Extend Enchantment and Create Wand Ritual Trade In

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Duke Frost

Due to these two rituals no longer existing, HQ is allowing players to trade them in. All trade ins must be completed by the last event of the year at HQ, October 16-18, 2009. No trade ins will be accepted after that date.

Please note, you must contact me at least two weeks in advance of the event you intend on trading in your scrolls. Please email me at skondrk73 at gmail dot com.

If you have a Create Wand Ritual Scroll, you may trade it in for either of the following:

Enhance Wand
Greater Wand

If you have an Extend Enchantment Ritual Scroll, you may trade it in for any of the following:

Spirit Farewell
Spell Store
Minor Construct
Render Indestructible
Whispering Wind
Expanded Enchantment
Extend Battle Magic Duration
Circle Lock
Summon Elemental (Foundation)
Audible Projection
Warder Glyph <Specific Name>
Boost Duration
Heal Golem
Elemental Aura
Elemental Burst
Copy Formal Scroll
Channel Spell
Enhance Wand
Summon Undead (Spectral)
Store Ability
Destroy Magic <Aspect>
Summon Undead (Skeletal)
Summon Undead (Corporeal)
Arcane Armor
It adds up to 4 points of damage. Greater Wand makes your wand do more than one element from the same wand. Or the other way around, LOL.

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