Resolved Evocation Weapon Superior Equipment and wording on source of attack

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Lesser/Greater Healing/Harming/Evocation Weapon state “This weapon will allow the user to make 8 attacks”, but never specify that they must come from that weapon; the user makes the attacks not the weapon. The wording of Elemental Runed Weapon, “Immediately after using any offensive martial or stealth skill with that weapon”, implies that the rules will specify if that weapon has to be used. So my question is can I activate my Evocation Weapons anywhere in my inventory and make a strike with my sword that isn’t that particular piece of Superior Equipment? And, if so, do I need to actually have that weapon skill to activate the charge? For example, a Dagger of Lesser Evocation Flame on my hip, but I only know how to use hammers.
Lesser/Greater Healing/Harming/Evocation Weapons do require that the specific weapon which has the SupEq effect be used to make those attacks.
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