Enflame and other things healed by 'flame'

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Pretty strait-forward question. How does a master construct, elemental, or whatever healed by flame take an 'Enflame' spell affect?

Do they:
1. Take the 20 points of healing and not have to drop a weapon since a creature healed by flame would 'want' to hold onto a flaming weapon?
2. Take the 20 points of healing and the disarm being forced to drop a valid weapon?
3. Say 'no affect' to the whole thing since they can't be 'harmed' by the flame but the disarm is a 'harmful' affect? (the most strange imho)
4. Some other odd response?

Furthermore I would assume that like anything else if they do not have a valid target for the disarm affect they call 'no affect' to the whole thing and don't get the healing, is that correct as well?

Thanks! :)
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