Resolved Eternal Resolution and Mending Resolution interaction

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Was on the town hall tonight, and we were introduced to the cool new ritual Mending Resolution!

I like this ritual alot. Though one question that could not be answered for sure at the time is: if I have a suit of armor with both Mending Resolution and Eternal Resolution charges, and then proceed to use a resolute, do both rituals activate? do I choose one or the other? or can I not have them both on a suit of armor?

I feel like it should say somewhere in the ritual text of one/both of the rituals that they do not both work with one resolute (if that is the case).

I apologize if I just missed the text that has the answer to this.

if I have a suit of armor with both Mending Resolution and Eternal Resolution charges, and then proceed to use a resolute, do both rituals activate?
No, Similar to other interactions in the game (like how a Parry cannot be used to trigger both a Spell Parry and a Riposte, or a Dodge cannot be used to trigger both Feint and Retribution), one use of an ability cannot be used to trigger multiple responses.

do I choose one or the other?
The individual using the skill (and wearing the armor) would be the one who selects which ritual would be triggered.

or can I not have them both on a suit of armor?
You can certainly have both on the same suit of armor, but as Eternal Resolution is an Earth/Necro Ritual and Mending Resolution is a Celestial Ritual, they would need to be in separate batches.
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