Entertainment for Harvest Feast

Good Day All!!

I am searching for anyone willing and able to perform during or after the feast!

Last gather we were lucky enough to have a small concert from some amazing artists and would love to see such things at this gather as well !!

Maybe you are skilled at the written word and have a story or tale to share.

An instrument you are skilled at?

A song you wish to share?

Even a piece of art to display!!

Please consider performing on All Hallows' Night!!!

Thank you!

In Service,
Unfortunately I will not be able to come to this feast, but I do have a suggestion for entertainment!

I have heard quite the few stories about "Bendy Posey"... EVERYBODY MAKE AND MEMORIZE PARALYSISES! HAHAHAHAHA!

Yours Truly,
Banradi Irani Moduri
Master of the Waymaker Stones
Apprentice to Mathis - Order of the Emerald Flame
No. No more bendy posey.

What's Prison Pig!? It sounds pretty d@mn fantastic.
