Faireplay Trash

Robb G

Just wondering when cleaup time rolls around, is there a place where we are supposed to be putting trash at the FP site? I didn't see a dumpster of any kind last time (but i am pretty blind so maybe i just didn't look hard enough), so I wasn't sure what people were supposed to be doing about that. Do we all just take it with us (that's what i have been doing)
There are usually garbage cans in monster camp and in the tavern after games. We don't have a dumpster.

We don't currently have a dumpster, however, since animals have been getting into the garbage on the Sunday night after events (the trash pick up comes on Mondays), we are looking at ways to put the garbage bags into some sort of large container so that we don't show up at the next event with trash scattered everywhere.

The trash service will allow us to provide an animal-resistant storage bin for the garbage bags as long as it is well-marked ("TRASH") and is within easy access of the road. This would be a fantastic donation for someone to give the campsite as it would help us out tremendously. If anyone is interested in either building or buying a large container that we could use for this purpose, please, please, please let us know. I know that Home Depot sells something like this, but I haven't priced it out recently. Or someone who is handy could build one (we could probably even provide the materials). The container would have to be large enough to hold, say, 5-8 large garbage bags (they could probably be stacked).

If anyone is interested in tackling this project, please contact me or Scott Kondrk. Of course, Gobbies would be awarded for this donation.

--- Eric Stehle