Evodia Season 6: Dawn of Renewal - Opportunities Multiply as They are Seized


Minnesota Staff
Welcome to our first event of the 2025 season; Opportunities Multiply as They are Seized!


CMA Registration Link

Alliance Rulebook


Site-Open: 6:00pm CST Friday, March 28th 2025
Off-Site: 11:00am CST Sunday, March 30th 2025


Fred C. Andersen Scout Camp
186 Andersen Scout Cp Rd, Houlton, WI 54082

Google Maps - Fred C Andersen


Refer to the linked map; you may park in any area denoted with a "P" in the upper camp area.

Fred C. Andersen Scout Camp Map


6:00 PM: Site Opens. <<Do not arrive before this time.>>
6:30 PM: Logistics Opens
8:30 PM: Logistics Wrap-Up*
9:30 PM: Opening Talk
*Characters may soft lay-on in the tavern once they are checked in

10:00 PM: Lay-On!
2:00 AM: (Major) Plot Dark

9:00 AM: Plot Live
2:00 AM: (Major) Plot Dark

8:00 AM: Cleanup
10:00 AM: Cleanup Concludes
11:00 AM: <<Everyone is Off-Site>>

Location TBD, we usually grab food somewhere in Stillwater, MN

Tavern Menu TBD​

Many PCs usually have food and beverages for sale for in game coin as well.


The Alliance Minnesota Logistics team has some requests to ensure check-in progresses smoothly for everyone:

  1. Get completely dressed in-character before you check-in! This is extra important if you are checking in late.
  2. Bring all weapon reps you intend to use to be safety checked.
  3. Bring all light reps you intend to use to be safety checked.
  4. Bring a small sampling of your packets if you intend to use packets this event. We will be checking packets for size, contents, and overall safety.
  5. Bring all magic item reps and magic item tags with you.
  6. Put on all racial reps, costuming, and armor you wish to have evaluated for race requirements and armor points.
    1. See one of our New Player Representatives before check-in; they will ensure you have everything you need before approaching the logistics table.
    2. If you are a new player and arrive late, ask anyone to point you to any member of staff and we will sort you out as soon as we are able!


Payable via PayPal or Zelle (Preferred) to gm.alliancemn@gmail.com, you may also pay cash on site.

  • PC: $85.00 ($100.00 if Payment and/or Pre-Registration in the CMA is not completed by 11:59PM CST Monday, March 24th 2025)
  • NPC: $20.00 ($30.00 if Payment and/or Pre-Registration in the CMA is not completed by 11:59PM CST Monday, March 24th 2025)
2025 Season Membership: $10.00 (Paid by all PCs and NPCs.)

NOTE: If you are a new Alliance player, your first two events are half-cost! Additionally, your 2025 Season Membership Dues are waived for the first game you attend!

Pre-Registration List

Below is the current list of registered players, with record of preregistration status.

(Last Updated 3/11 @ 6:05 PM CST)

Pre-Registered PCs​

Player NameCharacter NameComplete Pre-Reg (CMA)
1. Cal M.YorvickNO
2. Tanner S.VenrickYes

Pre-Registered NPCs​

Player NameCompleted Pre-Reg (CMA)
1. Nate M.Yes
2. Anna D.Yes
3. Cole D.Yes
4. Miranda P.Yes
5. Ryan C.Yes
6. Jude F.Yes

Registered PCs​

Player NameCharacter NameCompleted Reg (CMA)

Registered NPCs​

Player NameCompleted Reg (CMA)

On behalf of the Alliance Minnesota staff, we welcome you to the first game of our 2025 season! Let's make it a great one!