Shhh I'm not here
And lo we have come upon a dark time in Laerthan. So dark indeed that it is Laerthan no longer, but in both heart and name it is the Deadlands now. Our circles are fallen before the dragon of shadow, the planes are severed in retribution for our misdeeds, and the Withering ebbs ever forward draining the life of the earth itself. There is no shame to say our realm is fallen, for it is known as simple truth to all who live here still and call this dark place home. And that is the strange and wondrous thing of it; even in this land of monsters and nightmares there are mortal men who persevere. What great fires they are indeed that burn within our mortal souls, that even though the land of dreams itself lies shattered we dare to conjure new dreams of hope and redemption to guide our way through the long night. Throughout the last bastions of man the bards still sing, the hearth fires burn warm, and tales of twice-born heroes spread on whispers to bring hope to our children. Therein lies the true wonder of our age and our people: to suffer as only we have suffered, to face the dark as only we have had to, and to still find the courage and strength to fight our way towards a new dawn. Already a corrupted bastion has been reclaimed, a new bastion has been created, and the very spirits of those who assailed the gates of Life itself redeemed. Puriel’s light shines the way, and our enemies begin to falter and fall before new heroes who give rise to new legends. And so it begins, with the smallest of tales, the seeds of a new Arcadia, wherein the dream of our world reclaimed can begin to be realized. Sing them loud to your children, and let them know how great a weapon a heart filled with honor and devotion can truly be.
Jacob and the Winter Wolf
Long ago, before darkness held sway over the world, and the Fae were still the friends of man, there was a beautiful garden in the realm of Arcadia. The garden was tended by a princess of the fairy folk, a true daughter of Titania and Oberon, and her name was Demondia. All through the garden ripe pear trees grew, so no one there would go hungry, and at its center was a pool of the clearest water, so no one would know thirst. And sitting by the pool under the bough of a great oak tree, Demondia watched over the lost children of the mortal world, so there would always be someone to protect them.
And it happened one year in the world of men that a very harsh winter came that lasted a very very long time. During this time there was a farmer named Jonathan, who lived with his wife Sarah and their two children, Jacob and Ellah. Jonathan lived far from the bustling cities, and tilled hard land, but he was a diligent man and a good father who had always managed to provide for his family. But though he had been careful to store food during the harvest months, this winter was just too cold and long. His family found their food was running short, and they were sure they would not all last the season. Jonathan and Sarah, being loving and selfless parents, began eating less and less that their children would remain fed, until at last the cold and hunger came to claim them both.
Jonathan greeted his end with stoic ease, and asked only of the world that his children would live and prosper. It was only then that Jacob and Ellah appeared in the pool before the fairy Demondia, and she came to know their tragedy. The next day, as the elder child Jacob went down to a frozen stream to try to pull fish from the ice, the lady Demondia came to him. She appeared as a plain woman, in a soft brown robe, and she sat on a nearby stone eating a ripe pear as Jacob tried to fish the frozen waters. She watched him fish in vain for some short while, and then called to him from her sitting stone.
“It is very cold, and the waters are frozen young man, why do you stay here fishing in the frozen stream?”
Jacob turned with a start to see the woman sitting a ways behind him, and said “My parents have been taken by the winter cold, and our food is running short. Soon there will not be enough to feed my sister and I.”
The old woman nodded, and pulled another pear from her satchel. She held it out for Jacob to take and said, “Take this pear. You may take one bite of it now for yourself, and then bring the rest of it back home to your little sister. Let her have her fill, and if you do this as I have said neither you nor your sister will go hungry for many days.”
So Jacob took the pear and promised to do as the woman said. He took one bite then and there for himself, and it was ripe and fresh. It reminded him of warm spring days and tasted better than any food he had had before. He wanted to eat it all then, but he remembered his promise and ran straight home to bring the pear to his little sister. Ellah was very excited to see the ripe pear, for she had not seen one since the long winter had come. So she ate it very happily, and smiled at her big brother who had brought it for her, and when she had her fill she left once last bite for Jacob, who ate it also gladly. And as the old woman promised, the two did not hunger again for many days.
And many days later, when Jacob and Ellah did at last grow hungry, Jacob again went down to the frozen river to try to pull fish from the ice. After some short while he heard the old woman’s voice behind him again. “Hello again young Jacob, I see you have come again to try to fish in a frozen stream.”
Jacob turned and smiled at the old woman. “As you promised, the pear kept my sister and I fed for many days. But this winter lingers on, and soon my sister and I will have no more food to keep us fed.”
The old woman who was Demondia simply nodded, and pulled another pear from her satchel. This time she took a bite of it herself, and pulled it uneaten from her mouth. She offered it to the boy saying, “Put this on your fishing hook. It is ripe and fresh, and even beneath the frozen stream the fish will not be able to resist it.”
Jacob did as the old woman said, and in moments dozens of fish were clinging to his fishing hook beneath the ice. He pulled his catch from the stream and thanked the woman graciously for her gifts. “You are welcome Jacob. Now go straight home and see that your sister has her fill before you eat yourself, and neither of you will go hungry again for many many days.”
Jacob gave his promise, and began to run straight home that his sister would be fed. On his way he was stopped by a gnarled old wolf. Its fur was dirty and gray, and his eyes were a sickly evil yellow. “Ho there boy, where do you run to with such a bountiful catch in the cold of winter?”
Jacob was afraid of the wicked looking wolf, but stood his ground. “I am running home to feed my little sister.”
“Bah,” said the wolf. “You are the one who braved the cold and the dangerous wood to fish a frozen river. Surely you should eat your share first. Stay here a while, let you and I share your bountiful catch, and I promise you will have great wealth. And when this winter ends you can move to the city, and live as rich men live, and want for nothing.”
But Jacob did not believe the wicked wolf, and loved his sister Ellah. So he took one fish from his bountiful catch, and threw it past and wide of the wicked wolf. The greedy beast could not resist, and lunged for the fresh fish as it flew threw the air. Jacob used the moment to make his escape, running straight home through the dark winter wood. When he got home his sister smiled at him very happily, to see both him and his catch of bountiful fish. And Jacob let her eat till she was full, and then he ate himself, and neither was hungry again for many many days.
And many many days later, Jacob went back to the stream once more, for still this winter would not leave the land. And as he had hoped, the old woman appeared again as he was fishing. And he told her the story of the wicked gray wolf, who promised him riches if he would keep the fish for himself. The old woman nodded and pulled another ripe pear from her satchel. She took another bite, and handed it again to Jacob.
“You have done very well young Jacob, and are a very good brother who loves his sister. Take this piece of pear again, and put it as you did before as bait on your fishing hook. When you have pulled your catch from the river, come back here to me.”
Jacob did as the woman said, and again a bountiful catch of fish clung to his hook as he pulled it from the frozen river. So he brought his catch to the old woman, and this time she pulled a small pouch of silver and gold cloth form her robes. She unwrapped it gently, and within it lay a single iron coin, which she offered to Jacob.
“Take this coin, and stuff it inside one of the fish you have caught. Should the gray wolf come to you again, throw that fish at him. He is a greedy thing, and will not be able to resist. Should he eat the fish with the coin inside, his wickedness will be undone, and you and your sister shall survive the rest of this long winter in warmth and plenty.”
Jacob promised to do as the woman asked, and stuffed the old iron coin inside a large and tempting fish. He ran off into the wood to make his way home, and again came the sickly gray wolf to stop him on his way. “You are a foolish boy,” said the wolf. “You could have had vast riches, and been a wealthy lord among men, and had all the earthly things that you desired. But you would not bend to my will, so now I will eat you, and then I will eat your bountiful catch of fish, and your sister shall go hungry and alone in the winter cold.”
Jacob was very scared then, but remembered the fish with the coin inside. And he said, “But great wolf, I have set aside the largest and freshest fish for you, because you are so powerful, if you will but spare my sister and I.”
And Jacob threw the large fish with the iron coin inside. And the wicked wolf was a greedy thing, and he could not resist. He lunged for the fish, and gobbled it whole, never noticing the coin inside its belly until it was too late. The large wolf turned on Jacob, as if to eat him next, but all at once he howled in pain, and fell to the ground in a heap. Suddenly he was not a wolf at all. Instead there lay a gnarled and ugly looking man, who was small and petty and had always an angry look in his eyes. He lay curled on the ground, unable to move for the iron coin in his belly.
“Bah! You have tricked me,” he cried. “Do you not know that I am Grey, whom some call Fever Grey, and I will not be undone by so young and foolish a mortal boy,” he declared.
But young Jacob did not back down. “I do no know this name of Fever Grey, but I see you now as a small and angry thing, undone by his own greed and a simple iron coin.”
And behind Jacob a bright light began to shine as the old woman who was Demondia appeared. Only she was not old and plain anymore. Instead she was young and radiant. She wore silver robes that sparkled in the moonlight, and her eyes glistened brightly as like pools of the purest waters. On her brow she wore a silver crown, and in its center was a brilliant sapphire, and from the sapphire two wings of pure gold stretched outward.
“You are a brave young boy, Jacob,” she said, “and have laid low a wicked thing filled with poison and pettiness. Take my hand now, that I may fulfill my promise to you, and keep you and your sister warm and fed through this long winter.”
So Jacob took Demondia’s hand, and together they walked to his house where his sister Ellah was waiting. Demondia fulfilled her promise to the boy and more. For his honor and loyalty to his sister, both children were taken to her garden in Arcadia. There they lived for many years where they ate from the pear trees, and were never hungry, and drank from the pool of purest water, and never knew thirst, and always the sun hung warm above their heads. And in time Jacob grew to be a very strong and brave man, and he returned to the mortal realm to become a great knight. And his sister became a great healer, and together they gave shelter and comfort to many children, through many long winters that followed.
Jacob and the Winter Wolf
Long ago, before darkness held sway over the world, and the Fae were still the friends of man, there was a beautiful garden in the realm of Arcadia. The garden was tended by a princess of the fairy folk, a true daughter of Titania and Oberon, and her name was Demondia. All through the garden ripe pear trees grew, so no one there would go hungry, and at its center was a pool of the clearest water, so no one would know thirst. And sitting by the pool under the bough of a great oak tree, Demondia watched over the lost children of the mortal world, so there would always be someone to protect them.
And it happened one year in the world of men that a very harsh winter came that lasted a very very long time. During this time there was a farmer named Jonathan, who lived with his wife Sarah and their two children, Jacob and Ellah. Jonathan lived far from the bustling cities, and tilled hard land, but he was a diligent man and a good father who had always managed to provide for his family. But though he had been careful to store food during the harvest months, this winter was just too cold and long. His family found their food was running short, and they were sure they would not all last the season. Jonathan and Sarah, being loving and selfless parents, began eating less and less that their children would remain fed, until at last the cold and hunger came to claim them both.
Jonathan greeted his end with stoic ease, and asked only of the world that his children would live and prosper. It was only then that Jacob and Ellah appeared in the pool before the fairy Demondia, and she came to know their tragedy. The next day, as the elder child Jacob went down to a frozen stream to try to pull fish from the ice, the lady Demondia came to him. She appeared as a plain woman, in a soft brown robe, and she sat on a nearby stone eating a ripe pear as Jacob tried to fish the frozen waters. She watched him fish in vain for some short while, and then called to him from her sitting stone.
“It is very cold, and the waters are frozen young man, why do you stay here fishing in the frozen stream?”
Jacob turned with a start to see the woman sitting a ways behind him, and said “My parents have been taken by the winter cold, and our food is running short. Soon there will not be enough to feed my sister and I.”
The old woman nodded, and pulled another pear from her satchel. She held it out for Jacob to take and said, “Take this pear. You may take one bite of it now for yourself, and then bring the rest of it back home to your little sister. Let her have her fill, and if you do this as I have said neither you nor your sister will go hungry for many days.”
So Jacob took the pear and promised to do as the woman said. He took one bite then and there for himself, and it was ripe and fresh. It reminded him of warm spring days and tasted better than any food he had had before. He wanted to eat it all then, but he remembered his promise and ran straight home to bring the pear to his little sister. Ellah was very excited to see the ripe pear, for she had not seen one since the long winter had come. So she ate it very happily, and smiled at her big brother who had brought it for her, and when she had her fill she left once last bite for Jacob, who ate it also gladly. And as the old woman promised, the two did not hunger again for many days.
And many days later, when Jacob and Ellah did at last grow hungry, Jacob again went down to the frozen river to try to pull fish from the ice. After some short while he heard the old woman’s voice behind him again. “Hello again young Jacob, I see you have come again to try to fish in a frozen stream.”
Jacob turned and smiled at the old woman. “As you promised, the pear kept my sister and I fed for many days. But this winter lingers on, and soon my sister and I will have no more food to keep us fed.”
The old woman who was Demondia simply nodded, and pulled another pear from her satchel. This time she took a bite of it herself, and pulled it uneaten from her mouth. She offered it to the boy saying, “Put this on your fishing hook. It is ripe and fresh, and even beneath the frozen stream the fish will not be able to resist it.”
Jacob did as the old woman said, and in moments dozens of fish were clinging to his fishing hook beneath the ice. He pulled his catch from the stream and thanked the woman graciously for her gifts. “You are welcome Jacob. Now go straight home and see that your sister has her fill before you eat yourself, and neither of you will go hungry again for many many days.”
Jacob gave his promise, and began to run straight home that his sister would be fed. On his way he was stopped by a gnarled old wolf. Its fur was dirty and gray, and his eyes were a sickly evil yellow. “Ho there boy, where do you run to with such a bountiful catch in the cold of winter?”
Jacob was afraid of the wicked looking wolf, but stood his ground. “I am running home to feed my little sister.”
“Bah,” said the wolf. “You are the one who braved the cold and the dangerous wood to fish a frozen river. Surely you should eat your share first. Stay here a while, let you and I share your bountiful catch, and I promise you will have great wealth. And when this winter ends you can move to the city, and live as rich men live, and want for nothing.”
But Jacob did not believe the wicked wolf, and loved his sister Ellah. So he took one fish from his bountiful catch, and threw it past and wide of the wicked wolf. The greedy beast could not resist, and lunged for the fresh fish as it flew threw the air. Jacob used the moment to make his escape, running straight home through the dark winter wood. When he got home his sister smiled at him very happily, to see both him and his catch of bountiful fish. And Jacob let her eat till she was full, and then he ate himself, and neither was hungry again for many many days.
And many many days later, Jacob went back to the stream once more, for still this winter would not leave the land. And as he had hoped, the old woman appeared again as he was fishing. And he told her the story of the wicked gray wolf, who promised him riches if he would keep the fish for himself. The old woman nodded and pulled another ripe pear from her satchel. She took another bite, and handed it again to Jacob.
“You have done very well young Jacob, and are a very good brother who loves his sister. Take this piece of pear again, and put it as you did before as bait on your fishing hook. When you have pulled your catch from the river, come back here to me.”
Jacob did as the woman said, and again a bountiful catch of fish clung to his hook as he pulled it from the frozen river. So he brought his catch to the old woman, and this time she pulled a small pouch of silver and gold cloth form her robes. She unwrapped it gently, and within it lay a single iron coin, which she offered to Jacob.
“Take this coin, and stuff it inside one of the fish you have caught. Should the gray wolf come to you again, throw that fish at him. He is a greedy thing, and will not be able to resist. Should he eat the fish with the coin inside, his wickedness will be undone, and you and your sister shall survive the rest of this long winter in warmth and plenty.”
Jacob promised to do as the woman asked, and stuffed the old iron coin inside a large and tempting fish. He ran off into the wood to make his way home, and again came the sickly gray wolf to stop him on his way. “You are a foolish boy,” said the wolf. “You could have had vast riches, and been a wealthy lord among men, and had all the earthly things that you desired. But you would not bend to my will, so now I will eat you, and then I will eat your bountiful catch of fish, and your sister shall go hungry and alone in the winter cold.”
Jacob was very scared then, but remembered the fish with the coin inside. And he said, “But great wolf, I have set aside the largest and freshest fish for you, because you are so powerful, if you will but spare my sister and I.”
And Jacob threw the large fish with the iron coin inside. And the wicked wolf was a greedy thing, and he could not resist. He lunged for the fish, and gobbled it whole, never noticing the coin inside its belly until it was too late. The large wolf turned on Jacob, as if to eat him next, but all at once he howled in pain, and fell to the ground in a heap. Suddenly he was not a wolf at all. Instead there lay a gnarled and ugly looking man, who was small and petty and had always an angry look in his eyes. He lay curled on the ground, unable to move for the iron coin in his belly.
“Bah! You have tricked me,” he cried. “Do you not know that I am Grey, whom some call Fever Grey, and I will not be undone by so young and foolish a mortal boy,” he declared.
But young Jacob did not back down. “I do no know this name of Fever Grey, but I see you now as a small and angry thing, undone by his own greed and a simple iron coin.”
And behind Jacob a bright light began to shine as the old woman who was Demondia appeared. Only she was not old and plain anymore. Instead she was young and radiant. She wore silver robes that sparkled in the moonlight, and her eyes glistened brightly as like pools of the purest waters. On her brow she wore a silver crown, and in its center was a brilliant sapphire, and from the sapphire two wings of pure gold stretched outward.
“You are a brave young boy, Jacob,” she said, “and have laid low a wicked thing filled with poison and pettiness. Take my hand now, that I may fulfill my promise to you, and keep you and your sister warm and fed through this long winter.”
So Jacob took Demondia’s hand, and together they walked to his house where his sister Ellah was waiting. Demondia fulfilled her promise to the boy and more. For his honor and loyalty to his sister, both children were taken to her garden in Arcadia. There they lived for many years where they ate from the pear trees, and were never hungry, and drank from the pool of purest water, and never knew thirst, and always the sun hung warm above their heads. And in time Jacob grew to be a very strong and brave man, and he returned to the mortal realm to become a great knight. And his sister became a great healer, and together they gave shelter and comfort to many children, through many long winters that followed.