also a wise choice to not remain within a circle of power if you do not have business within it, as evidenced by the many disjunctions and other activities that may occur within a circle of power (greater or lesser); for example you would not want to be stuck in a circle with an angry elemental.

May the Light guide you and may Shadow guard your path,

Arcanist Dure'dhel
Warlock of the Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden
Big brother Dure'dhel No! You do this again. Guild not tell Gorka to say this at all this all Gorka's idea and Gorka do it wrong.

Ok Dure'dhel Gorka tell you who made Gorka cry. Aina, She one who make people not like Gorka and she quit earth guild instead of talking directly to Gorka about problem, she tell me she feel unsafe if she say anything too loud against Gorka. She one who think Gorka's box of healing not fair because Gorka was once upset with Deomon for acting selfish and self entitled to my potions even though he accuse me of endagering town for once selling him a few potions instead of free. She one who think Economics bad because my box. She one upset cus Gorka didn't know she give gold to box anonymously and say thank you to her. It her not Guild at all she just have people listen to her.

Gorka did not want to tell because Gorka did not want Big brother Dure'dhel to scare her more. Gorka still did not want to tell because now she gone and can't return. But Dure'dhel please stop this smear campaign against the Earth Guild. You think you protect me but you hurt me too. Guild is my teacher. They only ones in town that acknowledge Gorka an Orc and need to be more active. They accepted me before you did Big Brother.

Dure'dhel you stop telling lies about Earth Guild right now please. Asher being good honor man and accepted responsibility for Aina for Kendra please let that be enough.

Gorka loves you Big Brother Dure'dhel. Gorka understands.

Shadow's light
Earth Guild

I just want to say something: Everyone, please calm down.

I apologize if anyone from Order of Shadow's Light or the Royal Celestial Guild has caused some distress to these recent conversations, for we certainly do not wish to disrupt this town or the relationships of its people. Some rash words have been said, some false statements made, but I think we should just stop all this, given that it is tearing us apart as a people. Prior to this last gathering, I think the town has been fairly unified as a whole, but as of late, we've been growing apart, and I don't think that's good for any of us. We've all been on edge, and I think we all just need to calm down and put this all behind us. Some of this stuff is beginning to sound like a Battle of the Guilds, though I assure you, both Guilds trust each other and have no reason to slander one another. As a Warlock of the Royal Celestial Guild, I trust the Earth Guild in its doings, and I trust Healer Asher, Healer Jamina, and Healer Icey just as much as my Sister when it comes to doing Earth Guild activities right.

The moral of the story is this: Just try not to bug someone when they're doing something important, and we'll all be happier. Just remember to show some courtesy to someone if they're helping you out, and everything will go smoothly. Just breathe deep, and let's work together to get done what needs to get done.

If anyone would like to further discuss any of this with me, I would be welcome to hear what you have to say, and you can either contact me privately or we can speak in person when next the adventurers gather.

May the Light guide you, and the Shadow guard your path,
~ Gandian Ravenscroft
Gorka loves little brother Gandian too.

- Gorka