Event Pre-Registration: October 2nd-4th


Our October event will be at the MUCC Cedar Lake Outdoor Center (2500 Pierce Road) in Chelsea, MI.
The price for this event will be $60, but anyone who preregisters will only have to pay $50 and earn 30 goblin stamps in addition. Full-time NPCs are free to play, but are asked to pay $5 for food.

There will be food for us this weekend cooked by Alison, with a meal plan costing $10 for the event. This includes a breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday, as well as something Friday night.

Preregistration for this event will close at 11:59pm EST on September 28th. Please send the following information to somilogistics@gmail.com.
  • How you want to spend any build/goblin stamps
  • Magic Item information (item number, expiration date, and their effects)
  • Spells, Formal, and Production
  • Whether or not you will be eating tavern food
If you're a first time player, still shoot logistics an email so that we can help you with character creation and other things ahead of time!

Pre-Regged PCs
1. Ian P (Banradi)
2. Alison T (Mary)
3. Jared S (New)
4. TC B (Naomi)
5. Casey M (Ko-Hut)
6. Blaine S (Vallow)
7. Robert P (Petra)
8. Michelle S (New)
9. TSM (Lukas)
10. Tristin W (Fredrick)
11. Stu R (Trog)
12. Baylan B (Taios)
13. Genevieve P (Jynx)
14. Chris T (Tad Ron)
15. Jared's Friend (New)
16. Dave M (Ardos)
17. Josh J (Zeus)
18. Evan P (Wycliff)

1. Chris I
2. Ashley M
3. John L
4. Zach W
5. Wes W
6. Leah P
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This might be a small game...
These are just pre-reg'd people! We're planning on 5-10 more people at least!
I didn't pre-reg because I was previously not able to come, but I found out today that I can! Extremely apprehensive about Wendigos, though.
I don't like Wendigos.
I wasn't able to pre regester as my character isn't finished yet. My card hopefully will be sent tomorrow so I can send you what I will be spending my B.P. on. Hopefully bringing another guy as well but he won't know till Friday at noon if he can.
Have a really good event everyone. Sorry I can't make it out!