Expanded Enchantment Clarification

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Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
I know there's been a little confusion on this in past with some players due to some tricky and possibly conflicting wording, so I just wanted to get this all hammered out once and for all.

If I am casting an Expanded Enchantment ritual, do I just declare the name of the spell I am sticking into the target during the ritual as indicated by the rulebook (page 131), or do I cast the spell into the into the item during the ritual as indicated on the scroll itself? There seems to be a bit of a conflict of wording. For reference below are the relevant rulebook text and the scroll text:

ARB pg. 131 said:
If a person is casting a ritual that stores a
spell or ability, then a person with the ability to
use that ability or cast that spell must, at the
appropriate point in the ritual, touch the recipient
and declare the name of the spell or ability
to be stored.
The recipient is not affected by the spell
or ritual being stored and the person with that
skill or spell should only utter the name of the
skill or spell, not the verbal that invokes the
Expanded Enchant scroll said:
This ritual allows the ritual caster to place one Battle magic spell of their Aspect into an item or a person, if that person has a spirit. The spell must be cast into the item at the time of ritual casting.

To me, the verbiage of "cast" on the scroll indicates that a person should say the whole verbal to store the spell (just in the same manner they would cast a spell in any other circumstance), which conflicts with the rulebook text. However, the use of "cast" could simply be poor phrasing referring to declaring the spell to be placed into the target. Thoughts?
How I have always seen it played, is the formalist either has to cast the spell or have an item to cast it from. But I didnt realize the conflict in the book with the ritual scroll.
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Fwiw, by casting a spell into an item, you are declaring it's name (since the name is part of the verbal). In general, the scroll text supersedes the rulebook, but it could be worth clarifying with ARC which is intended.
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Also for reference, in terms of rules and how things work, one should always defer to the scroll and the directions thereon.
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