Event Review: Aug 24 - 26, Bigger Badder Wetter

Post your comments about the weekend event. The good, the bad, and the ugly. These help the Plot team improve the events.
I think the highlight was that bad-*** Vampire Saturday night, who skulked around for over 2 hours picking people off from the shadows all over camp. I don't know who that NPC was, but he was fantastic!

Moonlance said:
I think the highlight was that bad-*** Vampire Saturday night, who skulked around for over 2 hours picking people off from the shadows all over camp. I don't know who that NPC was, but he was fantastic!


Hmmm, no offense Andreas, but a few of us would disagree. It may have been a different story if more than 2 of us could actually damage him. That's why most people said screw it and sat by the fire. The idea was good, just a little ill-conceived since no one could do anything to him since anyone that could bolster our weapons wasn't there. I think it went on a tad too long as he kept running off into dark like a coward, lol.

But that, said you did a great job as both the Vamp and the Scarecrow chaos jerk, lol. Best monster had to be Shannon's bee though, for the NPC's. My highlight was Mark casting Domination on Third and orderhim to hunt and kill Garridan. Yes, I know that's apparently not a valid command, but I don't care and Jordan and I had a blast with it as I would face off against hiom and then bolt across the commons to fight something lse for a bit until he got back to me. I'm sure feeling the ache from that.

Downside for me was missing the Gypsy plot since it took place off in the side and I was sitting at the tavern. I apprently just missed Nadya, but no one else mentioned it was going on until they came back with Adraur's body. Especially since Garridan is a Roma!
I think I have too many highlights to choose from. I honestly cannot remember ever having that much fun.

A few of the events that stick out in my mind:

In the giant fight, saving Isada (Spelling?) from an ogre at the last possible instant - "Killing blow thr-" *thwack!* "Three normal!" - and then stumbling to a halt because apparently getting up to a sprint in chainmail means you can't stop very fast. Also as I went past her I ducked my head and literally felt her weapon ruffle my hair. Awesome!

Getting commanded to kill Garridan, and just tearing into him as fast as I could. Up and down the commons we went, and I knocked the sword out of his hand - making him bolt again until he could draw his backup, then getting waylaid by Nox, when Garridan only had one point of armor left. Good thing I'd removed the chain coif after Friday night!

Tapping the vampire for three normal and deciding to go back to the fire because he said "no effect" and I literally cannot do anything else - but then a friendly NPC (Andy as some sort of gnoll spellcaster?) cast a spell on my sword and told me to call three magic, so I got to participate in the vampire's eventual death.

Seeing the vampiress keep turning away from Jax to scold Wulfgar for harassing her was awesome, and hilarious.

Running around in the dark, hiding from fairies, watching Tess get ordered to "give your friend a big hug!" and seeing Wulfgar take off, as I was sitting in the bushes hoping not to get spotted.

The muskrat-kin thief pulling out his little dagger and saying "I use this!" before scurring away again was hilarious.

I can't honestly choose between them, but saving Isada and the chase with Garridan were my two favorite moments among an awesome overall experience.
I didn't even mention the Giant Fight! I enjoyed the heck outta that, especially being one of the 4 who got the special coating running in on him and smacking him for 6 damage in the back and ducking the swinging arms. That was definietley my favourite module/boss fight yet. Especially since I was in the thick of it.
Yes the screams of "Behind you CAT!" were welcomed as I was being outflanked!

James and his randomly hitting bushes for "2 magic" nearly scared the bejebus out of me. Pesky Azzazzins!

Not having to witness firsthand the male Farie dance was probably the highlight! :shades:

Really getting the experience of the PCs side was a HUGE boost for me. Lots to work with PLOT on, that's for sure.

I was happy (and I said this twice now) that the NPCs always came out of the VOID in a character. No more white headbands around the fire pit! That goes double for the effort of the PCs to keep in game! Well done everyone!
Have to post a reply on the Vampire fight.

Yes, normal and silver weapons did not hurt him. There were only a few people who could actually affect him, but why stay around the fire? What would have happened if the only couple of people that could attack me were killed by the Vampire....then what? The rest of the town is dead.

You fight as a team, or you die as individuals. Much like taking the coals from a fire, if you spread them around they cool quickly and go out. Keep them together, and the fire lasts a long time.

Kudos go out to Jordan, Chris and Lorne, who although they knew they could not affect me, they did a damn good job of corralling the Vampire when the fight was on. The main reason I was able to run away so often is because everyone else was sitting around the camp fire! The fight would have been over very quickly if the larger group would have created a circle around me, and kept me in one spot so that Kitty and Adruar (and anyone else with magic or earth attacks) could beat me down.
Moonlance said:
The fight would have been over very quickly if the larger group would have created a circle around me, and kept me in one spot so that Kitty and Adruar (and anyone else with magic or earth attacks) could beat me down.

Which would have required a *lot* of co-ordination when most of our leadership was gone. Plus the vamp could just run past anyone who couldn't damage it, and Math would have been taken out in ~ 2 hits as I was sitting at 1 health that night because healing was low.

Anyways, as for the rest of the event;
All the 'bad' got addressed during the event - thanks Tracy for creating an atmosphere where I can address concerns as they come up rather than stewing on them all weekend and then complaining after.

without going into *too* much detail - JP dancing on Saturday night was the highlight of my evening :oops:

Due to RP reasons, Saturday afternoon I got into a situation where I REALLY got into character. While no one else saw this, 'cause I was in my cabin, I fully got into what my character was feeling - sad and betrayed - and it was quite the experience. (To the point where Brett asked me OOG later if I was okay - and I said that OOG I was just fine, and that my current mood was all IG only.)

Brett wrote " Best monster had to be Shannon's bee though," and I have to agree. I didn't see this, Brett told me about it afterwards - and I immediately saw the connection! The day before several bees were flying near me and we got into a conversation about how bees sting once and then die - so are less likely to sting, wheras wasps don't die after they sting so they are more vicious. When Brett told me about this NPC I later thought "I wonder if the plot team heard that conversation and sprungboard off of it?"

When Shannon and Shawna's gypsy duo were flirting with the rest of the men by the fire - I really appreciate that she respected my boundries and didn't try that with me. I had a retort prepared, but I think that Shawna recognized from earlier conversations we've had OOG that I would have been uncomfortable with that.

Also - I don't know if this was intended or part of the character - at one point JP was approaching me as a water elemental, and I was backing away - and could kinda 'tell' from the way he was moving that he was going to attack a little slower, so I engaged for the practice despite normally running away. While he did remove my magic armour (which was a waste - but oh well) it was good practice and I appreciated that he slowed down a little for someone who doesn't fight much.

That said - later on Saturday and early Sunday I started getting into a rythem where if I can get behind someone I can whack them 3-4 times before they have time to turn around - and it's not machine-gunning because I alternate staff sides. I managed to drop a few enemies that way (Of course, once the NPCs start realising that math is not just going to hide off to the side and actually engage, they might not leave themselves open to him as much...)

Best part of it all - I only got 1 mosquito bite, so I'm not so drowsy I can't move for 3 days. YAY! (Allergic to mosquito bites =Z) was probably too cold for them.
Just a reminder to keep things on topic! No arguing about the event, just honest and constructive criticism. Play nice....
Birds...don't remind me. Took a full day for the ones circling my head to flutter off. :funny:

Laurent with an non-effective weapon and exhausted spells tried to deal with the "dancing vampire", except for the minor problem of having his bell rung earlier making him pretty unable to really do much but use foul language. After that "better part of reality" made it pretty evident that while the character would pitch in still and tough it out...the player behind it had to go lay down.

I still have a bit of a blank of what happened other than a 1 in 100 shot and then it gets pretty blurred until I'm in the rez circle laying on my back with my legs in the correct recovery position. So kudos for the marshalls getting that done right...and proposals of marriage or sparkling I made during that time.... :blink: Right now I will take everyone's word that indeed the Bells of Beng-Kishi got truly rung hard. And I'm counting the blessing that I choose to leave the filters out during game for once, that would have been a heck of a lot worse. Maybe its a blessing that Meniere's Disease has gone and etch-a-sketched the rest. ;)

>claps hands< Right! Review!

Having or Magistrate, Sheriff and the mighty Corporal missing led to quite the humour as the town sorted out whom that left in charge, and lo and behold we got the Impressive Corporal...no wait...Sergeant....no wait Sergeant Major Angus! That actually played well and if anything encouraged more players to "step up" a bit in their RPing as now we had real confusion in leadership will many threats to the town began to come to a head.

That's not a bad thing, no indeed! It created perfect moments of hilarity, desperation, and sometimes outright "oh HELL no!". Angus found much to his surprise people WOULD listen to him, and follow, and give support. Bit of a revelation to the character. And that fed into him and our fine and noble Adruar ("Oh Captain our Capitaine!") into thus feeling the support in their own decisions to deal with the Gypsy issue in a manner even plot never could have predicted. :shades: It can be amazing how the little things can have an epic long term good effect.

Ah yes the grande Giant Battle! Once again poor and dear Tess misses another epic fight...swear that Orc is going to hurt someone about that! :sweat: The missing of the three original commanders was noted as things broke into disorganized pockets quickly which might have given the creatures a chance of winning the fight...almost did too except for many an example of heroic by the players. Third and Laurent lunging in to save the Biata from killing blows being just one of many scattered acts of Over the Top rescues by players for players. Again, it is a reflection that "Heroic" is the direction that the story here is taking, and that is a credit to the players but NPC and Plot too. By the gods no wonder us "Imperials" keep coming back, we've missed this, a lot! :yes:

It has been great submersing into Laurent's character and seeing just where he is going. I think he's finding his caring and loving for the people of Parson's Breach might just get him killed if he keeps being Heroic. But that's pretty fun to play, and having little character moments with the Farmers, Fae ("Vermin! Cold Iron to the lot of the vilth!") and then being able to bathe in the beauty of his beloved Grace Victoria...made a lot of it worth it to him. And watching the rigged election work the way he wanted it was just perfect. (What, he immediately predicted it would be rigged. He's a former magistrate, not the first crooked election he's seen. :whaa: ) It's making the "In Game Actions" and his skills and crafts all the more fun to play. And it gives Plot more to "enrich and inspire" this world we are in. Lord Mephisto and Weaver Sirius may find themselves becoming grander characters due to player actions, and where oh where is our Oh So Loved Baron?!?!

Oh...and the Colonel...does that mean we have to pay his bar tab out now? :funny: Oh yeah lot of talk in the tavern on that, there's going to be a reckoning when we find where that creature is keeping his soul. Lacy...fluffy...reckoning.

Thus overall another fantastic experience...even with the Bells and Birds. :hahaha: Now if Laurent can only figure out whom slipped him the sheep-skins of pleasure for later we'll then see what antics our Heroic Assemblage of Awesome will get up to next month.

And we'll see if the town decides to let the Magistrate have his position back...they're rather taken with his Captain! :whaa: :lol:
honestly gotta say I absolutely love that the npcs came out too the fire as characters made it a thousand times easier too stay in game at the fire. Its really hard too pick out one stand out highlight of the game. I guess from an in character perspective it was finding info from the one gypsy. though I did quite enjoy the moments where a crowd of npcs would put the fear in me by stating "get the archer!" then the relief as some fighters got in their way. : :lol: thanks too everyone who protected me so i could use my arrows effectively.
Have to mention one additional thing about James. Yes, he took several for the team, became the voted leader for the Breach, faced off with the Gypsy Victor Solodyenkin in a fantastic RP and Combat display, and he pulled out a white stone in the Rez Circle thankfully!

But one thing thing still stands out in my mind, even though it was very OOG. It made me laugh deeply, and is etched in my memory forever...

Picture it: James/Adruar, kneeling next to the skeleton of the Colonel, the sheet draped over top, and trying to give CPR to the skeleton. I almost pee'd myself laughing.

Thank you James for an outstanding performance all around!
A few more thoughts occurred to me;

Cory had mentioned in an email about coatings needing Alchemy I to apply, and it was good to see that many of the players did approach me to get them to apply it for them. (I'll try to make sure I have my brush prop on me at all times instead of having to go back to get it, or decide to mime it without the brush.)

Also - it's fantastic that the HOLD! rule (the most important rule in Alliance) is so in-grained that when Adraur gave 'Hold!' as a tactical command everyone stopped. Just remember to not say 'Hold' in character in the future :D.

As Darcy mentioned, having NPCs at the fire in-character was a lot better. It was good to see that several of us flat-out ignored JP when he was there in marshal uniform and white bandana trying to get into the conversation "Who are you talking to? The farmer! ... she's over there (pointing at Brooke who was IG)" Sorry we were ignoring you JP, but we WERE trying to be IG!

And lastly, it's good to know finally who Victoria Matheson is! I got a rumour in June that she was coming to the Tourney, but had no idea who she was until this event. Not knowing who the King's sister is is a pretty big thing to be clueless about :whistle:
Firepit.. Need I say more? Lots of things happened around the firepit, two cute farmers, some guy with no shoes.. songs, tales, and good times. even a sneaky little Vamp who thought he could hangout for a bite..Bit. It was great having the NPC's come out and even in Temp characters keep things flowing.

First night, as a new player I was terrified out of my skin, the firepit helped to bring things into check for me. The second night was frustrated due to be unable to do anything I wanted to jump in but as having only defence was unable to. But Artie stealing my knife and waylaying.. Great job. I cant learn that move fast enough. .

Was also frustrated that I had to wait for the entire saturday for the Fatespinner to come, and if I hadnt have inturrupted her supper I still would not be in the Earth circle. In order for new characters to advance, there has to be more than one person out there who can appear at different times to get things going. Or have that all important person come out more than once.

Overall, great job, well thought out. well played.
Clover Bluemoon said:
Was also frustrated that I had to wait for the entire saturday for the Fatespinner to come, and if I hadnt have inturrupted her supper I still would not be in the Earth circle. In order for new characters to advance, there has to be more than one person out there who can appear at different times to get things going. Or have that all important person come out more than once.

I could be wrong, since I don't know a whole lot about the Mage Guilds - but I think that this will be mitigated once some PCs have achieved a high enough rank that they can initiate and promote members directly. Right now there are no PCs who have a high enough rank, so the Fatespinner pretty much has to handle it directly despite her busy schedule. She was actually in town about 3 times that I am aware of this time around. You weren't the only one trying to get her to advance them - I remember Ezmai was having trouble getting the Fatespinner's attention in order to advance to 2nd rank.

As for feeling useful in combat - your 'build' seems similar to mine when I started so trust me that I know your pain. There's a weird balance between combat comfort (and practice) and feeling of safety that all factor into it, Math is only *just* getting into a position (after 3 times out) that he's comfortable attacking enemies (but only from behind quickly then he scampers away) - and even with that he's gonna want to upgrade his armour, and the Real Life costs that comes with are annoying at the moment.
MathGwyson said:
That said - later on Saturday and early Sunday I started getting into a rythem where if I can get behind someone I can whack them 3-4 times before they have time to turn around - and it's not machine-gunning because I alternate staff sides.

Actually, you need to alternate "locations" of each end. So if you are holding the staff and hitting right shoulder, left hip, right shoulder, left hip etc, that is Machine Gunning. You would have to hit right shoulder, left hip, left shoulder, right hip (or right side, mid rib) etc. Otherwise a 2 weapon fighter could hit you on either shoulder in ryhtm (left shoulder, right shoulder, left shoulder etc) and you could not call them on MG because it's different weapons? It's again, to slow combat swings down. So yes, just changing ends but hitting the same targets is MG and you can be called for it.

I'll show you once when you can come up for Combat training.
mythic said:
Actually, you need to alternate "locations" of each end.
I'll show you once when you can come up for Combat training.

I get it. I'm not 100% sure what I did over the weekend, but I'm reasonably sure I hit shoulder arm (left), shoulder arm (right), lower torso or thigh (left), lower torso or thigh (right). Regardless, that's what I will try to make sure I do in the future. Thanks for pointing it out, though. Wasn't sure about that so the clarification helps :)
As for the NPC you hit, yes you did hit different locations at first It was light taps and I did not know what was going on until I turned around. You got me really good as a Fae with four attacks, need to keep a better look out on my six.

The event was so much fun and the mass combat with a great bunch of NPC's was a definite highlight. With having a large amount of NPC's worked very well because the battles were bigger and felt like a true skirmish. I hope everyone had a great time and see you all in September.

I had a great time! Kept me engaged and never took a nap! <grin>

The events that stand out for me were:
- the water elementals going "sploosh"!
- the waves of attacks on Sunday morning (a little lower intensity, but LOTS. A great way to end the weekend on an up note for everyone!)
- the battle with the Giant. A great giant and a very epic feel! Having several "levels" of NPC meant that there was something everyone. It could be tricky if you ended up facing the wrong opponent, but that is the only way to keep a group this diverse all involved at the same time.

The indicents that stant out:
- Brooke trying to kill me with a Killing Blow that she did not even have, with absolutely no hessitation. So much for the spousal discount!
- trying to stop Mark on Saturday night with two normal. That was a very bad idea and ended up with a lot of running!

I have somewhat mixed feeling on the big late night battle with the undead. Not a big fan of not being able to see friend from foe, or where I am stepping. And the fact that there were so many resists and imunes left the less powerful (me!) a little at loose ends. Probably would have helped if more than four squishy characters had been up and ready when they arrived!
I had a great time as always :). I thought JP playing that giant was awesome. On a side note if anyone ever want to wear metal armour, make sure you have padding garments. Your shoulder and back will thank you.