A ripple in the magic fabrics of the land has told me that some strange indeed happenings have been going on in these lands.
As a capable Seer, I could not, of course ignore these portents. [Believe me, I tried.] Indeed, even now I find my dreams drawn to this place -- where ever this is.
There is some sort of bubble I need to see? An inverted space? I don't know. The whispers are vague, the signs even moreso. I suspect it comes from being within walls of winter wind and ice. But I have a sneaking suspicion that upon setting foot near the area, I will See more, and find myself less confused.
Either way, I shall make my way into the mists with your lands in mind and hope that fate sees me true and gets me there for the coming market day. Perhaps the travel will be good for my spirits, as will the ability to meet new faces and see new lands. Those things usually warm my soul a smidge.
So do be kind to an old mystic wood elf and see it fit to introduce yourself if you happen across my path this endweek. I will do my best, if you wish to lay fingertips to your palm and try and suss out what the world has in waiting for you. If you prefer I can also provide glimpses to the future via the cards, the bones, the stones, or in several other capacities.
I am also an accomplished healer, so if any of the local populace has need of my services I am of course at their disposal. I am well-loved by much of the local population in Briarpass for my abilities.
In the meantime, I will gather my things, and hope to see your bright and shining faces in a few days.
As a capable Seer, I could not, of course ignore these portents. [Believe me, I tried.] Indeed, even now I find my dreams drawn to this place -- where ever this is.
There is some sort of bubble I need to see? An inverted space? I don't know. The whispers are vague, the signs even moreso. I suspect it comes from being within walls of winter wind and ice. But I have a sneaking suspicion that upon setting foot near the area, I will See more, and find myself less confused.
Either way, I shall make my way into the mists with your lands in mind and hope that fate sees me true and gets me there for the coming market day. Perhaps the travel will be good for my spirits, as will the ability to meet new faces and see new lands. Those things usually warm my soul a smidge.
So do be kind to an old mystic wood elf and see it fit to introduce yourself if you happen across my path this endweek. I will do my best, if you wish to lay fingertips to your palm and try and suss out what the world has in waiting for you. If you prefer I can also provide glimpses to the future via the cards, the bones, the stones, or in several other capacities.
I am also an accomplished healer, so if any of the local populace has need of my services I am of course at their disposal. I am well-loved by much of the local population in Briarpass for my abilities.
In the meantime, I will gather my things, and hope to see your bright and shining faces in a few days.