Event Review: Dungeon Run

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It's that time again, give us your review of February's Dungeon Run.

1. Post your favorite moments
2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
3. What you would like to see more of
4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character

Posting rules, respect everyone's views, no debates. Everyone sees things differently.
Reviews got you 15 Goblin Stamps, so make sure you tag your review with your name.
1. I really enjoyed getting to finally bring in Aezir and start meeting other players characters. Also getting to work on solving puzzles that we came across in the dungeon crawl.

2. My run didn't have time to go into the final room of our dungeon crawl so I feel like I'm missing part of the story of what was going on in our crawl.

3. I can't choose what I would like to see more of yet since I've only been to the one game day so far. However I did enjoy the puzzles and would like to do more of them.

4. Aesir was writing up his notes for the day. Thinking to himself "I'm writing more then I thought I would. Lets see I managed having a long talk with a Polar Bear Kin, Magnus, who seems to be best option for me to gain some Martial Training so far. But he is muscle for a Hobling named Yetta who I owe a gold, so I should probably pay that off first before I try to gain training from him. I still need to find an Earth Magic Master to learn from though.
1. Post your favorite moments
The reaction of our group when the King of the Duregar and his General (?) held off the terrors so we might escape. We all had a pretty good suspicion we were going to die in there where there was no access to a Circle. Almost teary relief was seen!

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
The rush to keep the runs on pace. I think that the idea from Daen was on point. There can be an in game mechanic to encourage the players to move. If the portal will only be open for 60 minutes I suspect they might just be a little quicker without putting in all on the Marshals shoulders. I know the fact that our gate was only good for 4 hours was in the back of our minds! Not much time to find a King, negotiate a truce, and get an entire race out the gate!

3. What you would like to see more of
More in the tavern activity to keep us in game. The scribes gathering stories are fine, but the first one gets most of the folks that want to tell stories. This in on the PCs not Plot! We should have had some games set up, done training, help guild meetings. Sitting quietly lead to too much out of game drift.

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character

Report to the Fatespinner.

My Lady Zanthia,

There were several events that should be brought to your attention.
When you arranged for us to transport into the crystal, we did seek to arrange a truce with the Duregar. We were able to make contact, but not to find a final solution. Their King bares great anger for the collapse of their home that resulted from the Archmage's ritual. And even more anger at the Baron who appears to have taken advantage of that to raid and mined their shattered homes while they were still seeking the dead an wounded. Added to that was my miss-casting of the ritual bound them in the crystal with a dark force that torments them to death each night ,only to be born again to face the same terror each morning.
The King however did stand to defend us that we might leave with a treasure chest that may allow us to shatter the crystal and free them all. The chest is in the safe keeping of Yeta, and has yet to be fully explored. It does however contain a Ritual of Sacrifice. It may be that I will be called to pay that price to undo the damage done. Should that happen, I know not if I will return or would remain with my Ithawda. I will not cheapen the price, if that is the cost to repair what has been done. You may wish to think on who you would want to assume the responsibility for the Parsons Breach Earthcircle should that come to pass.
You may also wish to note that Thistle has, by the cruelest of fates, fallen yet again in service to the Circle, the Breach and the Kingdom. I know not if even her courage will allow her to continue to serve without pause after such a blow.
(Signed) Isawda
Keeper of the Inner Circle
Sheriff of the Breach
Best: Having a mod full of puzzles and evil evil evil. Also, getting to NPC was excellent for many reasons, but especially for getting to eavesdrop on another dungeon run.

Worst: Hearing about the TPK. As a GM, I try to give the PCs every chance to avoid a complete disaster, unless they've done something remarkably foolish or have bad karma (evil characters, players cheating, etc). And it doesn't sound like the party screwed up. I wish there had been a little mercy, or maybe some kind of partial treasure. They not only died but came back demoralized and empty handed. I wish good players could be rewarded in some fashion for bringing good game and roleplay, even if the story beats them down.

More: More time!! Only having an hour to do 3 hours' worth of adventure was hard, especially when we couldn't complete the dungeon. I could have handled my group's pacing better, too. I agree with Mike, having a tangible sense of urgency might keep us on track. Seriously, I understand we don't have the option of more time, and 6-7 PCs per group is really as big as we can go. That leaves us with better time management as our only recourse.

Evo's hands grasp the mutated infant, but his heart sinks immediately; a flash of light and an eerie silence overwhelm the room. The baby cries no more; its mother no longer calls out. With horror. he watches the swaddled creature melt away in his hands. With a dark look, the magus turns to face his intrepid group.

"We have failed." A piece of his hope has died with the victims of Kara Vale's wicked curse, but he must press on.
IG: Evo Escariot, Lore Teacher and Magistrate Pro Tempore of Parson's Breach
OOG: Daen Ashantiva, pain in the arse
Worst: Hearing about the TPK. As a GM, I try to give the PCs every chance to avoid a complete disaster, unless they've done something remarkably foolish or have bad karma (evil characters, players cheating, etc). And it doesn't sound like the party screwed up. I wish there had been a little mercy, or maybe some kind of partial treasure. They not only died but came back demoralized and empty handed. I wish good players could be rewarded in some fashion for bringing good game and roleplay, even if the story beats them down.

Just a quick point. They did get their treasure. One of the players had a rebirth and was able to gather the gear and the treasure dropped by the monsters.
Good to know :)
1. Post your favorite moments
Not feeling like I would drop after being hit a few times, chainmail really helps my survivability, and therefor I wasn't as afraid to go into combat.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
Having so many people in the party, I know there is no helping this due to time restraints but it felt like I wasn't contributing much to the party. I couldn't hit hard or block much in the fights and I am not the best at puzzles or traps.

3. What you would like to see more of
while not being good at puzzles I do enjoy figuring them out, or at least attempting to do them. I also liked all of the pictures on the wall from our run, they were quite interesting.

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
A Death elemental, trapped in a circle of power.. Kara Vale must be more powerful than I thought. "over there on the wall are the runes" It says in a bored tone. I go over and take a look, two opposite omegas... life and death.. a 69 symbol... union.. and an eight pointed star... creation.. the creation of the union of life and death? but where do the circle things come into play..
1. Favourite moments:
Playing scholar in the tavern as I made notes, read information.
Reading the journal in the run and seeing pieces of it come to life as we went was very cool.
How well our group worked together. We trusted each other to do our various jobs and it worked out for us until it didn't.
Despite the result, I like that I can say I died laughing.

2. Least Favourite Moment:
The wipe. This is an obvious one. But not because I died, I actually don't mind dying, I think it can add a lot to a character and an experience, but an entire party was brutal, and I have gone over it in my head and I honestly can't think of anything short of a perfect situation, where we were all on an A+ game, remembering every single thing and working in perfect unison for us to have squeaked out of that. And that is frustrating.

I also feel like the space isn't as safe as it could be. We have people with various life experiences, triggers, etc...out of game. And while I know we can't coddle them, nor should we, some care should be taken not to trigger them when possible. Let's face it, we're geeks, and a lot of us end up here because it's a safe zone for us. A place we can escape things like phobias, disorders, ailments. If that is not only taken from us, but used to hurt us, when lines are not only ignored but blatantly crossed, we remove the safety and people not only stop playing, but they get hurt in a very real way. I feel like sometimes we aren't just negligent in being aware of those around us, we're outright dickish. I'm tired of seeing multiple people crying by the end of game.

3. I'd Love to see more of:
Puzzles and effects are too of my favourite things. So, I like running into them.

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
Finally, she felt useful. Felt like she was contributing. Kaja was able to prove her worth to the few around her that might care, as she took notes, made connections, did what she loved to do. There was beauty in knowledge, in connecting the dots, in discovery. The excitement, the preparedness, even the hints of nervousness on the faces of her companions, this was beauty. This was them, raw and unhidden. Stern Stig, Jovial Siegart, Clever Kai, Calming Darian, Generous Thistle. They shone brightly around her and it made her heart soar. And she hoped she shone just as brightly to them.
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