Farmer Dorin Deertur

Farmer Dorin Deertur,

It was good to meet with you this past Market Day. Please consider our talk in regards to moving to the new town of Horizon in the Valley of Solace. The lands are fertile and we would welcome your vegetable and tobacco crops. The chickens would most likely need to be fenced rather than free-range as there are predators in this frontier town. Now is the time to break ground with us, as you would be getting in at grass roots as the town is under construction.

You spoke of your father being ill, and that you are now running the farm. We have an Earth Guild at Horizon where your father can seek healing if it be your family's choice to do so. Some of the best healers in the land are there and I trust my life to them.

Please give my best regards to your mother Meredith, and let me know if you and your family will be joining us.

Walk with Honor,
~Squire Victor von Gryphon