Event Review "Giovanni Returns"

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It's that time again, give us your review of April's event.

1. Post your favorite moments
2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
3. What you would like to see more of
4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character

Posting rules, respect everyone's views, no debates. Everyone sees things differently.
Reviews got you 15 Goblin Stamps, so make sure you tag your review with your name.
1) Drusilla trying to understand how this whole "animals who are people" thing works, accidentally insulting Magnus, and then fearing for her life from him.
Also, realizing that there was more than one bomb in the warehouse, and then realizing there was more than two, and more than three, and more than four....
2) Discovering that the money in Drusilla's copper pot wasn't accurate, and having to guestimate how much I'd made.
3) Games with pucks! All games really. It was odd for Drusilla, being a new person with no money, but I'm sure next time Giovanni returns she'll have more cash to burn. Also, more snacks, even if it means buying a flat of those single packs of chips.

4) Closed up boxes and crates littered the warehouse floor, and the fire gnoll lay dead against a wall. The quiet was broken only by our own heavy breathing, and a low ominous hissing. Opening the nearest crate, Evo spied the end of a stick of dynamite. "There!" Evo snatched up the dynamite and tossed it to the ratman, who swiftly disarmed it. All of us heaved a giant sigh of relief and stopped what we were doing. And then, unmistakable in the small room, the hissing continued.
1. Post your favorite moments
Setting the price of Magic Armour potions at ONE GOLD!
Going six for six in the spell toss game and winning 43 tickets!
Winning a pair of rituals that actually might be very useful!
First impression of the make up on the NPC's. WOW!

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
Finding out that a LOT of people think that I seriously overpaid for my Magic Armour potion.

3. What you would like to see more of
Some background sound for the event, even if localized and low.
Like the ipods used to simulate instruments, leave one in a lute in a corner playing something softly.

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
Fighting the temptation to add his blade to the battle, Isawda resisted and stayed behind the wall of courageous souls that stood against the foul plans of Kari Vale. Moving from one fallen body to the next, healing poured through this hand to heal the wounds of those fallen stalwarts. That healing flowed so quickly that he began to fear that his strength would fail before the battle might be decided.
It's that time again, give us your review of April's event.

1. Post your favorite moments
The Games! tried the darts one and couldn't hit a thing so decided to stick to the rotating cups

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
Not winning any lvl 4 items, though i suppose Billin really has no use for such things at the moment

3. What you would like to see more of
Interesting monsters.
The half gnoll half elementals were really neat to face off against

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
Seren destroys the circle and the magic backlash blasts through Billin and those around him. What just happened, Is that suppose to happen? these questions run though Billins mind and to late does he realize his friend is being executed. Quickly Billin swings out, but it is to no avail. Saren has fallen
1. Post your favorite moments
Artie was in the orgy!!
The games were a ton of fun!
The end battle was truly epic, I was down to giving out first aid and even used one of my two life spells.
The time stop stuff is always a favourite thing of mine.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
I think my only thing is I wish the backlash could be more of a cosmetic thing. Not because I'm upset about abilities (nothing much actually changes for me) but it all seems such a big bit of trouble for only 24 hours, both on players and on log. I foresee a lot of confusion and messiness that will be out of game and might drag us out of game, where a cosmetic switch could give a lot of rp, without a lot of pauses to remember/figure things out. We'll see though, I could be completely wrong about how it'll turn out.

3. What you would like to see more of
Braided dwarf hair.

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
"Here Kaja!" Ah, the voice of a trusted friend. The Tari Nor turned to see Magnus approaching, a huge grin on his face. But...what was that in his hand?
Were she a more crude person, she might admit to having nearly shat herself. Her eyes went wide, her jaw dropped, she flinched away, arms raising defensively. "Be careful with that!"
The Polar Bear kin burst into laughter and admitted that they were diffused...he was pretty sure.
Having been through more than her fair share of explosions, the horned lass decided to take no chances and, with a nervous smile, proceeded to move to as opposite an end to the room as she could manage.
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