

A ripple in the magic fabrics of the land has told me that some strange indeed happenings have been going on in these lands.

As a capable Seer, I could not, of course ignore these portents. [Believe me, I tried.] Indeed, even now I find my dreams drawn to this place -- where ever this is.

There is some sort of bubble I need to see? An inverted space? I don't know. The whispers are vague, the signs even moreso. I suspect it comes from being within walls of winter wind and ice. But I have a sneaking suspicion that upon setting foot near the area, I will See more, and find myself less confused.

Either way, I shall make my way into the mists with your lands in mind and hope that fate sees me true and gets me there for the coming market day. Perhaps the travel will be good for my spirits, as will the ability to meet new faces and see new lands. Those things usually warm my soul a smidge.

So do be kind to an old mystic wood elf and see it fit to introduce yourself if you happen across my path this endweek. I will do my best, if you wish to lay fingertips to your palm and try and suss out what the world has in waiting for you. If you prefer I can also provide glimpses to the future via the cards, the bones, the stones, or in several other capacities.

I am also an accomplished healer, so if any of the local populace has need of my services I am of course at their disposal. I am well-loved by much of the local population in Briarpass for my abilities.

In the meantime, I will gather my things, and hope to see your bright and shining faces in a few days.
Ah, Prophetess, it is good to hear that you will be in and about Horn's End. Though you know my feelings on your "visions of the future", your compassion for the land and abilities to soothe and heal are most necessary in this dervish land. Mayhaps your insight into the ley lines will prove of value to uncovering what happened to the Eldritch School of Magic. Fair warning, there are creatures in and about Horn's End which should not be trifled with. Jonis, for one, is a creature of vast power and unknown motivations - that he poses as a mortal may or may not be true, but he does hold sway over the spirits of the dead. There are others, but I will let those far wiser and more knowledgeable than I speak of them.

In any case, Squire Wyldweaver, Mistress Fallingstar, or Ambassador Zanabanath can probably introduce you to Lord Orthis, Sir Garret, or some of the other gentry in these lands. Most of the House of Games are nobility and will probably guide you a'right, given proper courtesy. I would offer mine own help and guidance, but it falls shallow beside the august leaders of the region.

Master Dramthin Hartsboon
Keeper of the tainted Grove

Sir Orthus dissapeared about a month back.

Off on a hunting mission, disappeared; or missing from a closed room, his bedclothes rumpled, the window locked, and his traveling attire untouched, disappeared?

Master Dramthin Hartsboon
Keeper of the Tainted Grove
The entire celestial college is a crater, missing.

I'm looking for clues... nothing yet

Ah, so more the latter than the former. I didn't know he stayed in the Celestial College, I thought he stayed on his private estate. Yes, that does indeed pose a problem.

Though it might go without saying, I have not been able to uncover any information on the college's disappearance either. Has anyone else? With an event of this magnitude, I hope we can dispense with the usual compartmentalization of information which so often plague adventurers.

Master Dramthin Hartsboon
Keeper of the Tainted Grove
Mistress Elysia,

Thou art welcome indeed. I hope you find the hospitality all you could desire.

Should there be occasion, I might use your services. May I seek you out?

Most Respectfully,

Naie a Kassill
House of Games
The schools disappearance is but a ripple in the tides of time...

The ground itself should be safe there...

But one small ripple grows...

Be wary.
No, Dramthin. I don't know what you think of my visions; though I don't know how one could doubt their validity, something tells me that you do. [And you don't have to be a prophetess to guess that far.] Do enlighten me. As far as my brain can recall, we've only spoken about fate and karma -- but perhaps I've forgotten something you remember. Remind me.

Lady Naie,
Of course you may find me. I am quite happy to help out in any way possible. You have but to ask.

I wholeheartedly agree. This is why I've come to see in person the things I Saw. The inner eye is good for the esoterics, but not for the concrete knowledge of a matter.
I suspect I will regret this level of candor, but here goes. Prophetess - Visions, oracles, soothsayers, and the like are all tied to the concept that Fate is immutable and unchanging, else why speak to the future in assured terms at all? Hence, my disbelief in their validity. Now, I would never suggest that one cannot make predictions about what might happen, and there are those who have more information about the present or the past and are able to make better educated guesses. But, in the end, these abilities - preternatual or no - are not windows into Fate, they're merely the piecing together of known quantities into a casting of what might be.

In fact, the very casting of augury belies its veracity. If Fate is fixed, then knowledge of the future would be immaterial as it couldn't be altered, and since there are myriad examples where foreknowledge allowed adventurers to forestall the "inevitable", this concept is moot. The quick response is that there are many possible Fates, which is just another way of saying the future is unfixed and there is no single path - or that people with eyes to see, ears to hear, and the Gift to think can see what will happen at point Z given events and preconditions at point C.

Now, that being said, I don't doubt your ability to aid people in distress or your proven track-record of sage words on avoiding pitfalls and safeguarding those in need. Your advice has always been well-received and does, indeed, prove invaluable in nigh every circumstance. I would even be able to believe you have a keener than normal vision into current and past events and, as such, are able to predict possible, future outcomes with a higher accuracy. I just don't see it as a piercing lense into Fate.

Master Dramthin Hartsboon
Keeper of the Tainted Grove
Oh Dramthin.

Dear, wayward, painfully logical Dramthin.

I think... that this is a debate best left for face-to-face conference rather than daydreamed rebuttals.

Though I think that you might be surprised where I do and where I do not find validity in your views.

The mists willing, I shall see your face in an eve's time.

We can finish (or begin, as it were) this then.