Elemental Bits and essences


So um, I was planning on coming out that way, I need to check into some things before I offer up any production, but I thought I'd check, does anyone have some elemental essenses they might be willing to sell me? They usually look like small colorful bits of harden essence in a buncha colors. If so I'd appreciate it and pay for em because I've been using them in my crafting and stuff. I think I've been paying 2 silvers per, and I haven't gotten any really good results yet, but I think I'm getting close on some things, so prices might vary in the future.


Hello, Jehyu!

I too have been collecting some elemental essence. I think I might be able to spare a few for you, though! The crafting that you did with them last time turned out really well. Find me sometime on the first night of the gathering and we can talk!

Safe Travels,
I'm sorry Jehyu, but I need to collect a large amount of elemental essences to deal with the problem in the wilds. I'm willing to pay 3 silver per.

General Lukas Meliae
Things are only worth what people are willing to pay for them indeed.
I have a fair amount of these essences and a lot of work that needs to be done.

If you're interested in trading work for these, you may contact me at the Guild of The Arcane (plot@nextyearsplot.com)

I'm sure I can find enough work for you two to both earn what you need.

Guild of the Arcane
I can try helping with some stuff at the guild, do you guys need scrolls or something? Don't worry too much about the elemental essences Lukas, the recipe I have I can kinda make up for missing essences by brewing up some elementally charged paste to mix in with the other bits, so it's mostly for new recipes I was thinking of working on, Like an golem healing elixir, or bolts/arrows with scroll magic inside that would burst out when you shot something.

I think that maybe I need a new catalyst though for the mixing something that has a really had acidic content, in order to release the essences faster...maybe like spider venom, or magma droppings, although the problem with magma is it probably cools down to fast to really work with, so...spider venom I guess. Anyone know where I might find some of that maybe?
