Elder Osmond's Final Letter

As I am sure most Tarndalians and many of our allies have heard by now, our respected Elder Osmond passed away peacefully in his sleep a little over a week past. As tradition demands, we buried him in a quiet ceremony before nightfall on the day he passed. Those who were able to attend were appreciated, thank you.

Before his passing, the Elder had given a letter to Bhaskara- sealed and noted "To be read aloud in public". I read the letter in the Meeting Hall on the day we discovered his passing and am posting it here now for the many who did not hear it that day.

-Meryl Brisbane

To The People of Tarndale,

I am writing this letter in case the unlikely happens and I should pass without naming a successor. I find it doubtful this will happen, as I am still in my prime and have many years left before me. However, as nice as Bhaskara is, he keeps pestering me about naming my successor and such things as "transition planning" "lines of succession" "power vacuums" and a bunch of things that frankly make my head ache. If nothing else, this should at least get Bhaskara to drop the matter for a while. I am sealing this letter and giving it to him to deliver to the town, to be read publicly in case the unfortunate should happen and I find myself permanently indisposed, as it were. Forgive me if this is not as polished as it should be, I find I am better with word in person, than in pen.

It has been my distinct honor to serve the people of Tarndale for all of these years. I have watched you grow up from children into mischievous teenagers, proudly seen you transition into responsible and hard working adults and productive members of our community. While our lives have not always been easy, I would not have traded a moment with all of you for all of the comforts and luxuries we hear the adventurers tell of. I can look back at my life in Tarndale and say I have few regrets (except maybe not eating a few more fruit cups).

In the last couple of years we have seen a lot of changes. Not all have been good and not all have been bad. It is important that we keep in mind that not all change is inherently bad, but we must also keep our traditions and history and hold them dear, when we do change, it should be to become a better society. We have seen an influx of new faces in Tarndale, from the Adventurers to the awakened Dryad and the uncursed Draxians, it is important that we welcome them and forgive those who have wronged us in the past, no matter how much of our grain they have eaten, for example. The people of Tarndale have always prided themselves on looking out for one another and being hospitable, we must not turn our backs on that now.

To lead the town of Tarndale and guide our community, both new and old, into the future, I am naming as my successor a person I believe to have the respect of my fellow Tarndalians, the Adventurers, the Dryad and soon, I'm sure, the Draxian. This person is Toland. I trust his judgement and his fairness in dealing with disputes between our community. He has shown himself to be a strong leader, he has initiative and has spent much time at my side in recent years.

Toland, I am placing a great burden and privilege on your shoulders. Leading the town takes a careful balance, it will give you the lowest moments of your life, but also the best. You have a hard job ahead of you, with all of the new factions in the Valley, but I have a great deal of confidence in your abilities. I hope if this letter is read, I have had the chance to say good bye to each
one of you. If not, know I have always had great pride in you all and cherished my life in Tarndale.


Elder Osmond

Ps: I never blamed you for taking a wife, or held it against you, I just wanted to remain in your life. You know who you are.