Event Review "All's Fair"

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Post your review for a "All's Fair"
1. Post your favorite moments
2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
3. What you would like to see more of
4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character

Posting rules, respect everyone's views, no debates. Everyone sees things differently.
Reviews got you 15 gs, so make sure you tag your review with your name.
Let's make those that missed the event jealous over how awesome it was!
Favourite moment was when the sun finally came out. Also the care that was taken to make sure us newbie felt included.

Least favourite.... Has to be Sunday breakfast not very tasty sorry.

I would have loved more insta mods they were fun.

Corvina loved how welcome and included she felt. Being asked to go on a quest geared for newbies was great.

Thanks Michelle C (Corvina)
  1. "I'm not a necromancer, but I am a necromancer", the pixie wars, running all out to escape the fairies.
  2. When tempers flared out of character, a little of a downer. My wet feet (my own fault).
  3. Could more cups be left for the free water, maybe I was just blind but I was dying for a drink a couple times and couldn't find a cup
  4. *grumble grumble* it has been a long day a nice relaxing sleep in my cabin will be ever so n----- . Why am I on the ground? Why is there a stab wound in my neck? Oh ... COME HERE YOU BLOODY GOBLIN I'VE GOT MY ARMOR ... OH GOD, MY ARMOR DOES NOTH----. Why am I on the ground?
Alex (Bogar)
3. Could more cups be left for the free water, maybe I was just blind but I was dying for a drink a couple times and couldn't find a cup
Alex (Bogar)
we ask that PCs bring their own non-glass mugs. You can get stainless steel ones from wal-mart for $9.99 in the camping department.
1. Favorite moments:
The entire mind flayer fight, Lindsay's fan girl, Sarryn catching the fearsome Duergar literally sleeping.

2. Less favorite moments:
Several times this weekend it felt like it didn't matter what abilities we used or didn't use, some fights were going to go on not until we won (or lost) but until the NPC's decided to let it end - as if the NPC's didn't have stats, they just kept calling defenses they shouldn't have until they felt we'd fought long enough. The whole town could use everything they had, or one person could be fighting alone, and the fight would end the same way, and at the same time. If for example, I am fighting an NPC that has slays and parries and an eviscerate, it shouldn't dodge when I disarm and then eviscerate it, it should die and know to parry the disarm next time. It shouldn't call a defense that it fairly clearly doesn't have. It's infuriating, and it led directly to my getting pissed off and leaving to change and pack just after the last battle started.

3. What I would like to see more of:
Instamods (I only saw one all weekend, which I didn't do because Third wouldn't rob some guy just because he sneers at me, despite actively looking for them a number of times)

4. A moment from the perspective of my character:
Third buckled slightly as the heavy boot connected directly on his groin, and surged forward, furious, before remembering that kicking the prisoner to death would be viewed poorly by the Sherriff, and half the town that was still gathered and watching.
I'm still to new, it being only my second event, but I felt like I was finally catching on. I appreciate everyone's patience while I get through the learning process, and for anyone's limbs I've taken out. ;) My two favorite moments: The night I was casting spellstrike lightning, while lightning was flashing brightly in the sky. One time, it even happened seemingly on cue. That was pretty epic. The other was getting to play the crazy alchemist goblin. I enjoyed coming up with how I'd go about that one. The folks who came along to do that quest were awesome. Thanks everyone for a great weekend, and an incredible workout. I'm still moving slowly today. You guys rock!
2. Less favorite moments: Several times this weekend it felt like it didn't matter what abilities we used or didn't use said:
It's possible that could have been me at least part of the time. This was my second NPC and Larping experience and self-admittedly, I'm clueless. Each fight, I'm given all new stats. I try to memorize them as stopping in the middle of a fight to review is not convenient even though I carry it on my wrist. There were a few characters where it appears I have immunity to almost everything. I would say "immunity" and find out later that it wasn't accurate due to a technicality I'd yet to hear of, or shout out a defense that wasn't suppose to count for this and that. We had a few other newbies and likely they faced a bit of that as well.
So, I have to say that this was not the best event for me, but it was no ones fault but my own. I didnt have a great time, and I felt very useless and that i didnt really contibute to the game as much as what i would have liked too, but there is a reason.

After some careful thought, and a clear head, I have realized why I was feeling so angry and why the game turned out to be not so fun for me. Jordan coined it with "A bleed through effect."

Over the last two months, leading up to saterday, I have been running with plot story that took a turn for the worst on Saterday. What happened in th grove really drove home a sence of failure and incompatance with me. After my IBGA I felt that I might be able to fix the situation, and had started a plan which came crashing down on the Grove mod on saterday. I was angry at how Vaegar was beeing treated. I was angry with how the situation was going, and I was super angry with the punishment that I received for something i figured out only last night. I know it was felt by other people and i know that others could see it in my face. What was happening to Vaegar was angering me and that "bleedthrough effect" effected me for the rest of the weekend.

All that compounded with a feeling of uselessness for the day while others went out on mods and proactivly impacted the game, as well as finialt getting a chance to fight after dark, only to have the NPC enemy run away when ever I was ready to start fighting, just put more weight on the situations at hand and made for an unejoyable night.

The feather the broke the camels back was sunday morning, when we were all preped and ready to fight. I was eager and ready with scrolls in hand, only to have a rules call made by the marshal frustrate me. I had just banished lindsy, when I saw her looking at me. She mentioned some thing about looting and i hopped on the chance to claim my prize , when the marshal said no, thats not how the rule was, I questioned it, and was asked to continue playing. That was the end. My frustration blew and I walked off. Knowing that confronting the issue there was pointless.

It was a minor thing for the most part. A simple rule call that would be clearifed later but it was anough of a frustration to tip the scale on a sunday morning. That feeling of uselessness was gone for a seconed and when i was finialy able to do something productive, it was skirted out from under me.

I dont blame the marshal for the call. They made it under "Battlefield conditions" and its and easy correction for the future.

When I left the field I was mad, And to be honest I wanted every one to see it. For this I offer up apology to every one at the game, PC's, NPC's, and Staff that saw me pack up and get ready to leave. It was unfair of me to impact your game, if you were impacted by it, and I gave in to me own feelings instead of removing myself and dealing with things after. I am truly sorry.

After thinking about all this I realize now, that it may not have been that bad of a event, if i had been in a diffrent mind set. I did have some Good moments with many of the PC's and NPC's through various roleplay, and I shinging star in this weekend was Our newly prospected brothers In the Iron Brotherhood. I have a clear head now, and with news of next months festival being hosted by the Dark Elves I really want to be there so that I can interact with what Plot has ultimitly started for me as a path choice. I look for ward to seeing every one there and I promise to work on seperating my self from my character a little .

The walk between the Tavern and the Stock was only a hundred feet, But it felt like miles to Vaegar.
How could they do this to me. ******* Humans, ******* Sandeaters. After all I have done for them.
He tosses his armour and gear on the floor near the stocks. The sheriff and his deputy standing by as he prepares to insert his arms.
******* King. After all that I have done for him and his Noble. I gave him gifts, fought in his forces. Defended his grove so that it may grow supplies for his army. I offered respect, even gave him the grace of a proper bow. I Explained all that I did, and all that had happened, and this is what i get? Disrespect and Punishment for faithful service?
Vaegar scratchs at his nose, and glances around. The Sheriff and Deputy keep back the others as his time in the stocks goes forth. some of his brothers stand nearby and amongst the onlookers no dought ready to act on any who would try and throw someting at him.
All I did was try and fix what was done. I told that stupid sundried sand snake that the crystals were the key, and he laughed at me. Had me Beaten and then tossed out only to be right all along, and then punished for my help! ******* Humans. ******* Ulric! Now I must serve this baron that i was trying to save, as a lowly Svaltalfar! I am Dokkalfar! Blood of the Empress of Shadowrose!! I am NO Household Servant to a human!...But I must Because of a ******* Humans command. Honorless dogs!
The Anger in Vaegars heart boils to surface as the halfhour mark creeps forward. When a soft voice can be heard close to his ear. "This is all i can offer you, Master Vaegar," she says" Its more symbolic then useful, but I just want to thank you for all you have done for me and the Grove," and she places the vile in to his hands. "Its an enslavement antidote," she wispers . Vaegar lifts his head and does what he can to hold back the tear as the Dryad walks away.
1. I love to be busy at events, and for the first time in a long time I was! The pacing was perfect and I had so much to do! It left me exhausted at the end of the weekend and it made me feel so much better.

2. The rp was epic! The pixie mod was great for it, and it was both fun and saddening. Getting arrested was also great rp. Would totally love to see those particular npcs come back.

3. Yettas table.... I don't care if I was noisy. That massage was epic!

4. My negative of the weekend was seeing some npcs that were out of game without white headbands or hands on their heads. It takes away from the immersion when this happens. Also in the dark we can't see if you have headbands on or not. Maybe investing in white hats would be a good idea. Then there would be less confusion for us pcs.

4. I like the idea of disposable dishes for meals. That way we are leaving less of a mess and those on kitchen duties don't waste their day. I hear from a lot of pcs that they don't do dishes because they don't want to miss anything. I can understand that, but it isn't fair for the same people to do dishes over and over. So maybe disposable plates and containers are the way to fix that problem. People might be more likely to help put when there's only some cutlery to clean.

(Long winded) Event Review:

1. Post your favorite moments

Getting to wear my shiny new pretty armor! And the red cloak that a lovely lady made for me! Win win!

A gorgeous red headed elemental tearing a stone apart with great glee! And then sashaying on to the field of battle, throwing the pieces into the air!

Talking resurrecting spirits back to the Circle with stories of the peace, joy and tranquility that is life in Parsons Breach. < grin>

Having two of three wanted posters resolved cleanly in one weekend! And the third was even more fun!

The news Biata “PC”! Being asked to help a brand new character take a final death had me convinced that I had to be missing some obvious alternative that I was too dim to find! Plus the depth of the role play was just a little intimidating to try and work with! <grin>

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we cannot fix)

(More of a “how do we relax”, than a “how do we fix”.) Angst and tension on both “sides” of the game. Only there are no sides! We are working together to tell a story, not competing against each other. We need to breathe more and snipe less. The NPCs are not trying to frustrate or kill the characters, they are working very hard to challenge us and give us heroic moments to rise to. Granted that sometimes does not work as planned, but I don’t believe the plan is ever to wreck anyone’s day or game. There is also a balance between game and story. Our PC characters are built on game points, the NPC are built to carry out the story. Not the same thing, not going to balance against each other when the ratio is 3 to 1.

On the other hand, the PCs are not as scatter brained as it may seem to NPCs. We do not attend meetings between events and we don’t have the organization, wranglers and script that the NPCs do. When we are ineffective when we are trying to be heroic, that is going to be frustrating. A scary monster with huge hit points and damage , can still be fun if I can see I am hitting him and doing something. It is a lot more frustrating face one I can’t catch, or resists all the highest levels of spells, or has us trying to guess which one obscure type of damage actually work on them. All that said; let’s not break the 90% that works in trying to fix the 10% that is not all we would like it to be. (Dismounts soapbox with a flourish and a bow! <grin>)

Discovering that you all may have been right about Templar’s! (I hate it when that happens!) They do have a problem as the game grows. At low levels a mix of melee and magic is great! At higher levels survival in melee without dodges and parries is... doubtful. And if you are not in melee a Templar is just a weak Scholar. Doh! On the bright side I have a Spirit Reforge scroll! But I no longer have the formals to cast it with the destruction of the stones. Double Doh! Perhaps by the time I can beg borrow and steal (?!) the required reagents and catalysts, Isawda will still be around and have enough ranks to use that silly thing...?

3. What you would like to see more of

Insta mods! Saw four that looked very cool OOG but none that Isadwa would act on. Taking the purse from someone who had too much to drink? Bring a pixie war into the Breach? I think not!

Encounters like the wanted posters, where a single NPC can keep a large portion of the players engaged in PR between more active events.

Linked events, like the King leading us to face DAM. Obviously they cannot always be that epic, but still linked series of smaller events so they fell less “stop and start”.

In game PC crafting and merchants. Lorene’s leather work, Lisa’s table, Crystals baking, make the game feel fuller by it being more than empty spaces between battles.

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character

Rising from the wet cold ground, Isawda had only to glance where Eriana had fallen to know that she was beyond his help. If there was any justice her sprit would find its way quickly and safely to the Circle in Parsons Breach.
Perhaps others had fallen later and might still be pulled back from crossing the final curtain, if only he could find them in the pitch black field of a lost battle. (Five Life spells used in one encounter and we still lost one of our party!? Oh my golly!)
1. Post your favorite moments
A few of my favorite moments were, when I became blood brother to house Remington, and when I slew the Duergar who thought we had all died when we just "advanced in the opposite direction" to repair and heal everyone up.
2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
My less favorite moment was nothing you guys can fix because it was a great insta-mod but it was the pixie mod but too see friends fighting friends (under the control of pixies) was jaw dropping and saddening.
3. What you would like to see more of
I would like too see more of the mods you guys did for legerdemain because that was a great balance for not having traps out due to weather and how swampy everything was. Great job.
4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
Walking to the mines where the Duergar are hiding and being general pests, we had shields up front ready for any trouble. As we approach the pathway into the mines we hear a cry from Isawda that the enemy is behind. Third and I both turn to see three Duergar heading towards us, two fighters and a crossbowman, I think to my self well this must be a scouting party then trying to hold us back. As a bolt slammed into my shield I knew this was no scouting party and prepared for a glorious battle. Third and I drove in with weapons raised slashing and stabbing while blocking bolts being fired with enough strength to shatter shields, luckily I had the Aegis of Remington with me it could withstand all the power from the bolts. After dealing with one enemy and switching off with Third I turned to the crossbowman who fired shot after shot trying to destroy my shield and spear. Seeing him take down my house member I drove in with my spear trying to give time to the others to save her and everyone else but it was too late........ three of us had fallen I lost track of Morrigan in the fray and she was nowhere to be seen. One of his powerful body guards came from behind and attacked me but I saw him at the last second and blocked his hit. We turned to each other and loosed our most powerful blows on each other and was surprised that the other stood, being in a lot of pain and having my armor broken I had to run but I was too slow and he ran me down and knocked me to the ground bleeding, as I fell I saw that it was only myself and Third left everyone else had fallen to the Duergar. Feeling my soul start to leave my body I felt it recalled by a life spell, waking up I see Isawda above me healing me with his arts, he then healed all of my wounds and I saw my blood sister on the ground so I ran over to her and picked her up with the imbued strength that I had drank earlier in the day. I ran her back to Isawda and he brought her back to life also, Third and Rovinder had joined us as well as we left the area picking up everyone as we went. We healed and repaired outside the mines at the kings road and planned what to do next, we decided that we should go back in to get everyone things, and that's when I saw him, and walked up to him unnoticed and slew him on the spot and collected the blood we had come for. We then headed into the mines and collected all of out things to meet the fallen at the earth circle.
(Also a lengthly one here)

1. My death and resurrection. Created a new mindset for Stig now and the RP that came from it looks like its going to real fun.

2. My death and resurection. Lost damn near everything I ownd due to being just a little to far from everyone during combat sucks... but hey it happens and im being a good sport about XD

3. mods/lairs and more random monsters in town. I spent 90% of the day in the commons waiting for a few "adventures" that I was supposed to go on to happen and never did. Also the bountys that came into town always seemed to be when most of the players were there so a simple bounty turned into 10+ players figuering out who the heck is acctually claiming it. Dont get me wrong, Im not angry about not getting to do alot its just frustrating sitting and waiting for nothing and seeing/hearing of alot of other players going out and doing wild mods and bringing back some hardy loot while I basically just hung out. But I understand not everyone gets gets everything so ill just put the past behind me and get ready for the next event :)

4. "Dis quicklin is fast. But Stig right on heals. Ah. It stop. Now ve finish it off."
"Vhat?" Stig quickly looks around to see there is no-one at his side in this fight and it just dawns on him that he has forgotten to refit his armor.
"Come you blue fiend. Stig fight to last breath"
Stig lunges forward but it is too fast
The force is to much, Stig has been slain. As Stig falls the last sight he sees is the dwarf Bogar running to the fight.
Stig stands within the mist now, looking for a path out but he then starts to feel the mist lifting.
"Stig is saved. Friends must have come!"
As Stig begins to open his eyes he feels his arms streched tightly to either side.
"mornin Essee" *crack!*
"umph" Stig feels his nose break. The haze wears off and he realizes that he is tied to a wall in a dark room with the quickling he had been fight along with a few others of its kind.
"Vhat?! Vhere is Stig?!"
"You in our world now esse. The Fae realm *slap* and we got a few questions for you" The quickling says with a wide nashing grin.
After working him over for awhile the quicklings realize that Stig doesnt have the info they seek.
"Lets just kill him and and be done with it" one says with a gleem of death in its eyes.
"Fine. But do it slooooooowly essee. Make this pandejo feel every bit of the pain. An see if you cant make so if he resurrects the wounds go with him"
"heh heh with pleasure boss"
And with that the main one Stig had fought with before leaves and the others leap forth with blood lust.
Stig now finds him self again within the mist but this time he is running with anger looking for a way out. He begins to hear a voice and feels the mist rise once again
"No dis time. Stig come back hard dis time"
Stig runns as fast as he can towards the opening inthe mist hoping to return to his body with as much firce as he can muster so might break his restraints and take some quickling blood this time.
"Aaaaaaarrrrrrrrhhhhhhh!!" *wham*
Stig feels a barrier in front of him but also feels Fenrir and Canis within his hands. He goes to swing Fenirir at the barrier vut hears that voice again, and the barrier is gone. Stig stumbles but regains his footing and Iis off in a charge swinging wildly. All he sees is red.
He falls to his knees and hears more voices coming towards him. Hes about to get up swing but then he recognizes a voice
"STIG! Calm down lad"
"H H Hamish?"
He starts to see clearly, to see his friends. He realizes hes home... parsons breach.

(If i offended anyone with my language when I ressurected I appologize I just got way too into the moment)
1. Post your favorite moments
The pixie fight - just awesome if a little one sided - would have loved to have seen the end of it if SOMEONE hadn't waylaid me......
The RP involved in catching the wanted criminal played by Abbey - His antics in the stocks, biting, kicking third - lol and scooping gravel all over everyone - I was still finding gravel in my turban late that same night.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
Not getting to go on a lair raid with Hamish and crew - but totally understandable with the weather and lack of NPC's, etc. - next time!

3. What you would like to see more of
Pixie wars - perhaps not to the death next time though.....
Good weather
mass melee - elementals fight was great
treasure - why not?
crazy fairy chases (or actually fleeing said crazy fairies)
Awesome players whom I encountered at every turn, all weekend.

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character

Vater, something my tribe has made a living out of, knowing where the vatering holes and oasis are and protecting that knowledge jealously for generations. Now as I stand here, it falls freely from the sky and flows across all surfaces in shallow rivers, my robes are feeling like a second suit of chainmail. My shoes make a squelvch noise when I valk - thank you bad deregar dvarves for hijacking the vettest part of the mine. :confused:

Chris Gray (IG Rovinder Kitt)
1. Post your favorite moments
I think the thing I enjoyed the most was the Fangirl. It was funny and interesting to watch everyone deal with her in their own ways, be it polite brush offs, paranoid brush offs, yes yes, here's my autograph, now please go away. I honestly hope we have not seen the last of her. I think seeing how she develops/who she fixates on/if she attempts to follow the various paths of adventure would be entertaining. It was nice seeing some of the actual townsfolk of Parsons Breach that we are defending. The new quarry foreman will be formidable as well. :)

2. Post your less favorite moments
Watching the defenders of The Breach at war among themselves. (Due to the instamod) But it made for some great drama so that was cool too. The deaths were unfortunate. But also made the drama.
Waiting on Lairs. Though really, they rock when we get to them. I know it's one more thing to do for marshals, but writing a time of turn in on mod envelopes was brought up and seems fair. A turn order, sort of.

3. What you would like to see more of
A couple town NPCs, not necessarily for fights, but maybe to spread rumors, sell something, create characters we can become attached to to endanger later. :) It might also make for a nice 'rest period' for npc players being otherwise run ragged in lairs and wandering monster attacks to rotate through, and yet still engage the players. Still a little sad I missed out on a round with the chess player. Guess I should have lurked instead of giving them privacy to play. :)

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
"What's going on over there?" Darien thinks to himself, hearing the sounds of battle. He looks in the direction of the disturbance, but sees no invaders, just the defenders of the Breach with voices rising ever higher, one of them, unconscious at the very least, on the ground . He watches as Magistrate Mobius approaches the downed man, while being peppered with explanations. Watches as Mobius calmly, and with authority, puts the man to death.
Darien's eyes go large with shock. "I.... I. What the hell is going on?" This is a side of Mobius that Darien has not yet seen. Things seem to stabilize for the moment, and, eager to vacate the area, he heads to the privy, a mild need suddenly urgent.
Emerging from the privy a scant few minutes later, much calmer and refreshed, Darien moves to find his companions and find out what was going on, only to find that the battle between defenders had continued, claiming his cabin mate Kai, among others, though a life spell was able to save her.
The pace of life in the Breach is... a little shocking.
1. Post your favorite moments
Running as soon Dan Henry's character said pixies were in town.
Assisting Aaron with some Rituals and learning more about them
Getting to apprentice 2 celestial casters despite being crazy
Putting my garden gnome "Jeffery" outside the arcane sanctum then the tavern and seeing the reactions of others

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
The weather and mosquitoes !!!. Other that found out why Cory says to buy a wand. In the last battle ran out of spells after the first 2 waves. Couldn't do much to help other than grab folks who fell.

3. What you would like to see more of
Insta mods.

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
Wondering why there was shouting coming from the town as I finished getting a massage by Yetta. I walking towards where the noise was and surprised to hear that people were killing each other over this pixie thing. I was thinking to myself these folks are crazy.
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