Event Review: The King's Masquerade

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It's that time again, give us your review of January's tavern, The King's Masquerade.

1. Post your favorite moments
2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
3. What you would like to see more of
4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character

Posting rules, respect everyone's views, no debates. Everyone sees things differently.
Reviews got you 15 Goblin Stamps, so make sure you tag your review with your name.
1. Post your favorite moments
Resolving a trip to Dumas without being guilty of any major crimes! We broke into nothing, and stole nothing. If it was intended to be a mission of stealth and skullduggery, then perhaps the "sheriff" was a poor choice to attend. Even without the Ironroot bands of judgement riding on his wrist, Isawda was unlikely to be comfortable with breaking into a place of honor for his people and stealing a historic artifact.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
The event tends to put the majority of the NPC crew at the head tables. Where us common folk should not be unless called, or having obtained permission and having a good reason for interrupting them. Can feel a bit like both groups are watching the other waiting for them to "do something". Just fells a little bit "us" and "them" when I think the ideal is to have it feel like we are building the story together.

3. What you would like to see more of
More opportunities for those not in part of ongoing groups to be involved in a mission. The RP in the great hall is a lot of fun (and the food was great!) but some may get restless without a chance at "doing something" and a shot at some loot.

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
As they traveled back through the mists of the Portal, Isawda was less than fully pleased with the evenings events. While they had recovered the Sword of of Themistocles, in was now in the hands of the Council, and no immediate aide in their resolution of the puzzles of Ironroot. An added concern was the pace at which events had moved. There had been no time to obtain fathers permission to return to Dumas. While the trip itself was likely to go unnoticed, the recovery of a historic sword from the distant past was certain to cause some comment among those in the know. Perhaps the good news of such a recovery would reflect well enough on those involved, to overcome his fathers distaste for an unannounced if brief return. Even if it was in the company of a ragged bunch non Biata.
1. Post your favorite moments
Being there as a PC lol mind you I was in a similar role as my NPC role last year but I got to roam and mingle a bit...and didn't have everyone wanting to kill me (Dyna can hold that torch now) also just hearing things and getting to pass info and being at the front of some happenings XD

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
Don't really have any. Was a fun night with some fun stuff.

3. What you would like to see more of
Maybe NPC non noble guest. I agree with Mike on the "us" and "them" thing other then with the Dutchess for me.

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
*ask him....Not yet...Now...To many of da Fancy pants vith him...go now..no voice make feel iky...Evo say him need Stig ask....Aaarrrggggg..... O K. After back from help friends.........now vhere him go? Vats happnin vith noble lady and da yak ***? Vhere him go?! NOOOOOOO. NOW GODA GO TO SKY MAGICS TEMPLE!!!!!!*
(Perspective done in stig head through out the night)
1. Post your favorite moments
Some of my favorite moments were of everyone banding together to look after Illandra and make sure that she was safe, and having everyone tell me that they are watching out for her and myself, I really enjoyed the rp that happened

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
I really didn't have any least favorite moments because a lot of personal story line happened with house Remmington

3. What you would like to see more of
I would like to see more of the nobles mingling a bit more I know I personally talked to almost everyone of them but I think that alot of players didn't have the chance to talk to them.

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
"Sarryn may I talk to you?" Count Avin Jaque Haas asks with slight disdain in his voice, bowing to the count "Of course, my lord" following Count Avin Jaque Haas he pulls me to the side " Do you think I don't have spy's that are telling me what you are trying to do, you can join my house and work for me and possibly get Remmington's lands back or if you betray me I only offer you death" he tells me as I nod thinking to my self "I will never leave my house, I would rather die with honour then betray my house and work for a man with no honour" leaving me to think on what he said to me, I go and gather my friends and let them know what has happened and to look after my sister and protect her. (This is when I found out how many people respect Illandra and myself and are willing to help protect us)
Character: Siegart
Sorry it's been so long since I've written one of these, it's taken me awhile to get back into LARP to be completely honest.

1. Post your favorite moments
I have absolutely loved how much RP that has come up with introducing new characters the last few months. It was really nice to play someone this month that people didn't want to lynch by the end of the evening! Hahaha, OOG I had more than one person say, 'it's so good to have you back' even though I played last month ;) Point taken everyone :P

I absolutely adore this new Tari Nor, I'm hoping that I played him correctly and that anyone who I was interacting with probably wasn't able to ascertain what class the character was yet!

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
I understand why, but making new characters has been such a scary and new experience I have to say that I'm missing a lot of the story I used to be involved in. To this point I'm finding that there hasn't been much plot for the newer players and we haven't had much of a chance to mingle in the plot of the higher level players. Of course I could also be whining because I was involved in so much, so... lawl

3. What you would like to see more of
I would love to see more RP, our larp is growing and I find we as players are making cliques of players, and that those cliques play together but don't mingle with the other cliques. I would love to see more player participation in getting to know our fellow players.

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
I can't believe it! I'm going to meet royalty... ROYALTY!!! My parents would be so proud, I can't wait to tell them stories of this night. So many beautiful masks, and outfits and people.

Apparently there are adventurers here tonight, I am so intrigued, I've always wanted to meet an adventurer. I wonder if they've slain any dragons, or rescued princesses, or if that's all a lie. Coming to this city I thought adventuring to be the lie, absorbing myself in job after job that I didn't enjoy, just watching time and life pass me by.

Maybe tonight is different.

Maybe tonight is the start of something...
1. Post your favorite moments
Oh, this is hard to narrow down. I enjoyed asking Lady Zanthia, on Siegart's behalf, if she thought that Az'Caine might let him touch his hair. The reaction was delightful!
I actually made this character with the mind of having sex be casual for her but not a focus, since that seems to be the defining thing everyone thinks about with Tari Nor, when there's sooo much more to their culture. That, mixed with a bit of backstory, meant I haven't actually been all that flirty on her. But my gods, when we have four of us in a room, it's infectious and that was a whole lot of fun.
Kaja adores fashion, so I had an in-game excuse to absolutely squee over how gorgeous everyone looked! PCs, NPCs, everyone looked so amazing!

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
I'm going to agree with Mike here. I felt like I had very little IG reason to go out of my way to speak to nobility. It felt discouraged in some cases (as is suiting to the set-up of nobility vs common folk in such a setting) and I know the single time I -did- end up going to the smaller of the head tables, it took a lot of working up to get myself over there. Granted, I ended up hitting on the Noble I approached, but that is neither here nor there.

Also, I don't know if my timing was just bad (I ended up taking off for a mod for a bit) but I really wanted to pursue the whole diplomat thing, but never saw a chance to later in the night. I'll send in an IBGA about it, but I'm sad if the opportunity to rply pursue it was there and I missed it because I was in a mod :(

3. What you would like to see more of
I'd love to see us getting more and more PC connections to nobility. Illandra was like 90% of my connection to any of the nobility there, as she was already a friend and so Kaja felt comfortable approaching her, and thus got to speak with a few nobles in the process. The bridges help give us IG reasons to do things that we may want to do out of character but don't have a real rp reason to do.

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
Her feet were killing her. She towered over a great many of the people here, a shimmering, glitter-coated beacon of Tari Nor. At least that's the excuse she gave herself for treating her feet as she was. Oh, but the shoes were just too amazing to -not- wear. The aching in her, well, pretty much everything below the knee, was put aside, however, as she found herself in a constant swirl of masked friends, new and old. Finally, in the company of her people, she felt fully herself outside of the Glade. She felt freer to laugh, to flirt, to revel in stories. She felt less constricted by the rules of these strange and rigid people, in these strange and rigid lands. Her heart soared, and her cheeks flushed with the simple inebriation of finally being able to wholly exist. And so, she leaned forward on the table, facing the pair of dwarves across from her and, with a wicked sidelong glance to Clover, asked, "So..if you have hair -every where- do you -braid- it all too?"
1. Post your favorite moments
This was my first Alliance masquerade and it was thoroughly enjoyable. I was super impressed by just how much everyone got into the spirit of the event, and how different it felt from a tavern night or a Breach event.
The masks were lots of fun, I liked that everyone tried hard with them, the variety was great!
Dawn's Barmaid - just awesome. you know why. (followed by Cory's revelation later that she was married to Sir MixAlot!)
All the guards searching for weapons, some bored, some ready for a laugh and some angry......
The event music and singing from the incredibly talented (insert her name here as I cannot remember it, SORRY!) - We need her to become a regular and sing/play at the tavern in the breach!
The brief but altogether forgetful (thank you amnesia potions) foray to a warehouse to recover a lens for Lady Carmen....

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
Totally my fault, my mask was supposed to be see through, but in the relative gloom it was very hard to see out of.
No real complaints, I think the issue raised about the nobles is accurate, but IMHO what the nobles would be doing anyway, it really is us and them, and would we really want the nobles mixed into our tables anyway? its a party we shouldn't have to watch our P's and Q's every second (though maybe this is what would add a little more spice to the gathering....)

3. What you would like to see more of
The singing and music
Dawn's Barmaid Character

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character

Accursed mask! Vhy did I not vear the von with eye holes?? i'll just sidle up to the bar and see if theres any more of Baron Veetleys vine left, ugh stupid mask, who is in my way? "Ah Rovinder, not even a bow or a good evening" says the Duchess - "Ah, Your Grace, I could not see you zere through theze mask, I apologize!", I say, startled - but bowing, and certain that a trip to the stocks is imminent.....
The mistake is waved off and we chat a little, before the Duchess is called away. Phew, now vere's that free vine?

IC Rovinder Kitt
OOG Chris Gray
1. Post your favorite moments
chatting with everyone with a new character, the food, the music! she was amazing. Watching people try to get Sarryn to do his fairy repelling dance to malethon, the whole evening was great.

Quote of the night:
Hamish: "What do you call a group of mystic wood elves?"
Me: "An orgy."
Hamish: "No, no, what do you call a group of mystic wood elves with their clothes on?"
Me: " . . . bored?"

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
I honestly can't think of anything I actively didn't like

3. What you would like to see more of
Live music. The ambiance it added was amazing, I loved it.

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
Turning to Siegart, I whispered worriedly "what's that one again?", prompting him to open his book and flip to the page he'd been using all night. "duke, duke, duke......ah! you call that one 'your grace'!"
"Thanks." I muttered as I turned toward the approaching noble and bowed. "good evening, your grace!"
1. Post your favorite moments
Everyones concern for Illandra. Especially when she was drunk! Everyone is so awesome like that. :D I can honestly say that I wasn't expecting the duke to ask Shatrevar to be her shadow, nor when Kai asked to be Illandra's Lady-in-waiting/Hand maiden to watch over her.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
I've got nothing so far :)

3. What you would like to see more of
I really liked the interaction I was able to have with the nobles. I know it is because Illandra's married to one, but I really liked being able to be friendly with most of them. (I know they're mostly friendly when they're around normally, talking to us and what not, but they don't seem so..... approachable usually?)

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character

I straightened my ribbon for what seemed like the thousandth time this night. My neck was already sore and the chafing of said ribbon and pressure of the decorative broach shifting only made it worse. It was still worth it - hiding the bruise that is - from my friends. I don't want them to worry.

Wait -- Is the songstress singing about killing a dragon? I make my way to the royal table on unsteady feet, bowing most of the way, and all but flop upon the front table when I reach it. In a not so hushed whisper I ask Az'Caine "Are you OK with this song? I can tell her to sing something else if you don't like it. Do you want me to ask her to sing something else?" Oh poor Az'Caine and his lady dragon...

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