Earth Guild Paper Work


Gorka forgot Earth Guild duty to record Resurrections in our circle during market days. Gorka tried my best to record from memory but Gorka need help to make sure the details are correct.

Date...Name of Resurrected...........Cause of Resurrection..............Healer
10/14 ---Fredrick ----------Vine things getting a shard of navir-------Gorka
10/15 ---Asher -------------Corrupt in the valley of Solice ----------Ryan & Gorka
10/15 ---Novi --------------Corrupt in the valley of Solice ----------Eric Marsters
10/15 ---Benjaman ---------Corrupt in the valley of Solice ----------Jameina & Gorka
10/15 ---Glave -------------Corrupt in the valley of Solice ---------Lady Grey & Gorka
10/15 ---Roy Gallentine -----Corrupt in the valley of Solice ---------Stripy pants & Gorka
10/15 ---Ignius -------------Corrupt in the valley of Solice ---------Stripy pants & Gorka
10/15 ---Fredrick -----------Corrupt in the valley of Solice ---------Asher
10/15 ---Habiki -------------Corrupt in the valley of Solice ---------Prince Tallon & Gorka
10/15 ---Valve -------------Corrupt in the valley of Solice ---------Gorka
10/15 ---Fern ------------Obliteration for Breaking the Respite -----Sparrow & Gorka
10/15 ---Crow -----------Self sacrifice to cleanse Prince Tallon -----Permanently Dead
10/15 ---Gubba -------Eaten by a big stupid meanie in the forge ---Spirit still stuck in the Circle

Please if you can help assure that list is right.

- Gorka
Healer of the Gaden Earth guild
Fredrick who Resurrected you the second time? Gorka Don't remember and need to turn in paper work.

- Gorka
Healer of the Gaden Earth Guild
I started and resurrected Fredrick the 2nd time. It was also Reyn who resurrected me.

Oh my I'm sorry Asher If Gorka realized Gorka never want to make a spirit that just made that journey to be forced to guide another so soon. Gorka glad that It was successful.

Your return to us seemed a bit harsh. Was there something wrong? Should Gorka speak to Reyn about resurrections?

- Gorka
Healer of the Gaden Earth Guild
I do not feel comfortable talking about it at this time, at least not on the dream realms, as I still see the images as though it were truly real. I believe good intentions were there, however the language barrier may have played a role in what happened. I do not blame Reyn for what happened.

Gorka, in your paper work, you accidentally misspelled Reyn, rather you put down Ryan.

Asher, I hope you're going to be alright...

~Brother Icey