Fall 314 Council of Dukes: Day 6


The following is read by herald and found published throughout Wayside.

Day 6

Solar Yolan Vassil of the Solar’s Guild was next called to the stand. He proceeded to talk for several minutes with much pleasantry and elegance, and handed out gifts to each of the Dukes. He primarily seemed to be chatting with Duchess Cybil and Duchess Fairfax about frivolous matters. Duke Turnsen interjected that the council serves a serious purpose and that Vassil was making a mockery of the court and should be escorted out. Duke Grimlock requested focus and insisted that all the Dukes return the magical gifts that had been presented. The Solar apologized for his manner, and then spoke briefly regarding the Solar’s Guild, noting that the situation had been complicated.

Solar Vassil stated that at the beginning of the year 314, the Solar’s Guild had owed 713 Gold to various creditors, which His Majesty had almost entirely bought out as a private investor. His Majesty had then leveraged the Guild into the ground, a move which Solar Vassil stated had been tactless but well within the rights of a principal investor. Baron High Mayor Kender Hitchcock applauded the shrewdness of this decision. The armed forces of the Kingdom benefited greatly from this arrangement, as His Majesty had used most if not all of the leverage to build golems, enchant defenses, and stock top-notch gear for elite shock units. This had made His Majesty very unpopular with the Guild’s older membership, as much restructuring was done in response to the financial pinch. Thus, when Duke Raash via the adventurers offered alliance and paid off the debt just at the time bloodshed was beginning in May 314, the Guild, with a heavy heart, betrayed the King and shut down the Golems. Duke Turnsen interjected that if Duke Raash had paid the Solar’s Guild to destroy His Majesty’s property, he could also be guilty of infringing on the independence of the Guilds, as the previous witness had accused His Majesty of doing. Solar Vassil admitted that they had, with great sadness, broken the law and betrayed the Kingdom; thus the temporary dissolution of the Guild and the Guildhouse sieges were all well within the legal right of the King, as they were rebels. However, Vassil concluded, the Guild was now debt-free, and the Solars would not allow such debt to accrue again. Therefore, neither His Majesty nor Duke Raash would be able to exploit nor pervert the Solars’ desire to aid the people, serve the kingdom, and protect the realm. Solar Vassil then raised one hand: “I Solar Yolan Vassil pledge service of the Guild once more to the Kingdom of Wayside as a whole; Long live the Kingdom!” This garnered a heartfelt response from several of the Dukes; the witness was then dismissed, and left with a flourish.

The last witness upon entering the room dropped to her knees until given permission to rise and give her testimony. She addressed the council, introducing herself as Avacyn "Iron Rose," a lady-in-waiting and a healer of the Earth Guild. She began by apologizing for having broken the conclave, and stated that her execution had already been carried out.

Avacyn began her statement by speaking of her belief in His Majesty's innocence, stating that the crimes against Targosia and the Romani of Wayside had been committed by Jonah Stone. She stated also that she believed His Majesty to be innocent in Her Majesty's death, although the members of LifeStorm were likewise innocent and should be cleared of the charges. Duke Eliason stated that the council has decided that the issue of Her Majesty's death was not at hand, nor was the guilt of any particular adventuring party. Duke Turnsen expressed his confidence in the investigation that had implicated LifeStorm, and added that they would have been guilty of the ancillary crime of adventuring irrespective of the circumstances surrounding Her Majesty's death. Duke Grimlock requested that the witness continue.

Avacyn stated that while His Majesty had performed many humanitarian acts to the benefit of many Duchies, he had also acted against Wayside, destroying his people's way of life. Duke Turnsen objected again, stating that the council had already heard too much baseless speculation and unfounded accusations from criminals and questioned the necessity of allowing commoners to defile His Majesty's name. Duke Grimlock called for order. Duchess Crosspick reminded the council that the witness had been accepted at the start of the meeting and that this would all go much faster if the council would not object to every single witness that appeared.

Avacyn continued, telling the council that although His Majesty had not directly called for the salting of Targosia and the deaths of citizens, by not condemning the actions of his advisor Jonah Stone he had shown acceptance of Mr. Stone's actions. She added that she had been sent by Magistrate Amy Hale to arrest Mr. Stone, and that he had claimed His Majesty's support even as he was taken into custody. Duke Eliason asked why His Majesty's magistrates had not arrested Mr. Stone themselves, expressing surprise that the witness would have been sent in their stead. His Majesty angrily replied that he had no idea why Magistrate Hale had done this, stating that he would have Magistrate Stillroot investigate.

The witness next addressed the issue of Black Betty, reminding the council that innocent citizens had suffered due to the blockade. She reminded the council also that the letter had declared intention to attack the isle of Ca La Dorne, declaring that such an attack would be madness when the people of Wayside need protection, not more bloodshed. Duke Turnsen interrupted again, asking for the letter Page Silp had presented to be read out again. The letter was read before the council. Duke Turnsen stated that the letter did not declare an intention of military action against the isle. Duke Eliason agreed, stating that the words in the letter could have meant that the isle would be absorbed through treaties and mutually beneficial trade. Duke Turnsen added that in fact, the council had no reason to believe His Majesty had been telling the truth to the pirate when expressing this intention to absorb the isle of Ca La Dorne into Wayside, and that lying to a pirate was not what he considered to be a major violation. Duchess Cybil commented that they need not speculate about His Majesty’s intentions, as His Majesty was currently present and would be able to comment on his own behalf. The Dukes turned to face His Majesty, who shrugged and stated that although Ca La Dorne would make an excellent ally for Wayside, he had not planned any military action against the isle, and would of course not do so without the knowledge of his Dukes. Duke Raash exclaimed that His Majesty’s words were a pile of (the unmentionable), and the council argued for several minutes before being called back to order.

Once the council had been called to attention, Avacyn brought up the words His Majesty had uttered when calling for Duke Raash’s arrest in the spring of 314. She confirmed Circle Master Marsters’s earlier claim that His Majesty had stated that he would not uphold the oaths he had made when he had become King, and that he had only made those promises in order to gain power. She addressed the Dukes, asking how that sentiment was acceptable from their ruler. She stated also that His Majesty had attempted to keep herself and the other witnesses from speaking before the council, and asked them to consider what he had to hide.

The witness then admitted that His Majesty’s supporters may paint her as a double agent, which would be an accurate characterization. She stated that she had healed combatants on the side of the rebels and the crown, and had shared information with both in an attempt to save lives on both sides. Duke Monteque interjected casually that what she meant was that she lacked a commitment to principle and had wanted to end up on the winning side. Avacyn concluded by kneeling before the council and addressing His Majesty, asking him to think of the welfare of his people and urging him to seek forgiveness for his deeds. Addressing each of the Dukes and Duchesses, she spoke of their duty to their citizens and begged them to consider their lives, and to act in their interest. The witness rose and was escorted from the chamber.

---Harlae Jackayn
Royal Scribe reporting from within the Council Chambers