Event faves, anyone? Thank yous

I very much enjoyed the RP from both PCs and NPCs at this event. The combats seemed well-balanced overall (which is always a tough task) and flowed well, though the rain and darkness made things a bit tricky here and there. I got to interact with some of the newer players my character doesn't normally deal with, which is always a treat. Thanks to everyone for the event!

-Bryan (Arannin)
-The auction was a lot of fun, bidding against Luke was a blast.
-The mugs were great. :]
-Saturday night fight was awesome, and the rain made it better IMO.
-Holly does a great crazy girl. ;]
-Birds out of effin nowhere!
There are others but those were my tops. I had a lot of fun, thanks to plot and NPCs for making it happen!

I had a great all around game, lots of fantastic roleplay all around. Some particular highlights:

-Getting 4 gypsies to spend 5 minutes considering a serious moral question. From sexual innuendo to cannibalism, right back to sexual innuendo.

-All the interactions with Squirrel, that whole Friday night was good. Getting to have an awesome extended exchange with Iftikar.

-The auction was entertaining. Watching Tode slowly and carefully take Krestos' weapons away after he announced his bid.

-The mug gift, of course was amazing.

-Caroline and the glow worms, and the immediate aftermath. The moment of "...oh, this just got significantly more interesting." Also, freaking cliffhangers.

-Interactions with Spook & Proshka in particular over the course of the weekend.

-All the PCs who were willing to answer Ashok's probing about their lives and beliefs.
jpariury said:
I actually had a lot of fun running the auction. Everyone's reaction to Kestos' bid of "one human" was awesome!
I'm not convinced that was even a bid up according to the exchange rate.

  • Itikhaar cold-cocking Ashok in the tavern
  • Epic rain battle contingency plans
  • Negotiating with the chaos elementals
  • Interactions with Squirrel
  • Angry crows
  • Rehabilitating the little enslaved girl
  • Talking with NPCs who remembered me
-RP with everyone! Esp. Bryan's teaching sessions.
-Great fight Sat. night. Very nice NPC ritual effects, good PC cooperation.
-Very cool mugs, thanks Joe!
-Tantarus. "The Order of Tantarus", him digging ever deeper holes, and singing the alphabet song for the whole tavern.
-High-fiving Hugh over the dead chaos creature/monster/thing
-hilarious, hilarious gypsies that I can't laugh along with IG.. : (
-Goats! I love my new fake goats! (and the awesome NPCs who sold them)

Thanks all!
Lol cannibalism... ;D

Favourite moments:
-NPC Gypsy noses and the ensuing drama
-Friday night and all the ridiculous innuendo. Oh, Regretzi... ;D
-Alcandar and cake!
-Iftikhaar vs Ashok followed by Prashka's "...am...Am I supposed to hurt him now?" inner conflict/dialogue
-Chaos elemental hugs, followed by a bit of a mental breakdown, then the burning desire to curse the heck out of that elemental
-Going into gypsy stealth mode, then having to shake bells at the folks in the tavern to let them know they don't need to come attack us
-Watching everyone flip about the guy bidding one human
-The chaos elemental and his creepy mask of doom
-Amy as the crazy pregnant elf...Particularly with the crazy "gobble down the bugs raw" on Sunday, followed by a tarot reading that actually made some sense in game, and a general sense of impending doom
-The mugs. Tres cool! And the drunken shenanigans that followed... :D
-The whole auction was pretty neat
-Plan A failing during the Sat. night rain battle, followed by a failure of plan B, then having someone come up with plan C on the fly, and Masticon's statement, "I didn't think I could run that fast"
-Trying innuendo on Roan and Arannin, only to have Arannin very efficiently diffuse the entire comment line and leave us with a few moments of awkward
-Interacting IG with all the NPCs and PCs. The whole weekend was just a ton of fun!
-Watching...I think it was Raganzi learn how to read while Samaj was throwing in his two cents
-Pre-game chat with Itzaak. Miss you, buddy!
-Hanging out with the Company, and repeatedly calling it the wrong name, and getting their version of what was going on in Landfall
-Having so much fun that I didn't even feel tired, despite only having eight hours of sleep all weekend!
-Interesting conversations with Ashok after the Vision ritual
-Watching Killian and Marcus run by trying to kill each other
-Dwarven beards getting tangled
-Sparring with Mixer, followed with the Super-Dramatic Duel with Luke
-Hanging out with the gypsy PC's, and meeting Ian, a great new brother!

Thanks so much everyone! It was a blast!
I am thankful for the patience and guidance I have been receiving, especially from Rob. I am becoming more confident in my understanding of the combat rules, and it is no small part because of the thoughtful attention my questions get.
Once again, a huge thank you to everyone who helped to make that event awesome. I had a ton of fun.

Some of my quick favorites (these in no way encompass all the fun I had all weekend)
-Gypsies... In general

-"So why did you want that goat anyways?"
"You see, the one thing I have learned is that if the Dark Elves are interested in it, its worth being interested in."

-Arannin's life is also spicy
-"Man, so, not only has he made it so that she will live practically forever, but now she can't even off herself?"
"Yeah she must have really pissed him off."

-The Bells Golem (the honey badger of Golems)

-The Bell Golem (its big brother)

-Please quiet down so I can leave

-"By my braided lady beard!"

-"Loan, like money, like I borrowed it from you"
"Whoah buddy, it's like A lone, like by herself, like we don't want to be responsible for paying that back"

-Sitting in the rain for an extra five minutes thanks to awesome orc "magic"

-My new plan to make extra "Gypsy" jackets (Humans can wear nice coats right?)

-again and lastly Gypsies. I was literally laughing so hard at one point I was uncontrollably crying

Again, thank you all very much, I am very, very pleased with making the choice to come to this event
Roan Dari Alki said:

Why thank you!

Roan Dari Alki said:
"The Order of Tantarus", him digging ever deeper holes
That is so not what I meant, I really thought that was a good name:/ Also my shield is grey!

Roan Dari Alki said:
, and [him] singing the alphabet song for the whole tavern.

Bryan is going to pay for that, I don't know how or when, but it is happening. He owned me pretty hard on that one. Well played, Bryan.

As to the event, It was a fun time. With many interesting things going on.
-There was a lot of very different and interesting lair cards. Very outside the box thinking on plot. Well done.
-Alcandar on the chaos table all trapped up was pretty epic.
-"I bid one Human"
-The chain of attempts to backlash the mist ritual.
-Epic battle complete with rainstorm.
-A certain new head of the healers guild assaulting a small slave child.
Oh man what a great event, here we go!

-Fat guy and a little cake or death.
-Getting to kill the boss mino's main caster. "I summon a force to disarm your spell shield!"
"That's not a valid target..."
"Still blows your spell shield. Activate death..."
Then running away with Holly as Cymryc tries to chop me down. 150 vengeance to my face.
-All the RP with everyone. Getting to talk in depth with people I don't normally chat with IG.
-My friend Gabe getting to PC for the first time and knocking it out of the park. You go dishes man!
-Hearing Andy/Marcus throw 12 magic from the damn bow all weekend. :)
-Interactions with Squirel and now I have the crazy murder ball... Get out of my head.
-The amazing NPC/Plot work all weekend. The setting really felt alive.
-Lord Gyr: "The Caravan of Wonders is looking for armed escort. Would your group be interested?"
Me: I have no interest in aiding them in the least..."
Everyone: "Wow..."
-Earth guild yeah!
-The auction. Me looming over the slaver with a packet in hand, "Please, just give me an excuse."

This list is getting too long. That's a good sign.
A.mungo said:
-Arannin's life is also spicy
-"Man, so, not only has he made it so that she will live practically forever, but now she can't even off herself?"
"Yeah she must have really pissed him off."

daaaamn.. nice.

Tantarus said:
That is so not what I meant, I really thought that was a good name:/ Also my shield is grey!

It was more the explaining how white is the color of good. : ) Hilarious. So very hilarious.
Roan Dari Alki said:
Tantarus said:
That is so not what I meant, I really thought that was a good name:/ Also my shield is grey!

It was more the explaining how white is the color of good. : ) Hilarious. So very hilarious.

It was more trying to explain how dark or black was considered evil with Arannin at the table.
There were a bunch of moments where I had a ton of fun. Some of the best were:

- Spook RPing trying to lift my spear and failing "I don't know how you fight with that thing."
- The new guy Saul "Whoa, you two are some big orcs." With me and Tode saying "Nah, we're a little on the small side."
- Teaching Regretsi how to read orcish
- Black "You know, I should ritual myself into a gypsy because now I'm feeling a little Regretsi."
- Running with Aranin after some Minotaurs and then having to stop because I remembered that he trapped the woods.
- The trap in the woods *snap* "Good thing I remembered... that would have been bad."
- Fighting behind the phalanx on Saturday night only to turn around and see a white bit of fur come bouncing towards me saying "Loan needs help! Loan needs help!" Not everyday you see an tipsy foxkin running from two minotaurs and asking asking for help in the third person.
- Aranin yelling for help (Which doesn't happen often) because Iftakar is down. I run over thinking "Awesome I can save the day with a Cure light wounds!" and get cut down right after casting it. Stupid minotaur swarm.....
- Semaj working on his impressions of everyone back at the cabin. He is getting pretty good at them :)
- Stopping the fight between the two slaves on a lair card through hugs. Big headlocky hugs, but hugs none the less. :)
- Hanging out the the gypsies. Always a good time at an event, doesn't really matter what we're doing.

Over all I had an awesome time during the event. I'm really looking forward to the next one, although I think I really need to invest in a cloak before then. Because fighting out in the rain without a cloak was kind of lame. And I think December is only going to get colder and wetter. But on the plus side it is always good to have a "Dark and stormy night" when you're trying to build drama for a big battle. :)
-Mixer being corralled into an ant hole, while Tode tries (to no avail) to warn him.
-"One Human" and Semaj(I think) pointing out that it was the correct exchange rate according to the paper.
-The great crew of NPC's.
-Listening to the players try to figure out the "Bearly Legal" mod.
-Running the battle Saturday night (up until the rain, trying to keep loot and myself dry in the rain sucks).
-Getting tortured as a minotaur and the ensuing drama.