Earth Guild Services for October Market & Ritual Sale


Chicago Staff

With Horizon growing, I'm looking to sell a few Ritual Scrolls to put into the Town to ensure it becomes a safer and stronger community. Please contact me with interest before the gathering or at.

Looking to sell, and will cast if needed the below:

- Control Spirit Store + Catalyst + Preserve
- Spirit Forge + Catalyst------SOLD
- Transfer Enchantment + Catalyst
- Mark (perhaps a magically empowered tattoo?)
- Racial Empowerment (Empowers all of 1 race within a Circle)
- Lesser Racial Transformation (Change your race for 5 days)

I am also offering Earth Guild services for below. Please let me know if you require any of the following:

1) Spellcrafting- 1.5g per level of focus and having the components supplied by you. Should you require components for it, we can come to an agreement. While the Earth Guild has some scrolls for spellcrafting, it would be wise to come prepared with a scroll you wish for me to use.

Ritual Scrolls Available to Spellcraft from: Spirit Link, Monster Slayer, Cloak, Chimeric Spirit, Limited Circle of Power, Reverse Lifeforce (to cure) and others

2) Ritual Casting- Price is negotiable if I"m notified of the ritual before the first market day. Please provide all components, catalyst and scrolls. 1 Ritual Manipulation of True Empowerment is included at no charge if it can be done.

3) Study of Earthen Magic- I have the patience to teach two people high levels of Earth Magic to those seeking to further their studies. If you seek First Aid or Healing Arts, I will gladly find someone available to instruct you. Should no one be available, I will most certainly teach you. Likewise, Jamina and Pandora are also available.

All proceeds will go towards the further development of Horizon and surrounding area in the Valley of Solace. On another note, those traveling from other lands looking for lodging are free to stop by The Earth Guild of Horizon where I will be happy to put you up for a night or two.

Thank You,
Lord Asher Oakheart, Healer of the Earth Guild of Gaden
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