

Being buzzing with people about this. I'm stoke to see the masterpiece that Ali has awaiting us. In the very same hand, I can honestly say with the low PC reg numbers and the number of NPCs coming we're looking at 2:1 or less numbers. AWESOME...and at the same time...SCARY! The blurb says that the Dominion are coming to Fairdale, what will they do?...Well....If its an A-Game weekend like Ali was saying, the answer could be dying. I'm really excited for the chance to play hard and smart and be immersed in the game. This is not a Challenge, but I can't wait for tomorrow for the chance (I hope) to reck some faces.

Anyone Else? Thoughts? Opinions? Rude Remarks?
This is an EXCELLENT write up, and if you're a biata you're going to hate yourself for missing it. Ah, you're probably going to all hate yourselves for missing it anyway.

With a small turn out, the NPC/PC ratio should be high which also makes for a great event, keeping everyone busy.
I'm stoked! After missing the last event and more than likely missing all the events next year due to officially getting deployment orders, I can't wait to play! Gotta get my Alliance fix in now... :)

NPC:PC ratio high = awesomesauce.
I would like to say that I had a lot of help from the entire team in throwing this one together. So take it as a group effort :)

I hope everyone enjoys themselves this weekend, and please, feel free to let the plot team know if something's really bothering you; we'll do our best to satisfy your needs.

Unless you're whining. And then I get to beat you mercilessly with de-padded boffers. ;)

I'm excited not only to see just what's in store for us, but also for the chance to get to play my newest addition of a PC at a game that's gotten good reviews before it's even begun. I'm excited, a little scared, but all prepared to see just what comes my way.
Still bummed I'm missing it. :(

I require everybody to kick much *** in my stead.
Due to Kelsey's lack of attendance, all cards will be changed from being various undead to charnal Juggernauts.

Every. Single. one.

Enjoy your weekend :lol:

(By the way, for those of you freaking out, I am just kidding.)

I think I'm just planning on running around in spirit form after my first death of the weekend. That way I'm invincable!

HHMM....somehow, I don't think that will work very well.

Never Mind..I've got it!....ALI? I want to arm wrestle a Griffion!
We'll see if I ten percent on the 3rd and go from there!
Might have to come in as my orc...except i'll give you one fight as an "NPC" first. I hope the PCs remember to give me an Enslavement antidote!!...boy would they be suprised if I dispated and left all my stuff there....hehe