Fae Get Voided

The Fae are gone, one and all.
That's according to residents of the bastion of Chiram's Hollow, who say the entire race has been crushed by Void. Skylar, the super-liche, is taking responsibility for the genocide. The undead somehow got its hands on a shard of Void and destroyed the Fae by thrusting it into leylines within the earth.
Since the incident, no Fae sightings have been reported.
The disaster has devastated Laerthan's Mystic Wood Elves. Many have slipped into a coma. Those few who are still awake are rarely lucid. Chiram's Hollow is one of several communities that is coming together to care for its stricken comrades.
There was no remorse from Skylar after the attack. In a message directed at the outlaw Bjorn, the liche writes, “There should be a line in front of me, stretching from Beah's throne to the hearth of your once sacred Reclaim; in it should be every Volg, every wood elf, every sorry bastard to have ever been enslaved, tricked, seduced or cursed by those wretched and meddlesome things, and each one of them should be asking to kiss my boots in gratitude.”
So far, no one has publicly come forward for that boot-kissing.

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