Earth formalist offering his skills


-pinned to the tavern wall-

Those of our community,

I offer my skills in the art of formal earth shamanism. While I'm no Lord Elryion by any means, or even a Lady Kiarra, I'm confident in my ability to cast.

I have reached the a level of skill where I can Terminate a Preserve Duration of eight rituals or less. I am capable of casting a full strength Damage Aura, Protective Aura, Arcane Armor, or Race Reaver with minimal chance of failure. This does mean I can Terminate a number of less-difficult rituals, such as Cloaks, Expanded Enchantments, Channel Spell, and others.

After researching, I can perform a Spark of Empowerment with a Resonance, but I do not know what I could use it for. Perhaps focusing upon a specific point in time, or give a lingering connection to witnessed events? Perhaps allowing someone else to see what I see? Only the magic can say.

My magic is truly all that I've poured my skill into, so I do not intend to cast for free, but it's not my intention to become wealthy.

If any are interested, please contact me with your needs, and we'll figure out a cost.

I have updated the dream with some more current information about my skills.

If you are even considering requesting my services, please contact me as early as you can regarding my assistance.