Event Favorites!

In no particular order, what stood out for me in an excellent weekend!

The role play with a shell-shocked Gabriel after the major fight of the weekend. Made Marcena remember what she's there for.

*charges into the corrupt mod* "HAPPINESS IS A WARM SCALPEL!!!"

Cheapness! This was the first time I have played where I have dealt in copper.

Mama and Sparrow! This was the first time in a long time where I have gotten to role play with other Romani and Mama Jamini (sp?) was a lot of fun for me and great for poor Marcey who misses her late mother. Props to Vicky for playing a blind Romani very well.

The attuning mod. Not so much the module, but the afterward hyperbole of what went on. "Dhe only reason we survived dhe fires unlike any we had e'er seen was because we offered a sacrifice of MWE horns!" *chases Gabriel*

I could go on, but I would like to thank the NPCs and the PCs...greatest event I have had role-play wise in a long time and I will definitly try to make it again soon.


It was great to see Marcena again, even if I didn't get a chance to play with her much this time.
I'm glad that so many outside players have found their way over to Southern Minnesota now.
I think you're talking about Jamina if I'm not mistaken, though I'm not certain of the spelling myself.
I can hardly remember one name each when it comes to Romani, and my spelling of their names isn't much better.
The little back-and-forth you had with Gabriel was great to see. Too bad Tazoulti(sp?) had to ruin it for you.
Glad you had fun, and I hope to see you down in Chicago this June. Now to get my schedule cleared for it...
Hi Marcina! Dis is Mama...(How old do you think I am anyway?)

Mi favoritos...

Role play with Marcina, Gabriel and Sparrow...I finally got a handle on that accent! (Now Tim, aka Tazoulti, can't get me to stop it, which he needs, because he is hard of hearing and has extra trouble translating it.)

I got to sell one of my new wands! (In trade, to Fern.)

Calling a hold and having people listen for a change. We really did need to move over to a safer location during the fight at the second scientific expedition.

Watching Tim call for quiet so that Dave could be heard and seeing the look Dave gave him. Really, DG, that was just his medium voice.

Hiring Gabriel to bring Tazoulti back from the PC cabin so that we could be invested in the Tavern ward and stay there.

Making bread in my breadmaker with MacGregor and discussing how best to do it...

Checking out Gabriel's Legerdemain Kit (I'm only telling this one because Gabriel hasn't been especially quiet about his skills) behind the Tavern and trying to get John's character (darned if I can come up with a name...it's right on the tip of my tongue) to leave us alone by telling him that what we were doing was between two adults and he should go ask his Mom about the birds and the bees.

Finally getting my magic necklace attuned. Too bad I wasn't fast enough when I needed to use it. It has one life per day...
Krieghammer said:
Too bad Tazoulti(sp?) had to ruin it for you.

Huh, how did I go ruining it?!?

Patience said:
Hiring Gabriel to bring Tazoulti back from the PC cabin so that we could be invested in the Tavern ward and stay there.

You know, your darn lucky I disobeyed your request of staying right there until you & iggy got back, and didn't ignore him! ESPECIALLY after that ear burning you gave me for disobeying your instructions again, leaving the tavern & losing a life & one of me javelins while trying to help Mcgregor rescue Hengin & company. (at least, we thought it was Hengin yelling for us...)
Well there Tazoulti, you just had to steal the spotlight by reminding everybody that you killed one of those dragons by throwing daggers at it.
How is Marci supposed to compete with somebody who can kill a dragon by literally throwing his production points at it?
That might be bearable if it was from an alchemist, but a smith isn't supposed to be throwing things like that. It's simply unheard of.
I can understand if you had nothing better to do than make daggers for a day somewhere in the past, but to carry every one of them with you?
"Woods.... Fern... Woods" and getting the letter out/ trying to take out the big baddy by myself.
Fern tests...some of you passed some of you didnt but it was great times
Hitting on everyone of Emylin's NPCs, most of the PCs, and filling up "timeslots" ( Poor Ewan you were an awesome sport and dealt with it beautfifully... on the upside you now have a sugar hobling paying for your meals and tavern fees.... :p)
RP with Hengin and the written message in the dirt by a falling tree branch.
The Duelist Asa and the Duel with Hengin later on... I got weaknessed and still managed to pull off a win by the skin of my pants.
Post Rez Party- Cigars for everyone who rezzed! :)
The Saturday Evening Mod...getting behind Dave the first time was a feeling only bested by seeing the look on his face when Aneous and I turned him for the 2- 50 assinates... hot.
Everything Team F&A.

Overall I had a great time this event. Thanks Dave, Em, Ryan, Chris, Evan, Chris, Ryan, and all the other NPCs and Staffers whose names I missed... you guys rocked and I cant wait to come back for round 2.

I wanted to thank everyone for making my third outing with Alliance awesome, as I have come to expect from the players and staff.

Sadly there were far too many moments and quotes than I can recall, but my overall favorites were between the three main roles I played Saturday: Asa the Duelist, Pynn the Gnoll, and Talon the Prince. Each one had incredible RP moments I won't soon forget. There is also the scalpel quote, and the cinderblock incident, but those are other's to tell.

Hope to see you all again in a couple weeks.


Dude you were awesome in all your parts this weekend. Your a sick man with a longsword duel, very fun to rp with as both the prince and the gnoll and the card you played saturday night was scary as heck when you caught me alone on the backline... It was the only time I almost went down this weekend. I look forward to playing with you again soon wether in CHI-town or back up in MN.

I had some great times this weekend, and am sure to have more to come. Some real highlights:

Duel with Fern...wait for round 2 ya lil punk!

Pynn the Knoll

The Undead merchant at dawn...only people up were Thaqib, Mara, and Hengin...it's ok though, we made him taste dirt pretty fast.

The Greatest Rescue Party Ever...and than finding out that McGregor and Tazoulti thought WE needed the rescuing...the best laid plans are only SO good...

Getting a Rez story that sounded like it should have been in a naughty MWE magazine >.> tisk tisk Elysia!

Many many more, but that will have to wait for another time.
Stana said:
Sadly there were far too many moments and quotes than I can recall

Theirs one I think we will remember for a while.

Gabriel: Theirs a treasure chest up there! We have to get it!

NPC look and each other in confusion.

A few minutes later: Gabriel: Oh ****! It's A Cinder Block! Run!
Postby Krieghammer on Tue May 26, 2009 12:58 am
Well there Tazoulti, you just had to steal the spotlight by reminding everybody that you killed one of those dragons by throwing daggers at it.
How is Marci supposed to compete with somebody who can kill a dragon by literally throwing his production points at it?
That might be bearable if it was from an alchemist, but a smith isn't supposed to be throwing things like that. It's simply unheard of.
I can understand if you had nothing better to do than make daggers for a day somewhere in the past, but to carry every one of them with you?

Actually, Tazoulti only carries 3 daggers with him. Fortunately, a lot of people get them back to him so that he can reuse them. :lol:
let me prep some shatters :D