East coast trek?

Hey, is anyone planning on going to any east coast games this year? I know last year a group wound up going to a couple of tournaments and was wondering if anyone was planning another such expedition? I've already got *coughpermissioncough* from my wife to do it so I'm going to wind up going to one at some point, but figured it'd be much cooler if we had a crew and the sooner we figure it out the cheaper air fairs are likely to be.

I had thoughts of doing a trek this year for maybe jersey... would be nice if we could get a group together for it.

I had been thinking a Mass event, but only if the Jersey crew was gonna be playing at it, get more hang out time with em that way, otherwise a jersey one would be the way to go.
Until I make it out to Florida to see my old man, I am abstaining from planning any trips out east for NERO. That, and I only made it out this last time due to the kindness of others, most notably Dennis and Erica.
Sounds fun!

Count me in (if there's room, etc.). =D (I'll need to know at least a month in advance though.)

I will be attending the Ashbury October event. I am going out for Erica's wedding and the event happens to be the weekend before, so I am making one big trip to attend it all.

Sounds cool but I probably won't be able to afford it.
Solomon Maxondaerth said:
Hey, is anyone planning on going to any east coast games this year? I know last year a group wound up going to a couple of tournaments and was wondering if anyone was planning another such expedition? I've already got *coughpermissioncough* from my wife to do it so I'm going to wind up going to one at some point, but figured it'd be much cooler if we had a crew and the sooner we figure it out the cheaper air fairs are likely to be.


Anyone coming to A Mass event, though my apt is small (I've slept ten here) if you fly into Bradly International in Hartford CT I can put you up and get you to the event and back. The airport is less that 2 hrs from my place. If you want to come a day early and leave a day late thats cool too!

Yeah, that was the airport I was shooting for anyway. Has the best fairs, it's easier to get in and out of than Boston, and unless you live in Boston it's about the same drive from most places west of there, even NW and SW. I've been waiting for the NJ boards to come back online so I could post there and find out if Erica and crew would be planning on playing at any of those coming up and plan for that, otherwise I'm thinking about the mid-may Mass event. Fairs are under $250 for that date right now so you're not gonna beat that often! Will keep ya posted Brett.

I would love to go, but I know that I can not make the May event. My wedding anniversary is the 9th and my daughters birthday is the 30th. Jeff if your plans change for later in the year let me know.
Another alternative to plain is train. The initial rates are comparable, but Amtrak has this neat thing where the more people that buy a fare as part of a group the lower the individual fares cost. In other words, bigger group, smaller ticket price. Something to consider...and I'd definitely be interested in going though I'll be out of country for the month of June.

The special is buy two tickets, get the rest at 90% off

groups out to the east kingdom save Ph@ l00t

Your mileage may vary,
Yeah, sorry, May's a bit too early for me too. I have to budget for it... car payment, windshield repair, insurance, paying my dad back... you get the picture. I was thinking something around august or september.
In june I planing on heading to Michigan to do visite my family, but also to get in on the NeroKzoo event.

But thats seems to be the only trips aside from races, and the coast I plan to be making this coming year.

see you in April,

Jeff B.