Facebook 'suggestions' of friends?


Hey facebook fanatics, I have a question for you. How does facebook come up with the 'suggestions' of people on facebook. I don't go there myself very often (maybe twice a year) but a friend put up a costume pic he wanted me to see. When I clicked on it, the VERY first suggestion was an ex that I hadn't spoken to in 6 years (or thought about in 4) and it really threw me for a loop.
It's based on friends of friends... listed family and their family... listed family of friends... similar geographical/work networks... interests listed.. and various combinations of the above and other info they've collected from you and your "friends".
Some of them I think are also from groups you have in common, possibly even things you are both fans of. But yes it starts with friends of friends.
I know some are from the game apps, where you get bonuses for the number of people in your "party" or "clan". I have an 80-100 member clan in Vampire Wars but I only really know a handful of them.
The algorithm is fairly complicated, but generally speaking what's posted here is right. It starts with friends of friends and will get all the way down to people who've played the same apps.