Elvish languages?

Hi there,

Do the Kiergani (Wild Elves), Imladari (High Elves), and Amani (of the Ash Forest) follow specific languages?

For example, do they use any specific OOG langauges (French, Spanish, etc) or Tolkien Langauges (Quenya Elvish, Sindarin Elvish, etc)? Secondly, do any players use them?

From the following data, I'm guessing that Sindarin is spoken in Imladar and Quenya is spoken in the Ash Forest?

1) Imladari:
Alacondras, Imladar, Celwen Theantellin, and Gilthalion Thantellin (in the Ashbury Player's Guide) appear to be Sindarin names.

Valdorian appears to be Quenya.

2) Amani:
Amani appears to be Quenya. Lorin (Alfenwen) appears to be Quenya as well.

negative. there are a few elvish words here and there, but mostly the "old language" is forgotten and we all speak common. there are alot of reasons for this.

I make up elvish words all the time for my kergani.. i wouldn't want there to be an official language though... i don't have time to learn that and quite frankly i don't want someone telling me my pronunciation is wrong or something.
Speak for yourself Robb.

Some of us do use Tolkien elvish and have for years. None of us are well versed enough in it for full conversations but we do use greetings and such. Some of us also use either the Common or Elvish translations of our names, depending on who we're speaking to.

If you look at the Ash Forest shields we have an elvish phrase written on it - and it isn't just random characters or even just English typed in an Elvish font - it's translated into Quenya.

And yes when the packets were originally written they were ABSOLUTELY based on Tolkien's languages.
I do speak for myself. feel free to correct my elvish IG. see if we can make this divide a little wider. :thumbsup:
Many years ago, there was an IG moment about Elvish ("The Old Language"):

Baroness Talon came up to the Amani crew (Scarn, Alyssa, Cedric, etc.) speaking in Imladari (OOG: Sindarin), and we looked at her, baffled. We reminded her, impolitely, that we were Amani and didn't speak her snobbish language, and she stormed off.

I know a few words in Quenya, and use them from time to time IG, but also make up words as needed. I love having the in game flair of an alternate language, while having a majority of people speak nothing but common.
If you look at the Ash Forest shields we have an elvish phrase written on it - and it isn't just random characters or even just English typed in an Elvish font - it's translated into Quenya.

I chose to play an Amani Elf, and am considering having a shield made for me. Is there a special design I should use, and include that elvish phrase? Or is that restricted for nobles?

Any specific shapes that Amani usually make shields?

That specific design is the baronial court heraldry so you couldn't use that exact design (unless you join the court of course, but we'll handle that in-game). Of course there's nothing stopping you from putting some sort of phrase in elvish on your shield.
I hear one of those nobles has a magic sword that says "Magic Sword" in elven runes on it. :shock: