Event rides for October


The official thread for it!

I've got a seat or two open in my car. Anyone want 'em?
If I can scrape the cash flow, count me for one! :eek:

Spoone (callin' dibs on shotgun)
From Vancouver or Portland

Well I have someone to cover for me that saturday now, so I will be able to attend. Looking to car pool, for anyone that is interasted from the Vancouver or Portland area. I have a truck with a shell on the back of it, but if you have something that gets better miles I will be happy to chip in when it comes to gas. As it stands I have room for 3, and lots of room. Please email me if you interasted nordic_coyote@hotmail.com.

Other things of note~~~ Still very new to the area and don't realy know where I'm going to yet, but lucky me I good at reading maps. Other thing being is that I my job teaching swimming still will need me untill 6-630pm that night. But those are all the major complications that I can think of.

Hope to meet you all later,
Jeff Babbidge, (Kyu, from Calidore)
Millersylvania Park is pretty easy to find and a nice straight shot up I-5 for about 99% of the way.

Also, on an in-game note, you may want to reach out to some of the characters in town on the IG board to figure out where you're going to stay. Sleeping isn't assigned "per group" as I know it is in some chapters on the East Coast, so you'll want to find some people to stay with (or risk it on your own, which is certainly doable but not quite as safe). Or, if your character knows any characters from this chapter, or knows characters in *other* chapters that know characters in this chapter, you might try to get an 'in' to a "safe" cabin that way. The cabins are heated and pretty well situated, although you can of course bring a tent for yourself if so inclined.

Easy directions from Portland/Vancounver:

Get on I-5 and go north.

Keep going.

A little more.

Get off at exit 95 (clearly marked for Millersylvania).

From the off-ramp, turn right until you get to the T in the road and you are required by traditional motor vehicle laws to turn either left or right.

Turn left.

Keep an eye out on the left for Millersylvania.

Enter the park.

Stay on the main road, and follow signs for the ELC (Environmental Learning Center).

Take a deep breath, enjoy the view.

When you see freaky people, you're there.
It's me again, looking for a ride! :D I'm in need of pickup from either the Ballard area or the University of Washington (depending on whether you plan on getting going relatively late or early.) As usual, I am willing to pay my share of gas money. Toss me a PM or email or something if one of those locations is on your way.
One other note... since I have a test on Friday, I'll only be available for pickup after 3:30, so I won't be able to go with early-bird travellers.
jeff babbidge, I have a friend who is in need of a ride from the greater portland area. If you care to help'em out you can feel free to drop me an YIM a_romanus, AIM fatefae or any other way you can get ahold of me would be cool.
thanks much
Dave said:
have a newer, much larger vehicle to take you, Archon, and can meet you in Ballard at 4-4:30.
Awesome, thanks! You have my phone number already if I'm not mistaken, so everything should go swimmingly.
I'm sure my dad would not mind giving someone a ride, since I cannot afford the event I will not be going but you will need to ask my dad about that ride.


Need another way to contact you. only way I'm able to get online right now, is at my school, and I can only check here and my email. I can help your friend, but I need to know by 8pm thursday.

Thank you,


PS~~~ I left my email addy on the above message, just email me there # and I'll call them up. :)
Ok we had transportation taken care of, now its gone. I have a ride, but Shane still needs one.

If anyone can help us out we would appreciate it. I know its last minute but this came up today.

One ride needed for Renner to the event and back, anyone have room?

Post or contact Renner, or myself. Thanks
If he's NPCing, I can get him a ride... let me PM you my digits.
I got your digits, I can not reach shane R right now but left him a message. and your digits.