-pinned to the tavern wall-
Those of our community,
I offer my skills in the art of formal earth shamanism. While I'm no Lord Elryion by any means, or even a Lady Kiarra, I'm confident in my ability to cast.
I have reached the a level of skill where I can Terminate a Preserve Duration of eight rituals or less. I am capable of casting a full strength Damage Aura, Protective Aura, Arcane Armor, or Race Reaver with minimal chance of failure. This does mean I can Terminate a number of less-difficult rituals, such as Cloaks, Expanded Enchantments, Channel Spell, and others.
After researching, I can perform a Spark of Empowerment with a Resonance, but I do not know what I could use it for. Perhaps focusing upon a specific point in time, or give a lingering connection to witnessed events? Perhaps allowing someone else to see what I see? Only the magic can say.
My magic is truly all that I've poured my skill into, so I do not intend to cast for free, but it's not my intention to become wealthy.
If any are interested, please contact me with your needs, and we'll figure out a cost.
Those of our community,
I offer my skills in the art of formal earth shamanism. While I'm no Lord Elryion by any means, or even a Lady Kiarra, I'm confident in my ability to cast.
I have reached the a level of skill where I can Terminate a Preserve Duration of eight rituals or less. I am capable of casting a full strength Damage Aura, Protective Aura, Arcane Armor, or Race Reaver with minimal chance of failure. This does mean I can Terminate a number of less-difficult rituals, such as Cloaks, Expanded Enchantments, Channel Spell, and others.
After researching, I can perform a Spark of Empowerment with a Resonance, but I do not know what I could use it for. Perhaps focusing upon a specific point in time, or give a lingering connection to witnessed events? Perhaps allowing someone else to see what I see? Only the magic can say.
My magic is truly all that I've poured my skill into, so I do not intend to cast for free, but it's not my intention to become wealthy.
If any are interested, please contact me with your needs, and we'll figure out a cost.