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We had some serious issues come up with Entangle recently that seemed to confuse some people, especially because we hadn't noticed just how much Entangle no longer fits in with the rest of the rules since the new edition.
According to the text of Entangle: "It is entirely a physical effect and as such is not stopped by any Spell Protections"
We had a creature throwing "Magic Entangle," with the intention that this would be Spell Shieldable. This is no longer possible with the current wording, and this was pointed out during our game.
Upon looking over all the current wording, several other situations came up:

We were surprised that Entangle can not be Cloaked or Baned with Cloak or Bane Binding, even though it is still in the Binding group. Should that text be removed, or should the effect be listed as "Other" rather then "Binding"? This is further complicated by Resist Binding, which does include Entangle.

The new wording also states that Purify will not remove Entangle, though Purify removes all effects of the Binding group. It makes an exception for Entangle because "it is not on the spirit." This seems like the distinction that is the basis for all of these other problems. Similarly, Entangle no longer drops when someone is Dead. Both of these things seem mechanically clunky and unnecessary, and the distinction between effects that are 'on the body' and 'on the spirit' started a few conversations that lead me to believe that this will come up again with other effects which are not clearly 'on the body' or 'on the spirit'.

Furthermore, since no spell protectives stop Entangle, strikes for "6 Entangle" are not stopped by Magic Armor, which I do not believe is the intent.

Please advise.
This post is to inform you that your question is currently being discussed by the ARC and once some clarification has been made, will be posted here (removing this post). Depending on the level of clarification and discussion (and potential involvement of the Owners or other national staff, if needed) this may take time.
The text for Entangle was mistakenly changed in the latest book; the bit about not being able to be Cloaked or Baned should be removed. The first paragraph under "Entangle" on Page 117 should read in its entirety (bold being changes to the existing text):

Some monsters can shoot a substance that uses a physical means to trap victims (such as sticky strands of silk). The effect of this is like the effect Web except that it is not normally magical in any way. Unless otherwise specified by an explicit delivery type, it is entirely a physical effect and as such is not stopped by any Spell Protections.
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