Earth Mentor Wanted



I am seeking an informal mentor to assist me with filling in my spell book. I am still a novice when it comes to Earth Magic, so the spells I am seeking are of a relatively low level, but I feel they will make me a more effective ally on the battlefield.

Specifically I am seeking the Earth spells of Pin, Weakness, and Awaken. Additional spells might be of interest if available, but those are the ones I'm really looking for. I'm willing to pay fair coin which can be negotiated on reply.

Thank you,

Heard that the earth guild handles that sort of thing. Something about kraken ink and whatnot. Way above my pay grade. Might want to talk with Dame Arikaya or Baron Darius. They do that whole earth guild thing.

While you're working on getting those spells into your own book feel free to drop by the Sweet Spot, buy a snack, and study from one of my books. I'm also available for other forms of mentoring if you require it.

Elwin D. H. Hilltopple
Hello Copper,

I'd be glad to educate you in any types of earth that you may need mentoring in. Please never offer to pay for your education. The magics of the land should be shared freely and to any who wish to learn them. Speak with me at the next gather and I'll see that you're educated and prepared for anything you may need. Those who would charge for this are like those who would charge for teaching you how to walk. All I ask is that you be as open with the knowledge and teaching those who wish to learn as you can be.

Goodman Copper,

I would be happy to assist you with copying spells into your book through the Healers Guild. It will cost some coin to do so, as the spell inks necessary are difficult to obtain. The Healers Guild is happy to provide education freely to members; however, the Guild strongly emphasizes responsible use of magic, especially given the strong potential for misuse inherent with the arcane arts. Please keep that in mind with your choices for future instruction.

Baron Darius Rivervale
Mender of the New Acarthia Healers Guild