Event Schedule for October 2012 - ?

I shall be very sad in August, JP. =( Oregon events have been extremely fun!
I don't mean to be rude, but when will the pre-reg form on the website be updated? I'm really looking forward to joining you guys, and I'd like to now what fee's and things I need to pay before I actually go to the event in october. Thanks!
Kavross said:
I don't mean to be rude, but when will the pre-reg form on the website be updated? I'm really looking forward to joining you guys, and I'd like to now what fee's and things I need to pay before I actually go to the event in october. Thanks!

Hi the person who handles updating these thing is currently out of state helping a take care of a family member who is experiencing severe medical problems. So the short answer is I have no estimate to give you other than it will be gotten to at a later date.
This is the average event fee for a 2 day event:

PC: $65.00 at the door, $50.00 if you pre-reg.
Advance page: $40.00 at the door, $30.00 if you pre-rg.
Page: $30.00 at the door, $20.00 if you pre-reg.
NPC: Free, NPC food is $10.00.

This is of course subject to change, depending on costs and other behind the scenes stuff. I am only a marshal in OR, so I in no way make the decisions. Hope this helps a little, until things can be updated.
What is the schedule for December through June of next year? Seattle posted their's and I keep hearing rumors about a possible game day in December.